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National affairs
National affairs
Kicking the can down the road
Tim Colebatch
12 May 2021
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and his colleagues have avoided hard decisions about how the government taxes and spends
National affairs
The budget’s still-narrow gender lens
Carol Johnson
12 May 2021
The government has made significant concessions, but a fundamental change in attitude is needed
National affairs
War in the newsrooms
Margaret Simons
11 May 2021
Objective? Balanced? Impartial? Three journalists debate the values newsrooms should reflect
National affairs
Is the Covid effect fading?
Peter Brent
7 May 2021
Is last weekend’s win for Tasmania’s Liberals good news for Scott Morrison?
National affairs
The wait of history
Frank Bongiorno
7 May 2021
Inadequate funding doesn’t explain all the problems at the National Archives
National affairs
China’s gift to transparency campaigners
James Panichi
7 May 2021
Foreign influence laws are highlighting the shortcomings of Australia’s rules for lobbyists
National affairs
Polling’s least-worst option
Peter Brent
3 May 2021
The Nine papers’ well-intentioned attempt to improve coverage of political polls could have the opposite effect
National affairs
The right and proper thing
Saul Eslake
30 April 2021
Josh Frydenberg has moved further from Coalition orthodoxy on budget deficits
National affairs
Hollywood ending?
Jo Chandler
30 April 2021
Amid the relief at Joe Biden’s engagement with climate change, did we lose sight of what’s happening on the ground?
National affairs
Is China’s claim to Taiwan approaching its end game?
Hamish McDonald
30 April 2021
And what would that mean for Australia?
National affairs
The arc of justice
Margaret Simons
24 April 2021
Journalism has a different role to play from the legal system. It begins with reporting the facts as the journalist understands them
National affairs
Labor’s Achilles heel
Peter Brent
23 April 2021
Scott Morrison’s reputation for campaigning prowess could work in Labor’s favour at the next election, but the economy will trump all else
National affairs
Who’s holding the hose?
Stuart Macintyre
22 April 2021
Why is the federal government’s record in administering its own programs so poor?
National affairs
The chant of East West Link
James Murphy
21 April 2021
Why are Victoria’s Liberals stuck on a controversial project twice rejected at the ballot box?
National affairs
Minding the wrong gap?
Danielle Wood, with Brendan Coates and Tom Crowley
21 April 2021
Does focusing on the gender gap in retirement incomes miss the bigger picture?
National affairs
Ebbing out of office?
Peter Brent
14 April 2021
Is Scott Morrison the prime minister to win the next election?
National affairs
Brereton’s unfinished business
Hamish McDonald
14 April 2021
With the war crimes unit getting to work, will Afghan victims be compensated and whistleblowers protected?
National affairs
Target trouble
Carol Johnson
13 April 2021
Will the government survive the vaccine debacle?
National affairs
Ending a thirty-year race to the bottom
Adam Triggs
12 April 2021
US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen is proposing a global minimum corporate tax rate. Criticisms of her long-overdue plan don’t stack up
National affairs
Australia goes it alone
James Panichi
9 April 2021
Why is competition commissioner Rod Sims more exercised than his international counterparts by Google’s takeover of Fitbit?
National affairs
Fully, partly, in principle — or not at all?
Judith Ireland
8 April 2021
Has the government missed another opportunity to genuinely tackle sexual harassment?
National affairs
Australia’s post-Covid quandary
John Edwards
8 April 2021
| Faced with a delicate balancing of debt reduction and jobs, the government is sending out mixed messages
National affairs
Finkel’s road to zero
John Quiggin
6 April 2021
The former chief scientist shows the Coalition how it can shift on climate
National affairs
What to do about China?
Adam Triggs
5 April 2021
Australia is struggling to live with China, but can’t live without it. What can be done?
National affairs
Invisible arrivals
Stuart Macintyre
1 April 2021
The national identities ascribed to Australia’s postwar migrants masked a striking diversity of backgrounds and attitudes
National affairs
Home ground disadvantage?
Ian Hancock
31 March 2021
Will a dysfunctional party organisation in his home state block Josh Frydenberg’s path to the Lodge?
National affairs
Australian media’s latest export
Margaret Simons
25 March 2021
A unique medium for disseminating academic research is celebrating its first decade
National affairs
Enemies of my enemy
Peter Brent
24 March 2021
Liberal preferences could make or break the Greens’ ambitions in the lower house. Will Jeff Kennett come to the rescue?
National affairs
In harm’s way
Carol Johnson
24 March 2021
Scott Morrison doesn’t just have a “woman problem,” he has a masculinity problem as well
National affairs
What went right in the twentieth century
John Quiggin
23 March 2021
Why haven’t we learned more from the West’s golden age, the long postwar boom?
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