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National affairs
National affairs
Time to turn parliament upside down?
Peter Brent
11 September 2019
With the current system favouring gridlock, it’s time to look again at how both houses are elected
National affairs
Three ways of looking at private health insurance
Jennifer Doggett
7 September 2019
Hooked on subsidies, the system is failing. The government needs to move beyond its prejudices about public and private financing
National affairs
Is Adani still playing for time?
John Quiggin
6 September 2019
Native title is the latest casualty of the company’s coalmining plans. But will the project really proceed?
National affairs
Ghosts of governments past
Peter Brent
4 September 2019
Hawke and Keating showed the way — but not how you (and Paul Keating) might think
National affairs
China’s postmodern experiment
Hamish McDonald
3 September 2019
Xi Jinping’s strategy has become clearer, and it needs a more sophisticated response from the West
National affairs
Plenty of ideas, not much money
Peter Mares
2 September 2019
The federal government made it clear at the National Housing Conference that significant new spending isn’t likely
National affairs
If Setka is shaming Labor, is Labor shaming the law?
Graeme Orr
30 August 2019
A Victorian judge has gone against a quarter-century’s treatment of political parties
National affairs
Protecting the economy from politicians. Could we? Should we?
Adam Triggs
28 August 2019
Independent economic institutions needn’t undermine democracy
National affairs
Last gasp for the Packer mystique?
Rodney Tiffen
27 August 2019
His father’s media empire is long gone, but James Packer is still treated with kid gloves by both sides of politics
National affairs
Remembering Tim Fischer
Nathan Hollier
24 August 2019
The former deputy prime minister’s publisher recalls an unexpected friendship
National affairs
Australia’s US–China dilemma
Paul Barratt
20 August 2019
With careful thought and skilful diplomacy, Australia can navigate its way through the confrontation between Washington and Beijing
National affairs
The referendum conundrum
Peter Brent
20 August 2019
Attempts to change the Constitution often fail, but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying
National affairs
Death and taxes
Owain Emslie and Danielle Wood
8 August 2019
Despite the scare campaigns, an inheritance tax makes a lot of economic sense
National affairs
Not what the voter ordered?
Peter Brent
7 August 2019
Australia’s lower house voting system isn’t designed to be proportional, though perhaps it should be
National affairs
Next up, the currency war
Adam Triggs
7 August 2019
Donald Trump’s latest complaints don’t stand up to scrutiny, but the global economy will suffer anyway
National affairs
Judging Vasta
Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
6 August 2019
What can we learn from this widely criticised member of the judiciary?
National affairs
The problem with HILDA
Henry Sherrell
2 August 2019
There’s a risk that Australia’s leading social survey could become stuck in time
National affairs
What the ACCC thinks about journalism
Margaret Simons
30 July 2019
Much has been written about what the regulator thinks of the big digital platforms, but what do its recommendations mean for reporting and analysis?
National affairs
Home truths about political advertising
Michael Maley
30 July 2019
Efforts to bring truthfulness back into election campaigns face real practical difficulties
National affairs
How the treaty momentum is growing
Harry Hobbs
24 July 2019
Governments across Australia are negotiating formal agreements with Indigenous communities
National affairs
Why I support a Voice to Parliament
Murray Gleeson
21 July 2019
An edited extract from the former chief justice’s speech this week
National affairs
Which crisis of trust?
James Frost
18 July 2019
Are concerns about Australians’ faith in politics and democracy being exaggerated by poorly presented research?
National affairs
A Voice to Parliament: how the critics are wrong
Kate Galloway
17 July 2019
At heart, this is an inclusive rather than divisive proposal
National affairs
Adani’s silent partners
John Quiggin
16 July 2019
With no further approvals needed, Adani’s Carmichael mine is all set to go. Or is it?
National affairs
The slippery slope of officially sanctioned lying
Mike Steketee
12 July 2019
It’s time to act before deceptive campaigning gets completely out of control
National affairs
Is Newstart really the pacesetter Scott Morrison says it is?
Peter Whiteford
10 July 2019
Whichever way you measure it, Australia’s unemployment benefit is far from being “one of the best safety nets, if not the best, of anywhere in the world”
National affairs
Can Mr Kevin07 create a winning leader?
James Murphy
9 July 2019
Tim Gartrell faces quite a battle, and not just with the re-elected government
National affairs
Nearly three decades of economic growth — and yet…
John Edwards
8 July 2019
The Reserve Bank is running out of ways of tackling Australia’s economic malaise
National affairs
The secret ballot with an antipodean twist
Peter Brent
3 July 2019
The Australian Ballot almost took over the world, but it might not be entirely our idea after all
National affairs
Whatever happened to spectrum reform?
Giles Tanner & Jock Given
1 July 2019
Should we renovate the process we have for allocating the airwaves, or knock it down and start again?
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