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independent MPs
Essays & reportage
Disruption (with Australian characteristics)
Brett Evans
7 March 2025
A credible teal threat to the Liberals in Sydney’s Bradfield raises the question: would minority government be so bad?
National affairs
Truth rears its ugly head
Michael Maley
21 May 2024
We all want political advertising to be truthful. The devil is in the detail
National affairs
Watershed election
Anika Gauja & Marian Sawer and Jill Sheppard
11 August 2023
Morrison’s fall, the teals’ rise, Labor’s victory: the editors of a new post-election book survey the 2022 campaign
National affairs
For today, a triumph for Victorian Labor
Tim Colebatch
27 November 2022
Dan Andrews’s government has cause for celebration — and plenty on its plate
National affairs
Calm and collegial?
Judith Ireland
25 November 2022
Labor promised a more respectful, diverse and family-friendly parliament. Has it delivered?
Books & arts
The teal thing
Brett Evans
24 November 2022
Could the success of smart, well-connected candidates realign conservative politics?
Essays & reportage
The battle for Hume heats up
Brett Evans
19 November 2021
The campaign to unseat federal minister Angus Taylor has made a canny choice of candidate
National affairs
Crossbench on a roll?
Peter Brent
8 October 2021
Where do the “Voices” campaigns have their best chances of winning seats at the next federal election?
National affairs
Crossbench dreaming
Peter Brent
10 September 2021
Crossbenchers could play a bigger role after the election, but only one of them is likely to be a Greens MP
National affairs
Good ideas going nowhere
Peter Mares
27 August 2021
Timid governments need shaking up — but the pressure won’t come from the top
From the archive
The accidental senator
Hamish McDonald
20 August 2021
An independent from South Australia is exerting outsized influence in Canberra
National affairs
Malcolm’s war of independents
Brett Evans
14 May 2021
The former prime minister is playing an intriguing role in a closely watched by-election
National affairs
Getting the numbers
Rodney Tiffen
13 May 2019
Inside Story
’s guide to seventy years of parties, polling and politics
Essays & reportage
A red-hot chance in Indi?
Kerry Ryan
13 March 2019
Andrew Wilkie rates her prospects highly, but independent candidate Helen Haines faces quite a challenge if she’s to follow Cathy McGowan into parliament
National affairs
Close enough could be good enough
David Clune
9 March 2019
Far from being a disaster in New South Wales, minority government could bring lasting reforms
National affairs
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves
Peter Brent
4 February 2019
History suggests we shouldn’t expect a surge in Liberal-leaning independents
National affairs
Build it and they will come
Peter Brent
18 January 2019
With looming retirements and on-the-nose MPs, there’s a good chance the crossbench will be bigger after this year’s federal election
National affairs
The personal is the political
Peter Brent
28 November 2018
Julia Banks faces a range of challenges if she runs as an independent — and hers won’t be the only Victorian seat to watch
National affairs
When safe means vulnerable
Peter Brent
25 October 2018
The Wentworth result might not change the Labor–Coalition equation, but it’s a reminder that seats can suddenly fall to independents
National affairs
Thinking small
Peter Brent
21 September 2018
Are the old days of majority government coming to an end?
National affairs
Deciphering Tim Storer
Robert Milliken
25 June 2018
In his first full national interview since taking his seat in the Senate, the low-key independent talks about Asia, the Uluru Statement and the unemployed — and why he still…
National affairs
Senator Hinch, and other preference winners
Tim Colebatch
14 June 2016
Now that early voting is under way, the likely impact of the parties’ preference allocations is clearer, writes
Tim Colebatch
National affairs
With friends like these
Peter Brent
11 March 2016
Tony Windsor’s online supporters couldn’t be more different from the people he needs to vote for him, writes
Peter Brent
Essays & reportage
The insurgent from Indi
Brett Evans
30 April 2014
Inside Story
catches up with federal parliament’s fledgling independent MP
Independent in Indi: what happens now? (And why the Electoral Commission is suddenly under attack)
Brian Costar & Peter Clarke
27 September 2013
Peter Clarke
talks to
Brian Costar
about why Cathy McGowan is likely to serve more than one term, why the Electoral Commission is under attack, and who should lead the Labor Party
Essays & reportage
“Fearless in public service. In sincerity unexcelled”
Jackie Dickenson
26 September 2013
Indi’s new local member Cathy McGowan fits into a long tradition of independently minded country MPs. In this extract from her new book,
Jackie Dickenson
traces the…
Essays & reportage
From little margins, big margins grow
Cambell Klose & Nick Haines
10 September 2013
The electorate of Indi has been changed forever, write
Cambell Klose
Nick Haines
from Cathy McGowan’s campaign
National affairs
The worldly art of Richard Torbay
Frank Bongiorno
14 August 2012
This independent MP rose from thirty-year-old Armidale councillor to NSW parliamentary speaker. Now he plans to take on Tony Windsor for the Nationals.
National affairs
Behind the drama of the forty-third parliament
Norman Abjorensen
24 May 2012
A rancorous twenty months in federal politics has overshadowed the legislative achievements, argues
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
Not drowning, waving
Peter Browne
16 December 2011
Rob Oakeshott still has a lot he wants to get done
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