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asylum seekers
National affairs
“I’ve lost all hope that I can have a life here”
Emily Howie
30 September 2013
Four years after the civil war ended, many Tamils have no expectation of peace or safety in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, reports
Emily Howie
. This is what drives…
Two countries, two elections
Klaus Neumann
16 September 2013
Like Australia, Germany has seen a shift in the political middle ground. But there, it’s ended up in an intriguing place, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Immigration’s unanswered questions
Peter Mares
3 September 2013
The immigration department is months behind in answering questions from Senate estimate committees – questions that would provide vital information about the…
National affairs
The deaths on 21 June 2012: WA’s coroner reports
Tony Kevin
1 August 2013
Over one hundred people died in the waters between Indonesia and Christmas Island on 21 June 2012 after repeated calls for help. This week’s coroner’s report calls…
National affairs
Why we would gain from a regional approach to refugee protection
Anne McNevin
31 July 2013
What would a sustainable regional approach look like?
Anne McNevin
outlines the main features – and benefits – of an alternative to the Labor–Coalition…
National affairs
How to break the people smugglers’ real business model
Anne McNevin
25 July 2013
Both the government and the opposition are focusing on the wrong problem, writes
Anne McNevin
National affairs
Attentiveness and indifference
Klaus Neumann
22 July 2013
Two cases from Europe show that there are other ways of understanding irregular migrants, writes
Klaus Neumann
Could I describe you as a Catholic feminist?
Terry Lane
9 July 2013
From the Radio National archive,
Terry Lane
talks to Labor senator
Jacinta Collins
National affairs
Bob Carr and the ghost of Philip Ruddock
Peter Mares
2 July 2013
The foreign minister’s tough talking on asylum seekers doesn’t fit with the facts, writes
Peter Mares
National affairs
No country is an island
Arja Keski-Nummi
27 June 2013
Arja Keski-Nummi
looks at how Australia can take the lead in developing regional solutions to the regional challenge of informal migration
Essays & reportage
Just hook around Tasmania and pop across the Tasman
Klaus Neumann
21 June 2013
Despite the lack of boat arrivals, New Zealand has introduced new laws to deal with irregular migrants arriving by sea. Could it be that the New Zealand government is afraid that…
National affairs
The devil’s in the detail
Savitri Taylor
5 September 2012
Savitri Taylor
takes a close look at the asylum seeker agreements between Australia and Nauru and PNG
National affairs
Wicked problems and good intentions
Savitri Taylor
20 August 2012
The federal government has taken the risky punt that bad policies can achieve good results, argues
Savitri Taylor
in this analysis of the report of the expert panel on…
Essays & reportage
Six days on Nauru
Michael Gordon
14 August 2012
Michael Gordon
, the first journalist to gain unrestricted access to Nauru when it was part of the Howard government’s Pacific Solution, recalls his visit in early 2005
National affairs
Leading the way on asylum
J. Olaf Kleist
10 August 2012
The expert panel on asylum seekers can create the environment for the kind of leadership that has characterised key points in the history of Australia’s migration policy,…
Books & arts
Reconciling rights and sovereignty
Klaus Neumann
19 July 2012
Andy Lamey’s book,
Frontier Justice
, would make useful reading for the prime minister’s expert panel on asylum seekers, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
After the tears
Klaus Neumann
2 July 2012
An emotional parliamentary debate failed to come to grips with why people move and why we sometimes worry about it, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
What has the Bali Process got to do with it?
Savitri Taylor
2 July 2012
The amendments to the Migration Act rejected by the Senate would have reduced the incentive for the federal government to pursue refugee protection through the Bali Process…
Essays & reportage
Citizenship for beginners
Kerry Ryan
16 April 2012
The Howard government made it harder for some nationalities to become citizens, and Labor has made it worse, writes
Kerry Ryan
Books & arts
The politics of compassion
Klaus Neumann
1 March 2012
Does morality necessarily play a positive role in political debates, asks
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Savitri Taylor
21 December 2011
The weekend’s boat tragedy makes the need for regional cooperation more urgent than ever, writes
Savitri Taylor
. The good news is that real progress has already been made
National affairs
No regrets?
Peter Browne
2 September 2011
Labor can’t win against the Coalition in a contest to crack down on boat arrivals, writes
Peter Browne
. It’s time for a rethink
Books & arts
Crisis management
Klaus Neumann
26 August 2011
Perhaps ten million displaced people live in camps, often for years or even decades, writes
Klaus Neumann
Essays & reportage
Matters of the heart
Klaus Neumann
30 June 2011
Compassion as a motivator for action is overrated, writes
Klaus Neumann
, but
Go Back to Where You Came from
is a reminder that it’s not a bad starting point
National affairs
Trading refugees
Klaus Neumann
9 May 2011
There’s an opportunity in the agreement with Malaysia, but the government isn’t likely to take it, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Regional cooperation and the Malaysian solution
Savitri Taylor
9 May 2011
The Gillard government has taken two steps forward and one step back in its efforts to deal with irregular arrivals by boat, writes
Savitri Taylor
National affairs
Asylum seeker processing in East Timor: a solution for whom?
Savitri Taylor
9 March 2011
If the regional asylum seeker processing centre goes ahead, the only real winner will be the Gillard government, writes
Savitri Taylor
Essays & reportage
Whatever happened to the right of asylum?
Klaus Neumann
16 December 2010
The tragic events at Christmas Island this week are a reminder of the importance of the right to seek asylum. But the debate about refugees and asylum seekers is confused by a…
On the edge of an ambivalent Europe
May Ngo
22 October 2010
May Ngo
writes from Calais, where irregular migrants continue to take their chances on finding a way into Britain
The beginning of the journey
Michelle Dimasi
6 October 2010
Afghanistan’s Hazara people, targeted by the Taliban, still have a strong reason to seek protection from countries like Australia, writes
Michelle Dimasi
in Kabul
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