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Southeast Asia
Red hot challenges for Thailand
Nicholas Farrelly
7 July 2011
Thailand’s new government faces the difficult challenge of keeping traditional enemies relatively happy, writes
Nicholas Farrelly
The limits of good intentions: Noynoy Aquino one year on
Paul Hutchcroft
30 June 2011
A change in leadership style is only a first step for the Philippines
Essays & reportage
Matters of the heart
Klaus Neumann
30 June 2011
Compassion as a motivator for action is overrated, writes
Klaus Neumann
, but
Go Back to Where You Came from
is a reminder that it’s not a bad starting point
Burma’s quiet reformers
Our correspondent in Rangoon
13 June 2011
An independent and increasingly vibrant civil society movement is developing in Burma, writes our correspondent in Rangoon
Loosening the Singapore grip
Norman Abjorensen
11 May 2011
Norman Abjorensen
sees the first tentative signs that Singapore can move out of the shadow of Lee Kuan Yew
Thailand’s calm before the storm?
Nicholas Farrelly
3 May 2011
Thailand’s royal family faces a divisive anniversary ahead of the next national election, writes
Nicholas Farrelly
Indonesia’s dangerous silence
Richard Tanter
28 April 2011
Richard Tanter
reports on a controversial intervention in Indonesian history, culture and memory
Filep Karma and the fight for Papua’s future
Richard Chauvel
6 April 2011
The detention of Filep Karma – one of more than 130 Papuan and Moluccan political prisoners in Indonesian jails – highlights the deep problems of Indonesian rule in Papua
National affairs
Asylum seeker processing in East Timor: a solution for whom?
Savitri Taylor
9 March 2011
If the regional asylum seeker processing centre goes ahead, the only real winner will be the Gillard government, writes
Savitri Taylor
The last foreign publisher in Burma?
Our correspondent in Rangoon
18 February 2011
Ross Dunkley headed a high-profile foreign-owned business caught up in a web of tensions, writes our correspondent in Rangoon
Family problems
Martin Stuart-Fox
19 January 2011
In the wake of the resignation of prime minister Bouasone Bouphavanh,
Martin Stuart-Fox
looks at politics and corruption in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Beyond Burma’s stalemates
Nicholas Farrelly
31 December 2010
New parliaments and a new year –
Nicholas Farrelly
looks at the challenges for Burma and its democracy movement as the military attempts to remake the country’s image
Thailand’s bad men and the challenges for Abhisit Vejjajiva
Andrew Walker & Nicholas Farrelly
27 August 2010
Thailand has dropped out of the headlines but the long-term struggle for political control continues, write
Andrew Walker
Nicholas Farrelly
Bangkok: how did it come to this?
Andrew Walker & Nicholas Farrelly
18 May 2010
The red shirts’ failure to agree to a November election pointed to a deeper loss of faith, with fatal consequences, write
Andrew Walker
Nicholas Farrelly
Two faces of gender equity in Vietnam
Norman Abjorensen
6 May 2010
“We have jumped forward and gone backward in the space of my adult lifetime,” says one Vietnamese woman.
Norman Abjorensen
reports from Hanoi
Behind the Thai crisis
Craig J. Reynolds
29 April 2010
The close links between the monarchy and the army are holding back serious reform, argues
Craig J. Reynolds
Sects, lies and videotape
James Scambary
31 March 2010
Tension is simmering in East Timor
Identity politics
Amrita Malhi
20 January 2010
Attacks on Christian churches in Malaysia tell us more about shifting political faultlines than about religious attitudes in this multi-ethnic, multi-faith society, writes…
Essays & reportage
HIV/AIDS: the global outlook
Dennis Altman
26 November 2009
For World AIDS Day 2009,
Dennis Altman
surveys the key international issues in prevention and treatment
Rethinking the Burmese sanctions
Nicholas Farrelly
12 October 2009
Despite calls for tougher sanctions on Burma’s military regime, it’s time for a more creative approach, argues
Nicholas Farrelly
Vibrations from the north
David G. Marr
31 August 2009
Vietnam’s experience shows that dealing with China is not an all-or-nothing proposition, writes
David G. Marr
Indonesia’s new leadership: the Australian connection
Hal Hill
29 July 2009
The tragic Jakarta bombings earlier this month should not distract our attention from the good news coming out of Indonesia, including an important Australian connection in the…
Burma’s general objectives
Nicholas Farrelly
10 July 2009
We forget to ask the obvious question, writes
Nicholas Farrelly
: how have the generals managed to stay in control for so long?
The perils of peace
Edward Aspinall
2 July 2009
Former rebels have come to power in Aceh but they now face the twin challenges of winning greater autonomy from Jakarta and controlling corruption in their own ranks, writes…
Indonesia’s Islamic parties in decline
Greg Fealy
11 May 2009
Last month’s election result shows falling popular support for Islamic parties, with implications for July’s presidential poll, writes
Greg Fealy
Thailand’s royal sub-plot thickens
Nicholas Farrelly & Andrew Walker
6 May 2009
Shifting alliances are deepening the underlying crisis in Thai politics, report
Nicholas Farrelly
Andrew Walker
Seeking an alternative to life in limbo
Savitri Taylor
22 April 2009
Facing an uncertain future in Indonesia, it’s hardly surprising that some refugees and asylum seekers try to continue on to Australia, writes
Savitri Taylor
Thailand’s royal sub-plot
Andrew Walker & Nicholas Farrelly
14 April 2009
Once sacrosanct, the Thai monarchy has become a focus of discontent, write
Andrew Walker
Nicholas Farrelly
Lost in translation
Edward Aspinall
20 February 2009
Despite the importance of relations with Indonesia, the government is not backing up its Asia-literacy rhetoric with funds, writes
Edward Aspinall
Essays & reportage
After the exodus
Bruce Grant
29 January 2009
The latest release of cabinet papers is a reminder of the political stresses triggered by the arrival of Indochinese boat people in the mid 1970s.
Bruce Grant
, author of…
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