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Essays & reportage
The rise and fall of an Australian dynasty
Rodney Tiffen
22 November 2021
The Packers maintained their wealth and power through almost four generations. Then things went wrong
Essays & reportage
Atlassian shrugged
Hamish McDonald
29 October 2021
Tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is using his wealth to shake up Australian business and politics
Last call for China’s drinking culture?
Linda Jaivin
28 October 2021
China is waking up to the downside of its world-beating level of alcohol consumption
Essays & reportage
When Amazon comes to town
Alec MacGillis
1 October 2021
The online retailer expanded massively during the Covid-19 pandemic, but where does that leave the rest of the American economy?
National affairs
Betting on both sides
Adam Triggs
27 September 2021
Largely hidden from view, cross-ownership of competing companies is damaging the economy and fuelling inequality
Essays & reportage
The dealmaker
Frank Bongiorno
24 September 2021
John Elliott — who died this week — in many ways personified the business excesses of Australia’s 1980s
Books & arts
The art of disagreeing
Jock Given
23 August 2021
“We should be civil with those we don’t know, and aim to know them well enough that we can be uncivil,” argues a new book
National affairs
The Covid boom we could do without
Adam Triggs
19 August 2021
Mergers and acquisitions are booming, but their benefits are often overstated and their costs greater than ever
Books & arts
First, learn the language
Martha Macintyre
8 August 2021
Gillian Tett, the woman who predicted the global financial crisis, uses anthropological tools to probe how business works
Books & arts
Winners take all
Jock Given
13 July 2021
Rules or no rules? The Tech Giants have made some of their own.
National affairs
Australia’s productivity gamble
Adam Triggs
6 July 2021
The government is gambling that productivity growth will soon return to normal. Luckily, big reform is still possible
National affairs
It’s official: debt isn’t the problem
John Edwards
30 June 2021
The 2021 Intergenerational Report marks a decisive shift in Australia’s economic debate
National affairs
Immunity in the dock
James Panichi
10 June 2021
Australia’s criminal cartel law has hit its first speed hump
National affairs
Australia goes it alone
James Panichi
9 April 2021
Why is competition commissioner Rod Sims more exercised than his international counterparts by Google’s takeover of Fitbit?
Biden’s trustbusters
Danielle Wood
25 March 2021
With two of their critics appointed to senior roles by the US president, the big tech companies are on notice
National affairs
ASIC, the airbrushed regulator
Helen Bird
9 March 2021
Australia’s corporate regulator played a key role during the pandemic. But its critics still aren’t letting up
National affairs
Companies after Covid
Pamela Hanrahan
23 February 2021
Has the government’s dislike of class actions coloured its view of listed companies’ responsibilities to investors?
National affairs
The sad decline of economic partisanship
Adam Triggs
15 February 2021
The Labor and Liberal parties are in a race to the bottom in too many areas of economic policy
National affairs
How casual became predictable
David Peetz
17 December 2020
Casual employment can be fixed, but not the way the government wants to do it
Books & arts
Clipping his own ticket
Michael Gill
8 December 2020
| How Lionel Barber rescued one of the world’s great newspapers
National affairs
Follow the money
Helen Bird
5 November 2020
Business figures are taking advantage of ASIC’s internal troubles to undermine reforms recommended by the banking royal commission
National affairs
Out of the office
Andrew Leigh
20 October 2020
Covid-19 could change how we work, for the better and — if we’re not careful — the worse
National affairs
Australia’s unhealthy obsession with manufacturing
Adam Triggs
6 October 2020
If the goal is to support workers, women, those hit hardest by Covid-19 and the growth industries of the future, the government should focus on services
National affairs
How to create post-crisis businesses
Adam Triggs
29 September 2020
With a wave of insolvencies on its way, the government could do practical things to reduce barriers for new entrants
National affairs
The end of the goods economy
John Quiggin
3 September 2020
It’s time to let go of our twentieth-century view of economic activity
National affairs
The big Apple
John Quiggin
24 August 2020
The technology company’s latest valuation shows how big internet-based companies are using a public network to wield monopoly power
National affairs
The ghost of Lang Hancock
David Lee
19 August 2020
Once again, a Western Australian government is at war with a stubborn mining entrepreneur
National affairs
The trouble with “buying Australian”
Adam Triggs
10 August 2020
The campaign risks reducing our living standards and hurting poorer Australians the most
National affairs
Hard-hat utopians
John Quiggin
12 July 2020
State and federal strategies are ignoring where the jobs really are
Summer season
The dictatorship of coffee
Brett Evans
23 June 2020
| We’re not the only ones in the grip of this addictive beverage
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