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Putin on the edge of an abyss
Robert Horvath
20 March 2014
Vladimir Putin’s brinkmanship over Eastern Ukraine could have dangerously unpredictable results
The Slavonic Autocrats’ Club
John Besemeres
26 September 2012
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are increasingly heading in the same direction – away from Europe. In the second of two articles,
John Besemeres
looks at relations…
Towards a Greater Putistan?
John Besemeres
17 September 2012
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are increasingly heading in the same direction – away from Europe. In the first of a two-part series,
John Besemeres
looks at recent…
Setbacks at home, successes abroad: the mixed fortunes of Vladimir Putin
John Besemeres
22 December 2011
A resentful Putin means further strains in East–West relations and a renewed effort to lock in Russia’s western neighbours, writes
John Besemeres
Russia and its western neighbours: a watershed moment
John Besemeres
21 April 2011
Jostling between Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev and trouble with neighbours could play out in very significant ways for Russia and its region, writes
John Besemeres
In Belarus, the leopard flaunts his spots
John Besemeres
4 January 2011
Alexander Lukashenko’s brutal crackdown looks like another win for Moscow.
John Besemeres
traces the latest shift in orientation by the dictatorial president of Belarus
Essays & reportage
Up to my elbows in the grey zone
Maria Tumarkin
10 November 2010
Book contract in her bag,
Maria Tumarkin
set out for Russia and Ukraine. All was well until people started asking questions
Essays & reportage
My mother’s story
Maria Tumarkin
7 May 2010
In this extract from her new book,
Maria Tumarkin
recounts the events that unfolded after news of war reached the Ukrainian village of Dubovyazovka
Ukraine: a sharp turn eastwards?
John Besemeres
7 April 2010
Ukraine’s new president is about to pay his first visit to Washington after a widely noted sojourn in Brussels early last month. Does this mean he has shed the tag of…
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