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National affairs
Can Scott Morrison reinvent himself?
Carol Johnson
27 July 2021
The lingering virus has thrown the Coalition’s re-election strategy into disarray
National affairs
Discomfort zone
Peter Brent
21 July 2021
Political authority is a precious commodity. Use it or lose it
National affairs
Reaper redux?
Daniel Reeders
15 July 2021
Fear campaigns might suit government, but HIV/AIDS showed us what really works
National affairs
Cometh the hour
Peter Brent
13 July 2021
We only find out what kind of PM a politician makes once they’re in office. But who’s most likely to get there?
National affairs
One failure too many
John Quiggin
13 July 2021
Sydney’s outbreak highlights the need to make hard choices
National affairs
A little jab, now and then
Frank Bongiorno
9 July 2021
The federal government’s handling of vaccinations shows how much damage has been done to the public sector
Essays & reportage
The Resolve poll that resolves very little
Murray Goot
5 July 2021
How skilfully has the
and the
Sydney Morning
’s new pollster gauged opinion on quarantine, cutting emissions, and China?
National affairs
How we tumbled down the Covid-19 league table
Lesley Russell
1 July 2021
This week’s blow-up between the premiers and the PM was triggered by the latest in a series of bad decisions about vaccination
National affairs
Understanding the Covid trust bump
Sora Park
23 June 2021
What lessons can be learned from the increase in news consumption and trust in the media at the height of the pandemic?
Essays & reportage
The twin pandemics
Melissa Sweet
4 June 2021
Manufacturers of unhealthy products aren’t letting the crisis go to waste
National affairs
When bravado trumps reporting
Margaret Simons
1 June 2021
The pandemic has brought out the best and the worst in journalism
National affairs
How Australia’s Covid-19 debt will look after itself
Adam Triggs
24 May 2021
Concerns that the government’s post-pandenic debt will need to be repaid by future generations don’t stack up
Books & arts
Covid’s political
Rodney Tiffen
21 May 2021
With populists emerging badly from the pandemic, public opinion could be shifting in favour of good government
“Everyone has a horror story to tell”
Robin Jeffrey
12 May 2021
Can the Indian government find the will to turn the pandemic into a “binding crisis”?
National affairs
Is the Covid effect fading?
Peter Brent
7 May 2021
Is last weekend’s win for Tasmania’s Liberals good news for Scott Morrison?
National affairs
The right and proper thing
Saul Eslake
30 April 2021
Josh Frydenberg has moved further from Coalition orthodoxy on budget deficits
National affairs
Who’s holding the hose?
Stuart Macintyre
22 April 2021
Why is the federal government’s record in administering its own programs so poor?
National affairs
Target trouble
Carol Johnson
13 April 2021
Will the government survive the vaccine debacle?
Champions no more
Klaus Neumann
13 April 2021
Our correspondent detects parallels between the fortunes of German football and the travails of the Merkel government
National affairs
Australia’s post-Covid quandary
John Edwards
8 April 2021
| Faced with a delicate balancing of debt reduction and jobs, the government is sending out mixed messages
Essays & reportage
In search of ground zero
Lesley Russell
7 April 2021
Politics meets science in response to the WHO’s report on the origins of the coronavirus
Timor-Leste’s twin crises
Michael Leach
6 April 2021
As the country is hit with floods, Covid-19 takes its first casualty
Essays & reportage
Australia’s post-Covid moment
Geoff Kitney
27 March 2021
Is the time right for the sweeping reforms proposed in a new series of essays?
Essays & reportage
What NASA’s moonshot can teach us about shaping the post-Covid economy
Michael Gill
22 March 2021
It’s time for governments to go on the front foot, says economist Mariana Mazzucato
Books & arts
Sounds of silence
Andrew Ford
15 March 2021
| As the noise returns to our lives, sounds rarely heard are disappearing again
National affairs
Jackhammer nation
Sarah Barns
12 March 2021
Australia has invested heavily in a construction-fuelled recovery, but at what cost?
National affairs
ASIC, the airbrushed regulator
Helen Bird
9 March 2021
Australia’s corporate regulator played a key role during the pandemic. But its critics still aren’t letting up
On economics, America has moved left
John Quiggin
8 March 2021
Public support for much greater government spending has grown in the United States, and the economic risks can be managed
National affairs
Build back fairer
Danielle Wood, Kate Griffiths and Tom Crowley
8 March 2021
For many women, “Covid normal” isn’t working
Vaccinating the world
Lesley Russell
2 March 2021
Sharing vaccines fairly is not only an ethical imperative but also essential to controlling Covid-19
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