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National affairs
An electoral anachronism claims more victims
Graeme Orr
18 July 2017
The fall of two Green senators highlights the need to deal with some anachronistic election rules
National affairs
The forgotten 1967 referendum
Paul Rodan
26 May 2017
Fifty years ago this weekend, Australians voted on two constitutional changes. One of them was defeated, and that’s still influencing election results today
National affairs
Wrong time, wrong diagnosis
Rob Hoffman
10 February 2017
The prospects aren’t good for Cory Bernardi and the parties of the disaffected Australian right
National affairs
Parliament versus the parties: the vital next steps for entitlement reform
Marian Sawer & Anika Gauja
1 February 2017
New rules for parliamentary entitlements will improve transparency and accountability. But do they go far enough?
National affairs
Prometheus bound
Peter Brent
18 November 2016
Malcolm Turnbull is just the latest victim of Australia’s political system
National affairs
Another Day in court
Tony Blackshield
3 November 2016
The composition of the Senate could rest on the complex issues raised by the cases of Bob Day and Rodney Culleton. And in the background is attorney-general George Brandis’s…
National affairs
Falling on swords
Jane Goodall
14 October 2016
The government senators who grilled the solicitor-general might have done themselves, and George Brandis, more harm than they realise
National affairs
Uncluttering ex-MPs’ entitlements
Tony Blackshield
13 October 2016
A tangle of legislation lay behind the case taken by former parliamentarians to protect their superannuation and travel concessions
National affairs
We need to talk about the Senate
Peter Brent
16 August 2016
Rather than trying to make the Senate more like the lower house, we could do it the other way round, says
Peter Brent
National affairs
Senator Hinch, and other preference winners
Tim Colebatch
14 June 2016
Now that early voting is under way, the likely impact of the parties’ preference allocations is clearer, writes
Tim Colebatch
National affairs
A Day in court
Tony Blackshield
20 May 2016
Senator Bob Day’s attempt to stymie the government’s Senate voting laws was doomed from the start, writes
Tony Blackshield
. But the High Court proceedings may…
From the archive
A Canadian in Canberra
Jonathan Malloy
10 May 2016
A political scientist spends four months in the Australian capital
National affairs
The crafty Senate stratagem with the unpredictable impact
Peter Brent
3 March 2016
The government’s voting legislation has been significantly improved, writes
Peter Brent
. But that doesn’t mean we know how it will work in practice
National affairs
Turbulent time for Team Turnbull
Norman Abjorensen
31 December 2015
The prime minister can take comfort from the fact that stormy political weather often blows over very quickly, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
Poverty in parliament
Jane Goodall
16 October 2015
Three-word slogans flowed freely during question time this week, writes
Jane Goodall
National affairs
Should Queensland go back to the future?
Brian Costar
23 February 2015
Campbell Newman’s premiership was an object lesson in the dangers of untrammelled power, writes
Brian Costar
. Queensland needs an upper house to keep governments…
National affairs
That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it
Jane Goodall
15 February 2015
Much more than an attempted leadership spill went on at Parliament House during the week, writes
Jane Goodall
. But the script stayed the same
National affairs
What the Senate is telling us about big-party politics
Peter Brent
21 November 2014
The challenges of dealing with a fragmented Palmer United Party are a reminder that the major parties are struggling with low levels of primary support, writes
Peter Brent
John Bercow and “the Aussie woman”
David Hayes
29 September 2014
The ripples of an unlikely row over a parliamentary appointment reach from London to Canberra, says
David Hayes
National affairs
The winter of Senator Faulkner’s discontent
Brett Evans
29 July 2014
Tradition triumphed once again at the weekend’s state Labor Party conference in Sydney, writes
Brett Evans
Essays & reportage
“Fearless in public service. In sincerity unexcelled”
Jackie Dickenson
26 September 2013
Indi’s new local member Cathy McGowan fits into a long tradition of independently minded country MPs. In this extract from her new book,
Jackie Dickenson
traces the…
National affairs
Australia’s unlucky parliaments
Norman Abjorensen
7 November 2012
If it’s true that a country gets the politicians it deserves, then Australia is in a bad way, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
Not drowning, waving
Peter Browne
16 December 2011
Rob Oakeshott still has a lot he wants to get done
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