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National affairs
National affairs
Is a $213 billion budget deficit unethical?
Peter Mares
7 October 2020
The government needs to do more to share the risks during the recovery
National affairs
Australia’s unhealthy obsession with manufacturing
Adam Triggs
6 October 2020
If the goal is to support workers, women, those hit hardest by Covid-19 and the growth industries of the future, the government should focus on services
National affairs
A matter of debate
Peter Brent
6 October 2020
We’ve grown used to televised election confrontations. But do they really shift votes?
National affairs
Left in the lurch by Xi Jinping?
John Quiggin
6 October 2020
Australia’s coal enthusiasts pinned their hopes on Chinese purchases that are looking increasingly unlikely
National affairs
Roadmap to nowhere
Tristan Edis
2 October 2020
By 2030, according to the government’s own figures, Australia will have spent three decades making almost no progress in reducing emissions
National affairs
The biggest bang for the stimulus buck
Brendan Coates and Tim Helm
2 October 2020
What makes for effective stimulus spending in the Covid-19 recession?
National affairs
Looks like Killara, votes like Cessnock
Tim Colebatch
1 October 2020
Will the well-heeled Australian Capital Territory once again vote for the left?
National affairs
Victoria, a fine state
Saul Eslake
30 September 2020
Why are fines so popular in a state that sees itself as progressive?
National affairs
Step one, a liveable income
John Quiggin
30 September 2020
Unlike the proposed tax cuts, there’s a guaranteed way to stimulate the economy
National affairs
How to create post-crisis businesses
Adam Triggs
29 September 2020
With a wave of insolvencies on its way, the government could do practical things to reduce barriers for new entrants
National affairs
Covid-19: where next?
Tim Colebatch
24 September 2020
Progress continues in Victoria, nationally and in much of Asia, but the international figures remain grim
National affairs
Economic coercion: how worried should Australia be?
Adam Triggs
21 September 2020
China’s trade restrictions highlight a serious but often exaggerated threat. And there’s plenty the government can do about it
National affairs
How low can you go?
Peter Brent
21 September 2020
Structural shifts mean that Labor’s primary vote is only part of the election-winning equation
National affairs
Prisoner’s dilemma
Peter Brent
18 September 2020
Joe Biden’s climate policy would have big repercussions in Australia
National affairs
What will the economy look like on election day?
Adam Triggs
14 September 2020
Politics will be shaped by economics at the next federal election
National affairs
Why I changed my mind about super
Saul Eslake
11 September 2020
How one economist came to have doubts about the plan to lift the compulsory superannuation contribution rate
National affairs
Roads to recovery
Michael Bartos
11 September 2020
A half-year of Covid-19-watching suggests the most effective way ahead
National affairs
The gloves are off
Peter Brent
10 September 2020
Normal hostilities have resumed, and the target is the Liberals’ bête noire, Dan Andrews. Next up, Annastacia Palaszczuk…
National affairs
States of emergency
Mark Finnane
10 September 2020
Could the debate over states’ rights to close their borders have been resolved a century ago?
National affairs
Would a job guarantee be
work for the dole 2.0?
David Sligar and Hugh Sturgess
8 September 2020
There are better, tested ways of generating new jobs
National affairs
Most of the world would fail the Andrews test
Tim Colebatch
7 September 2020
Victoria’s new Covid-19 standards would force a global lockdown
National affairs
If stimulus is the question, the government’s tax cuts aren’t the answer
Adam Triggs
7 September 2020
The proposed tax cuts are a weak form of stimulus that would create more problems than they solve. There are better options
National affairs
The end of the goods economy
John Quiggin
3 September 2020
It’s time to let go of our twentieth-century view of economic activity
National affairs
Towards a post-Covid economy
Tim Colebatch
3 September 2020
Yesterday’s GDP figures show there are no soft options for recovery
National affairs
Sharing the caring
Fiona David, Trish Bergin and Kim Rubenstein
2 September 2020
It’s time to recognise the multiplier effect of investing in early childhood education
National affairs
Together, let’s stick together
Peter Brent
1 September 2020
Crises aren’t always bad for governments — federal, state or territory — facing elections
National affairs
Modern Monetary Theory: a solution in search of a problem
Adam Triggs
31 August 2020
Most of modern monetary theory is not new. And what is new isn’t plausible
National affairs
Mission accomplished?
Michael Bartos
25 August 2020
Behind the growing Covid-19 optimism is worrying political and geopolitical manoeuvring
National affairs
The big Apple
John Quiggin
24 August 2020
The technology company’s latest valuation shows how big internet-based companies are using a public network to wield monopoly power
National affairs
Wrong party, wrong election?
Peter Brent
24 August 2020
The electoral arithmetic was loaded against Lia Finocchiaro’s Country Liberal Party in Saturday’s Northern Territory election
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