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Middle East
The ambitious emirate
Matthew Gray
2 February 2012
Qatar is pursuing a sophisticated modernisation program, writes
Matthew Gray
. But is social and political change keeping pace?
A Palestinian state within a year?
James Richardson
19 October 2011
Although the diplomatic task is daunting, Europe should take up the challenge, writes
James L. Richardson
On the edge of the Arab Spring
Matthew Gray
5 October 2011
Avoiding the worst of the protests in the region, Jordan is changing anyway, writes
Matthew Gray
in Amman
Palestine and the United Nations: crisis as opportunity?
James Richardson
20 September 2011
The debate about Palestine’s UN status could create a new basis for negotiations, writes
James L. Richardson
Essays & reportage
Matters of the heart
Klaus Neumann
30 June 2011
Compassion as a motivator for action is overrated, writes
Klaus Neumann
, but
Go Back to Where You Came from
is a reminder that it’s not a bad starting point
Essays & reportage
One night in Amman
Matthew Gray
27 May 2011
After dark,
Matthew Gray
caught a glimpse of life beneath the surface in the Jordanian capital
The Middle East after bin Laden
Matthew Gray
5 May 2011
With al Qaeda’s influence already waning in many countries in the Middle East,
Matthew Gray
looks at the likely impact of Osama bin Laden’s death on the…
Books & arts
Oil and water
Matthew Gray
23 March 2011
An important new book helps explain why Saudi Arabia is unlikely to experience the same upheavals as some of its neighbours, writes
Matthew Gray
“Rebooting” Egypt
Tarek Osman
3 March 2011
Egypt’s middle class is determined that the revolution will lead to real change, writes
Tarek Osman
in Cairo
Different leaders, different regimes
Matthew Gray
25 February 2011
As much as anything, it’s the complexity of the Middle East that’s become more obvious over the past few weeks, writes
Matthew Gray
Egypt’s next phase: a competition for influence and support
Tarek Osman
9 February 2011
The “eternal brown land” is preparing for a further deluge of political energy in response to decades of growing pressure, writes
Tarek Osman
in Cairo
Egypt’s leaders in waiting
Matthew Gray
7 February 2011
Plenty of people are waiting for a chance to replace Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak – whether now or in September – and while each has their weaknesses, most are…
National affairs
What the WikiLeaks cables reveal about Australia’s leaders
Paul Barratt
23 December 2010
Democracy not only depends on trust, it thrives on it, writes former intelligence analyst
Paul Barratt
. But the WikiLeaks cables show that Australian political leaders…
Global Gaza, Global Ummah
Amrita Malhi
2 December 2010
Malaysia’s Free Gaza campaign is pitched at both international and domestic audiences, writes
Amrita Malhi
Books & arts
Breaking the stereotypes
Sylvia Lawson
23 November 2010
Sylvia Lawson
reports from the third Palestinian Film Festival
Books & arts
Arguing for peace
Sylvia Lawson
22 July 2010
Sylvia Lawson
Hope in a Slingshot
, which isn’t to be screened on the ABC
Gaza: symbol and flashpoint
Sumantra Bose
10 June 2010
Can the Obama administration, bogged down in Afghanistan, rise to the challenge, asks
Sumantra Bose
In the red zone
Peter Clarke
9 November 2009
Australian journalist
Martin Chulov
Peter Clarke
about the challenges of reporting from Iraq and the preparations for January’s election
Books & arts
Beyond the checkpoints
Sylvia Lawson
3 November 2009
Sylvia Lawson
discusses this year’s Palestinian film festival
The waiting game
Kevin Boreham
29 June 2009
That old diplomatic stand-by, “masterly inactivity,” might well be the best response to the events in Iran, writes
Kevin Boreham
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