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South Asia
Books & arts
Gloriously improbable India
Robin Jeffrey
18 October 2013
Robin Jeffrey
reviews a richly researched wake-up call from two distinguished India-watchers
National affairs
“I’ve lost all hope that I can have a life here”
Emily Howie
30 September 2013
Four years after the civil war ended, many Tamils have no expectation of peace or safety in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, reports
Emily Howie
. This is what drives…
Books & arts
Drones in the distance
David Stephens
14 February 2013
Western policies in Afghanistan and Pakistan are based on an outdated imperial playbook and a modern but mistaken belief in “surgical strikes,” writes
David Stephens
Mobile phone nation
Assa Doron & Robin Jeffrey
14 February 2013
With subscriber numbers heading for a billion, the disruptive impact of mobile phones in India could be enormous. In this extract from their new book,
Robin Jeffrey
Taxing times are overdue in Pakistan
Alicia Mollaun
4 July 2012
Very low tax receipts are hindering Pakistan’s social programs and economic reforms, writes
Alicia Mollaun
in Islamabad
How the world warmed to a nuclear India
Kate Sullivan
3 May 2012
India has pursued two curiously contradictory approaches to nuclear proliferation since independence, writes
Kate Sullivan
In the dark
Alicia Mollaun
1 May 2012
Pakistan’s chronic energy shortages are a vivid symptom of the country’s crisis of governance, writes
Alicia Mollaun
in Islamabad
Politics grips Pakistan
Alicia Mollaun
19 January 2012
Heading towards a first round of national elections later this year, Pakistan’s politics and external relations are in flux, writes
Alicia Mollaun
in Islamabad
Sri Lanka’s uneasy peace
Antonio Castillo
20 October 2011
More than two years have passed since the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka, but reconciliation still seems a long way off, writes
Antonio Castillo
Covering Obama’s secret war
Tara McKelvey
15 September 2011
When drones strike in Pakistan, key questions go unasked and unanswered, writes
Tara McKelvey
Essays & reportage
Nine-eleven-itis: crossing the borders of belonging
Shakira Hussein
13 September 2011
Shakira Hussein
travels to Pakistan in the aftermath of 11 September 2001
No time to lose
Samina Ahmed
7 September 2011
Given the fragility of Pakistan’s democratic transition, the need for electoral reforms is as urgent as ever, writes the International Crisis Group’s
Samina Ahmed
Books & arts
How outrage gripped Gandhi’s recalcitrant nation
Thomas Weber
27 July 2011
Joseph Lelyveld’s new biography of Mahatma Gandhi caused a storm in India even before it was published there.
Thomas Weber
looks at the book and its critics
Books & arts
Hearts and minds
Christopher Snedden
28 June 2011
Christopher Snedden
reviews two books – a memoir and a novel – about the conflict in Kashmir
Books & arts
Imagining a new India
Robin Jeffrey
23 March 2011
Robin Jeffrey
reviews Anand Giridharadas’s vivid new account of a nation in transition
Books & arts
The burden of numbers
Jim Masselos
19 January 2011
Mumbai is a big city getting bigger, writes
Jim Masselos
, but amid the crowds the quest for freedom goes on
Uneasy neighbours
Louise Merrington
19 August 2010
A disputed border continues to fuel tension between China and India, but there are also good reasons for better relations, writes
Louise Merrington
Sri Lanka: anatomy of a tragedy
Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne & Stephen Keim
22 April 2010
The belief that conditions in Sri Lanka have fundamentally changed is wishful thinking, write
Stephen Keim
Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne
in this account of the…
Essays & reportage
Australia–India: reimagining the relationship
Robin Jeffrey
15 February 2010
First, let’s fix the education problems. Then let’s recognise the missing link in Australia–India relations, writes
Robin Jeffrey
Winners and losers in Sri Lanka’s long war
Larry Marshall
13 November 2009
Sri Lanka has been left deeply divided by its long-running civil war, in which China played a crucial but little-known role, writes
Larry Marshall
Essays & reportage
India’s toughest contest
Kate Sullivan
1 November 2009
Hope and perseverance drive the enormous number of young Indians with ambitions to work in government, reports
Kate Sullivan
Getting serious about Pakistan
Geoffrey Barker
18 June 2009
Pakistan needs a greater Australian investment in dollars and people, writes
Geoffrey Barker
National affairs
The good, the bad and the Section 420s
Robin Jeffrey
4 June 2009
The Australia–India relationship is on the cusp of something deep and mutually beneficial. It would be tragic if thugs and misunderstandings got in the way, writes
A bed of nails and roses
Robin Jeffrey
28 May 2009
Amid uncertain economic and social times, a revitalised Congress Party is back at the centre of Indian politics, writes
Robin Jeffrey
Afghanistan’s winners and losers
Norm Kelly
2 May 2009
Will the beneficiaries of Afghanistan’s hastily designed electoral system give ground in the interests of long-term stability, asks
Norm Kelly
Seeking an alternative to life in limbo
Savitri Taylor
22 April 2009
Facing an uncertain future in Indonesia, it’s hardly surprising that some refugees and asylum seekers try to continue on to Australia, writes
Savitri Taylor
Looking for Youngistaan
Kate Sullivan
14 April 2009
The eighty-one year old candidate with his own Facebook group symbolises how India’s parties are trying to come to grips with millions of young voters, writes
Kate Sullivan
National affairs
Why are we in Afghanistan?
Dennis Altman
10 March 2009
Is Australia sleepwalking through a conflict with mixed objectives and uncertain prospects, asks
Dennis Altman
And then there were none…
N. Bibile
6 February 2009
N. Bibile
considers the state of media freedom in Sri Lanka following the murder of journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge (pictured)
“Nobody can stop me”
Maxine Loynd
14 January 2009
Will Mayawati be India’s first Dalit prime minister?
Maxine Loynd
profiles Uttar Pradesh’s fiery chief minister
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