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The globalisation of indifference
Klaus Neumann
24 April 2017
Despite ambiguities of meaning and history, the Pope’s reference to concentration camps makes a forceful point about our attentiveness
Essays & reportage
They call me Immigration
Omar Mohammed Jack
5 April 2017
From the new book,
They Cannot Take the Sky
, comes the story of Omar Mohammed Jack, who left Sudan when he was seventeen and has spent more than three years in detention
National affairs
As the Pacific Solution unravels, Bali provides a lead
Sam Tyrer
2 November 2016
The Bali Process on forced migration made progress this year, but will governments implement its recommendations?
National affairs
How many migrants come to Australia each year?
Henry Sherrell and Peter Mares
14 October 2016
Attitudes towards a more generous refugee resettlement program are influenced by beliefs about how many migrants arrive each year. But making the calculation isn’t…
Right job, right time for António Guterres
Erika Feller
14 October 2016
A former senior UNHCR official reflects on the road ahead for the new secretary-general
Germany, one year on
Klaus Neumann
12 September 2016
The events of late summer 2015 revealed faultlines in German society that won’t quickly resolve themselves, writes
Klaus Neumann.
Meanwhile, Angela Merkel’s…
National affairs
In search of the “sensible centre”
Tim Colebatch
2 September 2016
What if we took the leaders at their word?
Tim Colebatch
looks at the initiatives that might result
Essays & reportage
“None of us have hearts of stone”: refugees and the necessity of morality
Peter Mares
22 August 2016
The Coalition and Labor both say their offshore processing policies are driven by realism, writes
Peter Mares
. But a practical approach must engage with moral questions as well
National affairs
Worlds apart
Klaus Neumann
29 July 2016
The leaders of Australia and Germany responded differently to recent terrorist attacks.
Klaus Neumann
looks at why
Books & arts
Everyone’s business
Sylvia Lawson
7 June 2016
Sylvia Lawson
Chasing Asylum
National affairs
Trouble on the left of the campaign trail
Paul Rodan
25 May 2016
It’s not surprising that Labor won’t rethink its relations with the Greens in the heat of the battle, writes
Paul Rodan
. But avoiding the longer-term problem…
National affairs
Out of the campaign’s shadows, a hidden reality
Tim Colebatch
20 May 2016
The second week on the hustings revealed false conflicts and unspoken truths, says
Tim Colebatch
National affairs
Pushing the wrong buttons
Peter Brent
19 May 2016
Hot-button doesn’t necessarily equal vote-winner, says
Peter Brent
. The question is why the Coalition distracts itself from its core message
Essays & reportage
Manus Island: behind the wire
Madeline Gleeson
11 May 2016
Reopening the PNG detention centre attracted bipartisan support, writes
Madeline Gleeson
. So how did it go so wrong?
National affairs
Why not New Zealand?
Peter Mares
6 May 2016
The Turnbull government says it won’t allow refugees to be resettled in New Zealand because it’s the “back door” to Australia. Its argument rests on a…
The EU–Turkish agreement: contracting out in order to buy time
Sebastiaan Princen
8 April 2016
The agreement with Turkey is an admission that the European Union can’t solve the refugee problem on its own, writes
Sebastiaan Princen
. Whether it will be enough…
Dealing with Mr Erdogan
Klaus Neumann
21 March 2016
The agreement hammered out in Brussels on Friday creates fresh uncertainty and renewed danger for refugees, writes
Klaus Neumann
Angela Merkel’s line in the sand
Klaus Neumann
9 March 2016
Despite state elections this weekend, the German chancellor is sticking to her pledge to run a “rational” refugee policy, writes
Klaus Neumann
. Meanwhile,…
Essays & reportage
Lighting the dark waters
Amin Ansari
2 February 2016
In his winning entry for the 2015 Gavin Mooney Memorial Essay Competition,
Amin Ansari
shows how social media is changing perceptions of asylum seekers seeking safety in Australia
National affairs
Another cruel twist in Australia’s refugee policy
Peter Mares
24 December 2015
Australia has passed up the option of settling offshore refugees in New Zealand, writes
Peter Mares
Making nice and making enemies
John Besemeres
10 December 2015
Vladimir Putin’s actions in the Middle East reflect his view that all relationships are zero-sum games, writes
John Besemeres
Books & arts
Jane Goodall
13 November 2015
| What kind of species are we? A night in front of the TV had some answers, writes
Jane Goodall
Is Germany able to do this?
Klaus Neumann
29 October 2015
In the third of a series of articles about Germany’s response to the refugee crisis,
Klaus Neumann
reports from the German–Austrian border
Germany divided
Klaus Neumann
27 October 2015
Twenty-five years after reunification, the mass arrival of refugees in recent weeks has exposed old and new fault lines, writes
Klaus Neumann
Merkel’s high-stakes stand
Klaus Neumann
19 October 2015
German chancellor Angela Merkel has shaken off a reputation for indecisiveness, writes
Klaus Neumann
. But can she hold the line on asylum seekers as circumstances change?
National affairs
Not as easy as it looks
Peter Brent
24 September 2015
The pressure has intensified for the government’s top two office-holders, writes
Peter Brent
Essays & reportage
Safe havens: two cautionary tales
Peter Mares
9 September 2015
Under pressure from popular opinion, politicians’ children and outspoken backbenchers, the government has announced an extra 12,000 places for refugees from Syria. This…
Europe’s, and Britain’s, migration fix
David Hayes
8 September 2015
An influx of neighbours is testing Europe’s unity and values, and Britain’s instinct for semi-detachment, writes
David Hayes
in London
Stepping up to the plate
Klaus Neumann
7 September 2015
A line by Angela Merkel helps us understand the extraordinary welcome being given to displaced people in Germany, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Labor’s half-step forward on refugees
Arja Keski-Nummi
11 August 2015
Some encouraging developments got lost in the coverage of Labor’s national conference, writes
Arja Keski-Nummi
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