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Liberal Party
National affairs
Twilight of the Liberals?
Tim Colebatch
4 March 2019
Map the Victorian election results onto federal seats, add a dash of history, and the prognosis is grim
National affairs
The Higgins curse
James Murphy
13 February 2019
Is life too easy for MPs representing this well-heeled Melbourne electorate?
National affairs
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves
Peter Brent
4 February 2019
History suggests we shouldn’t expect a surge in Liberal-leaning independents
National affairs
Timing is everything
Norman Abjorensen
23 January 2019
The clamour for an early federal election continues, and it’s loudest in New South Wales
Essays & reportage
What is the Liberal Party for?
Norman Abjorensen
7 December 2018
History could help the Liberals out of their malaise
National affairs
Warts and all
Peter Brent
6 December 2018
Poor polling figures bring to the surface old obsessions that don’t necessarily impress voters
National affairs
Washed up in the wash-up
Tim Colebatch
30 November 2018
The latest figures show how badly Victoria’s Liberals misjudged their pitch to voters
National affairs
Big tent, narrow visions
Norman Abjorensen
22 October 2018
Malcolm Turnbull’s critics were looking through the wrong lens, and Saturday’s defeat was just the first of the aftershocks
National affairs
“Merit” isn’t working, so it’s time to introduce quotas
Judith Troeth
30 August 2018
From the archive
| In 2010
Judith Troeth
called for quotas to increase the number of Liberal women in parliament. She’s still waiting for the party to tackle the problem
Books & arts
Sound and fury, light and shade
Jane Goodall
28 August 2018
Television |
With just days to gather its material,
Four Corners
found a way to explore the human impact of power
National affairs
Post-coup blues
Rodney Tiffen
28 August 2018
A dive into political history suggests the Coalition will have difficulty recovering from last week’s events
British eyes on Canberra’s mess
David Hayes
27 August 2018
Letter from London
| Australia’s political drama gives Britain respite from Brexit, along with a crash course in Canberrology
National affairs
Secret Coalition business
Brett Evans
27 August 2018
Will we ever know what Scott Morrison promised Michael McCormack?
National affairs
Notes from a prime ministerial assassination
Peter Brent
27 August 2018
Today’s Newspoll underlines how the change of leader didn’t play out in quite the way most people expected
National affairs
Turnbullism without Turnbull?
Tim Colebatch
24 August 2018
The party room’s choice of leader and deputy shows that the insurgents didn’t achieve their ultimate goal
National affairs
Scott’s changing spots
Peter Brent
24 August 2018
The new PM will need to change tack for the third time in his political career
National affairs
Let the voters decide
Tim Colebatch
23 August 2018
An early election is the only solution to the chaos in the Liberal party room
National affairs
The long shadow of 2009
Rodney Tiffen
23 August 2018
Malcolm Turnbull’s first stint as Liberal leader wounded him deeply, with ultimately fatal results. Another change of leader is likely to do the same to this government
National affairs
What next?
Peter Brent
22 August 2018
A change of PM seems inevitable. Then comes a bounce that could be hazardous for both parties
National affairs
A party too divided to rule
Tim Colebatch
21 August 2018
The reckoning has arrived for a party — and its Coalition partner — long riven by cultural fixations
National affairs
Time for Peter Cosgrove to put on the kettle?
Peter Brent
21 August 2018
Malcolm Turnbull has survived a spill, but the rebels won’t leave it there
National affairs
Protest politics
Norman Abjorensen
20 August 2018
Malcolm Turnbull’s predicament reflects the crisis of modern conservatism
National affairs
End game
Peter Brent
20 August 2018
Has the Liberal Party passed the point of no return?
National affairs
Careful what he wishes for
Peter Brent
19 July 2018
Tony Abbott is an unwelcome presence — for the government at least — amid the tangle of by-elections on 28 July
National affairs
The negotiator
Norman Abjorensen
3 July 2018
Viewed warmly on both sides of politics and in the media, the finance minister is playing a vital role for the government
National affairs
Are the Liberals too big to fail?
James Murphy
18 June 2018
A Supreme Court decision on the Victorian branch’s finances has national implications — and not just for the party
National affairs
The Liberal Party versus the ghost of Robert Menzies
Norman Abjorensen
18 June 2018
The weekend’s call to privatise the ABC wouldn’t have impressed the founder of the party
National affairs
Losing a by-election is as easy as ABC
Peter Brent
18 June 2018
The Liberal Party’s national council has just made the government’s job that little bit harder
National affairs
Costello redux?
Peter Brent
5 April 2018
The former treasurer rode a worldwide economic boom to fame; now there are calls for his return to parliament
National affairs
Time for the PM to seize the day?
Norman Abjorensen
5 April 2018
Party hardheads know that a change of leader would be a disaster. That leaves only one alternative
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