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Essays & reportage
Essays & reportage
The man who would be premier
Brett Evans
16 February 2011
Barry O’Farrell reached the NSW Liberal leadership by an unconventional route, writes
Brett Evans
Essays & reportage
Lillian and Germaine in New York
Robert Milliken
20 January 2011
Robert Milliken
recounts the fraught relationship between two Australian women who made enormous contributions to the international literature of the counterculture
Essays & reportage
Whatever happened to the right of asylum?
Klaus Neumann
16 December 2010
The tragic events at Christmas Island this week are a reminder of the importance of the right to seek asylum. But the debate about refugees and asylum seekers is confused by a…
Essays & reportage
New grapes and the future of Australian winemaking
Charles Gent
13 December 2010
Anyone for anglianico, negroamaro or schioppettino?
Charles Gent
looks at the growing diversity in Australian vineyards as the industry struggles to cope with difficult times
Essays & reportage
Murat and Nevin and the divided past
Josefine Raasch
23 November 2010
How do young Germans from migrant backgrounds view the injustices of the past?
Josefine Raasch
talks to two sixteen-year-olds in Berlin
Essays & reportage
Designs on the landscape
Glenn Nicholls
20 November 2010
A return trip to East Germany’s Lusatia region, twenty years on, reveals an extraordinary transition away from coal mining and heavy industry, writes
Glenn Nicholls
Essays & reportage
Behind the collapse of Pompeii’s “House of the Gladiators”
Frank Sear
18 November 2010
Despite the best efforts of its overseers, two and a half centuries of excavation have left Pompeii vulnerable to weather and human activity, writes
Frank Sear
Essays & reportage
Up to my elbows in the grey zone
Maria Tumarkin
10 November 2010
Book contract in her bag,
Maria Tumarkin
set out for Russia and Ukraine. All was well until people started asking questions
Essays & reportage
“It’s much more fun in general practice. I can play in any field; I don’t regret it one bit.”
Melissa Sweet
26 October 2010
Talk about health policy reform often loses sight of the people in the system and their stories.
Melissa Sweet
watches two GPs in action in the south-west Sydney suburb…
Essays & reportage
Financing the forests
Stephen Minas
20 October 2010
Indonesia is at the sharp end of the debate about how to bring forests into a carbon trading system, writes
Stephen Minas
Essays & reportage
Everything was Friede Freude Eierkuchen
Klaus Neumann
14 October 2010
Prompted by the twentieth anniversary of German reunification in October 1990,
Klaus Neumann
dusts off an article he wrote in 1991
Essays & reportage
A death in the rain
Peter Mares
24 September 2010
FROM THE ARCHIVE | This week Fijian fruit-picker Josefa Rauluni died in the Villawood detention centre.
Peter Mares
describes a similar case nearly ten years ago, and how…
Essays & reportage
Talking about our population
Peter Mares
1 September 2010
The election campaign showed how we don’t seem able to have a rational debate about population, writes
Peter Mares
Essays & reportage
Remembering refugees
Klaus Neumann
20 August 2010
The parties are making promises like there’s no tomorrow and policy like there’s no yesterday, writes
Klaus Neumann
Essays & reportage
When Marconi’s magic came to Queenscliff…
Jock Given
12 August 2010
The Coalition thinks wireless is the answer for Australian broadband.
Jock Given
remembers an earlier moment when wires-without-wires had their day.
Essays & reportage
Safe Labor? On the ground, Denison isn’t so straightforward
Natasha Cica
5 August 2010
This Tasmanian seat might hold a surprise for Labor and the Coalition, wrote
Natasha Cica
during the campaign
Essays & reportage
The rising tide of border security
Peter Chambers
28 July 2010
Border security has complex effects, many of them unanticipated, some of them pernicious and potentially destabilising, and some of them irreversible, writes
Peter Chambers
Essays & reportage
Drug companies take a dip
Xan Rice
14 July 2010
When GlaxoSmithKline announced a series of initiatives to improve access to drugs in least-developed countries, its most radical proposal was for a “patent pool” to…
Essays & reportage
Two-up, one down
Gillian Cowlishaw
7 July 2010
The law seemed to fail Boonie Hilt, a thirty-six year old Aboriginal man, but there were small victories along the way
Essays & reportage
Shoulder-deep in the entrails
Shane Maloney
28 June 2010
“I pull out my notebook, merge into a cluster of pundits and sidle through.” Novelist
Shane Maloney
was in Parliament House as Kevin Rudd’s time ran out
Essays & reportage
The biographer and the biographee
Jock Given
23 June 2010
The prime minister was angry. So what did he say? asks
Jock Given
Essays & reportage
Nine-tenths of the law
Rodney Tiffen
3 June 2010
Sydney’s media moguls took off the gloves on a winter’s night in 1960 – and the Packers lost
Essays & reportage
Listening to profits
Nicholas Z. Rosenlicht
12 May 2010
As the disturbing growth in treatment of children for bipolar disorder shows, psychiatry’s overreliance on drugs – and especially newer, less effective and less…
Essays & reportage
My mother’s story
Maria Tumarkin
7 May 2010
In this extract from her new book,
Maria Tumarkin
recounts the events that unfolded after news of war reached the Ukrainian village of Dubovyazovka
Essays & reportage
What it means to be a real journalist
Maria Tumarkin
28 April 2010
One reviewer accuses the murdered Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya of being hot-headed. Why has this become a pejorative term, asks
Maria Tumarkin
Essays & reportage
Re-entering chartered waters?
Brian Costar & Jennifer Curtin
22 March 2010
In Tasmania, Greens leader Nick McKim is pushing for Labor or the Liberals to strike a written agreement with his party in return for its support.
Brian Costar
Essays & reportage
Euclidean economics
Kelvin Rowley
16 March 2010
Kelvin Rowley
profiles the leading figure in postwar economics, Paul Samuelson
Essays & reportage
Reading aloud
Ian McShane
3 March 2010
Should the loud and proud rhetoric of public libraries be reconsidered, asks
Ian McShane
Essays & reportage
Australia–India: reimagining the relationship
Robin Jeffrey
15 February 2010
First, let’s fix the education problems. Then let’s recognise the missing link in Australia–India relations, writes
Robin Jeffrey
Essays & reportage
The hole in their bucket
Julian Thomas and Ramon Lobato
11 February 2010
Media companies’ campaign against internet piracy suffered a major setback last week when a federal court judgement let internet service providers off the hook for their…
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