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foreign relations
National affairs
Stranger than fiction
Graeme Smith
10 October 2018
Two journalist–novelists compare notes on Chinese espionage
The elephant in the bedroom
Jonathan Malloy
13 July 2018
Canadians find themselves caught in an uncomfortably close relationship with Donald Trump’s America
Is North Korea behaving differently this time?
Justin Hastings
19 June 2018
With an economy in transition, the regime is under greater pressure to reach a deal
National affairs
A Macron moment
Natalie J. Doyle
3 May 2018
Macronmania came to Australia this week, but back in France the president might be facing his “Thatcher moment”
Domestic disharmony
Kerry Brown & Marya Shakil
23 April 2018
India’s Narendra Modi visits China this week as the two countries continue to grapple with internal challenges
Essays & reportage
When Chifley met Nehru, and the Commonwealth’s transformation began
David Fettling
18 April 2018
The Australian prime minister knew that any attempt to resurrect the old British Empire in Asia was doomed to failure
Russia’s war on history
David Hayes
30 March 2018
How a poison attack in an English cathedral city became an international diplomatic crisis
Books & arts
Up to a point, Professor Hamilton
Frank Bongiorno
8 March 2018
| Has Clive Hamilton written what one critic called a “McCarthyist manifesto”?
A return to belligerent democracy?
Michael Leach
24 October 2017
The political stalemate in Timor-Leste has three possible outcomes
Essays & reportage
Beijing’s guoqing versus Australia’s way of life
John Fitzgerald
27 September 2016
Beijing’s role in the Chinese community media in Australia is increasingly in conflict with its own demand for respect
Essays & reportage
Manus Island: behind the wire
Madeline Gleeson
11 May 2016
Reopening the PNG detention centre attracted bipartisan support, writes
Madeline Gleeson
. So how did it go so wrong?
Xi and Modi: parallel autocrats?
Kerry Brown & Marya Shakil
4 March 2016
Is the world big enough for both of them, ask
Kerry Brown
Marya Shakil
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