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asylum seekers
Essays & reportage
Talking about our population
Peter Mares
1 September 2010
The election campaign showed how we don’t seem able to have a rational debate about population, writes
Peter Mares
Essays & reportage
Remembering refugees
Klaus Neumann
20 August 2010
The parties are making promises like there’s no tomorrow and policy like there’s no yesterday, writes
Klaus Neumann
Essays & reportage
The rising tide of border security
Peter Chambers
28 July 2010
Border security has complex effects, many of them unanticipated, some of them pernicious and potentially destabilising, and some of them irreversible, writes
Peter Chambers
National affairs
Howard’s victories: which voters switched, which issues mattered, and why
Ian Watson & Murray Goot
23 July 2010
The reasons for the Howard government’s electoral success are widely misunderstood
National affairs
Boats and votes: more evidence on the opinion gap
Peter Browne
16 July 2010
People might have strong feelings about asylum seekers, but there’s no sign in the latest polls that harsher measures are a vote winner, writes
Peter Browne
National affairs
Boats and votes
Peter Browne
6 July 2010
Labor power brokers persuaded Julia Gillard to toughen up on border protection because they believed the issue was damaging the party. But are boat arrivals really as electorally…
National affairs
Strange days on Christmas Island
Klaus Neumann
24 June 2010
A visit to Australia’s most remote outpost highlights the failure of the federal government to lead a rational debate, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
A vote-changer?
Peter Brent
15 April 2010
Have party strategists got it right about the electoral appeal of targeting asylum seekers?
National affairs
The asylum freeze and international law
Savitri Taylor
14 April 2010
Like the previous government’s asylum processing freezes, it’s likely that last week’s decision is based on an overly optimistic assessment of conditions in…
Essays & reportage
Australia’s expanding borders
Savitri Taylor
2 December 2009
Our border cooperation with regional neighbours has entered questionable territory, writes
Savitri Taylor
Essays & reportage
The fifth ripple: Australia’s place in the global refugee crisis
Peter Mares
12 November 2009
Without more resettlement places, interception in Indonesia is pointless, argues
Peter Mares
in this overview of recent trends in refugee movement
National affairs
Liberalism’s asylum dilemma
Savitri Taylor & Brynna Rafferty-Brown
28 October 2009
There’s a price to be paid if we wish to remain a liberal society, write
Savitri Taylor
Brynna Rafferty-Brown
Seeking an alternative to life in limbo
Savitri Taylor
22 April 2009
Facing an uncertain future in Indonesia, it’s hardly surprising that some refugees and asylum seekers try to continue on to Australia, writes
Savitri Taylor
National affairs
The benefits of incumbency
Peter Brent
22 April 2009
The Coalition isn’t making headway with its asylum seeker campaign, writes
Peter Brent
National affairs
The fifth wave
Peter Mares
21 April 2009
The human cost of turning back boats is too high, writes
Peter Mares
. So what are the alternatives?
National affairs
Back to the mainland
Michelle Dimasi
18 March 2009
Detention practices have improved, writes
Michelle Dimasi
, and it’s time for the government to take the next step
The Mediterranean solution
Annika Lems
10 February 2009
Italy’s new system for processing asylum seekers offshore – with its echoes of Australia’s Pacific Solution – is generating unrest on the tiny island of…
Essays & reportage
After the exodus
Bruce Grant
29 January 2009
The latest release of cabinet papers is a reminder of the political stresses triggered by the arrival of Indochinese boat people in the mid 1970s.
Bruce Grant
, author of…
National affairs
Complementary protection: Labor’s point of departure
Jane McAdam
3 December 2008
Unlike the European Union, Canada and the United States, Australia has no guaranteed protection for people at risk of serious harm in their home country. But that looks set to…
National affairs
The Christmas Island challenge
Michelle Dimasi
5 November 2008
The arrival of two boatloads of asylum seekers is the first test of Labor’s new detention policy, writes
Michelle Dimasi
on Christmas Island
National affairs
Immigration’s culture war
Glenn Nicholls
2 November 2008
Detention reform is just the beginning, writes
Glenn Nicholls
. Labor’s immigration minister now has the task of changing the culture of his department
National affairs
“The very aim and tenor of the bill suggests that it is not worthy of support”
Peter Browne
25 October 2008
Independent MP Peter Andren opposed John Howard’s attack on asylum seekers, and his vote went up at the next election
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