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Books & arts
Books & arts
Dragged behind a chariot, watched by the crowd
Jane Goodall
30 May 2017
| In the titanic battle over Greece’s economic sovereignty, the local audience was the big casualty
Books & arts
The sense of an adaptation
Brian McFarlane
25 May 2017
The Sense of an Ending
reveals another way of translating fiction onto the screen
Books & arts
The first war for country, for nation
Emily Gallagher
18 May 2017
| An exhibition and an unveiling at the Australian War Memorial suggest a willingness to tell a deeper story about Australia’s frontier past
Books & arts
Blueprints for listening
Andrew Ford
11 May 2017
| Is reading music elitist? Only if we stop teaching it
Books & arts
Reaping what was sown
Susan Lever
4 May 2017
An unconventional history shows us personal and emotional engagements with the history of the WA wheatbelt
Books & arts
Ten years of Australia’s best photographic portraits
Richard Johnstone
27 April 2017
| There’s not a selfie in sight at this year’s exhibition of National Photographic Portrait Prize finalists
Books & arts
Ambiguities in search of nuance
Jane Goodall
20 April 2017
| A strong cast and narrative tension don’t necessarily add up to successful TV drama
Books & arts
Making it through the waves
Jock Given
18 April 2017
| Joni Mitchell’s decades aren’t done yet
Books & arts
How unfair was the Versailles peace treaty?
Michael Mckernan
18 April 2017
| A new history turns the conventional view on its head
Books & arts
Rhiannon Giddens and the folk arts
Andrew Ford
10 April 2017
| A new generation of musicians has returned to folk music for inspiration
Books & arts
S-Town’s dark mirror
Sally McCausland
7 April 2017
| This gripping sequel to
ventures into the southern badlands
Books & arts
Perfect isolation
Richard Johnstone
3 April 2017
| Bill Henson’s new exhibition deftly connects life and art
Books & arts
Parallel lives
Graeme Dobell
29 March 2017
| A former journalist and diplomat offers a double-jointed view of Australia’s international role
Books & arts
Hundred-year lives
Brett Evans
23 March 2017
| Middle age is expanding, which is mostly good news
Books & arts
The other Lenin
Graeme Gill
21 March 2017
| Coinciding with the centenary of the Russian revolution, a compelling biography of the communist revolutionary plays down politics in favour of the personal
Books & arts
Grooving but not moving
Kerry Ryan
21 March 2017
| At Port Fairy, forty-plus years of tradition is on display
Books & arts
The adaptable Winifred Holtby
Brian McFarlane
20 March 2017
Out of the unpromising material of local government, Winifred Holtby created a fine novel that went on to be filmed three times
Books & arts
Missing in action
Melanie Nolan
14 March 2017
Australian Dictionary of Biography
is looking for help in filling the gaps where notable women should be
Books & arts
Abandonment postponed
Andrew Ford
7 March 2017
was meant to be a celebration of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s seventy-fifth birthday, but something seemed wrong
Books & arts
A perfect imperfection of her own
Susan Lever
7 March 2017
| Anna Wickham made a distinctive contribution to the poetic experiments of the early twentieth century
Books & arts
Trading on the moral high ground
Jane Goodall
1 March 2017
| Two very different political cultures, and some intriguing similarities, are the backdrops to
Deutschland 83
Books & arts
No time like the present
Nick Haslam
27 February 2017
| Our experience of time has a lot to do with how we balance past, present and future
Books & arts
Lost in translation – or should that be transcription?
Merlin Crossley
21 February 2017
| This account of the latest research on genes and society poses some of the right questions
Books & arts
At the borders of the public domain
Andrew Ford
16 February 2017
Should we borrow, steal – or even beg for – other cultures’ music?
Books & arts
Hanging on
Brian McFarlane
8 February 2017
| Kenneth Lonergan’s latest film steers clear of sentimentality and easy comedy
Books & arts
Workless, or working less?
John Quiggin
30 January 2017
| Are we coming to the end of the relatively brief period in which salaried work dominated the economy?
Books & arts
Micallef immersed
Jane Goodall
27 January 2017
| Released from behind his desk, Shaun Micallef proves to be a gifted explorer
Books & arts
The truth about torture
Tom Hyland
26 January 2017
From the archive
| Outside TV drama, “enhanced interrogation” fails the evidence test, writes
Tom Hyland
in this review first published in June 2016
Books & arts
Comic turn
Brian McFarlane
22 January 2017
| Like all good comedy,
The Edge of Seventeen
takes its job very seriously
Books & arts
Speaking freely
Jock Given
19 January 2017
| How can we protect free speech in a global village that’s more like a vast multicultural city?
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