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Books & arts
Books & arts
The dance of God
Andrew Ford
7 December 2018
| Dance metres and rhythms are everywhere in the music of Bach
Books & arts
An adaptation for grown-ups
Brian McFarlane
6 December 2018
The Children Act
succeeds because of its ideas as much as its narrative
Books & arts
Cosmopolitan storyteller
Janna Thompson
3 December 2018
| Identities are best worn lightly and critically, argues the British-born Ghanaian-American philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah
Books & arts
Fighting on all fronts
Norman Abjorensen
3 December 2018
| A new biography paints a nuanced picture of the man widely seen as Australia’s greatest prime minister
Books & arts
Remembered intimacies
Julie Rigg
26 November 2018
| Alfonso Cuarón’s
reviewed, and a tribute to documentary-maker Curtis Levy
Books & arts
Saving Wagner from himself
Janna Thompson
23 November 2018
Opera Australia’s production deftly undercut the dark side of one of the composer’s best-known works
Books & arts
Fever in the blood
Graeme Dobell
19 November 2018
| Two political memoirs reveal the exhilaration of power
Books & arts
Curiouser and curiouser: the strange world of the global super-rich
Carmela Chivers
9 November 2018
To deal with industrial-scale tax evasion we might need to make our own foray down the rabbit hole
Books & arts
Archive of awfulness
Stephen Mills
8 November 2018
| Teamed up with Mark Latham, Pauline Hanson seems set to again follow the trajectory documented by Kerry-Anne Walsh
Books & arts
Welcome to my anxiety
Andrew Ford
2 November 2018
| The composition was in on time, but was it any good?
Books & arts
Out of the danger zone
Julie Rigg
2 November 2018
| Julie Rigg reviews
Backtrack Boys
Beautiful Boy
Books & arts
Crimes and punishments
Andrew Leigh
1 November 2018
New York managed to stop the school-to-crime pipeline without increasing the imprisonment rate. Meanwhile, Australia is investing heavily in jail-building
Books & arts
The true story of Billy McMahon
David Solomon
31 October 2018
| Tiberius meets his Tacitus in this lively biography of a less-than-glorious prime minister
Books & arts
Asking the right questions
Jane Goodall
26 October 2018
Doctor Who
in its latest incarnation
Books & arts
An exhibition extraordinary in its ordinariness
Annemarie McLaren
26 October 2018
| A carefully thought-out exhibition creates a compelling narrative out of everyday lives
Books & arts
Messing about with boats and billionaires
Robin Jeffrey
24 October 2018
| Two reporters find different ways to understand modern India
Books & arts
Poor white bloke
Frank Bongiorno
22 October 2018
| Is Barnaby Joyce on the rise again? On the evidence of his memoir, things could get ugly
Books & arts
University challenge
Nick Haslam
21 October 2018
| Is the heightened tension on American campuses evidence of more psychologically vulnerable students?
Books & arts
On the brink
Jane Goodall
18 October 2018
| Journalist Gabrielle Chan captures a new mood in country Australia
Books & arts
Can democracy survive?
Shaun Crowe
9 October 2018
Review essay
| Democracies might be threatened, but authoritarian regimes have their own problems
Books & arts
Scandal as tragedy
Jane Goodall
8 October 2018
| Awkward questions are raised by
A Very English Scandal
The Assassination of Gianni Versace
Books & arts
Going back to where we came from
Susan Lever
5 October 2018
Do Sydney’s theatre audiences yearn for the city of old?
Books & arts
The prolific old age of Elliott Carter
Andrew Ford
5 October 2018
| The composer’s ninetieth year was effectively the midpoint of a long career
Books & arts
The light and the dark
Julie Rigg
3 October 2018
| Julie Rigg reviews
Ladies in Black
Books & arts
Globe-trotting possum-stirrers
Sylvia Martin
1 October 2018
Australian suffragettes played a sometimes flamboyant role in the fight for the vote, at home and in Britain
Books & arts
Will a robot take your job?
John Quiggin
27 September 2018
Review essay
| Three new books challenge lazy thinking about job-stealing robots and infallible algorithms
Books & arts
Writers over America
Susan Lever
25 September 2018
| Critics and readers in the United States played a little-known role in the history of Australian fiction
Books & arts
On listening
Sara Dowse
14 September 2018
| Germaine Greer has always been sharper as a critic than as a proponent of solutions
Books & arts
A banker’s quest for legitimacy
Selwyn Cornish
13 September 2018
| A former Bank of England official offers a warning about unelected decision-makers that Australia might already have heeded
Books & arts
Trusting Aretha
Andrew Ford
10 September 2018
What made Aretha Franklin’s voice so compelling?
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