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National affairs
Wrong party, wrong election?
Peter Brent
24 August 2020
The electoral arithmetic was loaded against Lia Finocchiaro’s Country Liberal Party in Saturday’s Northern Territory election
National affairs
America goes postal
Peter Brent
19 August 2020
Donald Trump’s attack on the mail system highlights how a flawed electoral system is struggling with the pandemic
Right candidate, right time
Lesley Russell
12 August 2020
In what’s likely to be a punishing campaign, Kamala Harris ticks all the boxes
History’s choice
Nicole Hemmer
12 August 2020
Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris decisively shapes the Democratic Party of the future
National affairs
Hard times on the opposition benches
Peter Brent
7 August 2020
The truce among governing parties makes life difficult for Anthony Albanese and his state counterparts
Maybe, probably, definitely?
Peter Brent
22 July 2020
What does history tell us about how the numbers will unfold between now and election day?
A government in denial
Michael Barr
13 July 2020
Despite the many obstacles, Singapore’s opposition made a strong showing on Friday
Trump’s plot against America
Lesley Russell
9 July 2020
Now we know the president’s campaign target: the enemies within
National affairs
Labor’s preferential treatment
Tim Colebatch
7 July 2020
The party’s victory in Eden-Monaro came down to two largely overlooked factors
National affairs
Five things we learned in Eden-Monaro
Peter Brent
5 July 2020
What does a tight result that’s likely to go Labor’s way tell us about electoral behaviour?
National affairs
Who’ll be the real winner in Eden-Monaro?
Peter Brent
2 July 2020
Interpreting Saturday’s result is all about context
Singapore goes early
Michael Barr
26 June 2020
Amid the pandemic, trouble among Lee Kuan Yew’s descendants will shape next month’s election result
National affairs
Spoils of office
Paul Rodan
18 June 2020
This week’s branch-stacking revelations highlight the sharp decline in philosophical differences among Labor’s factions
National affairs
Five weeks have been a long time in Eden-Monaro
Peter Brent
3 June 2020
Labor’s chances of winning the closely watched seat have improved — but don’t bet your house on it
National affairs
Happy anniversary?
Peter Brent
18 May 2020
A year after its re-election, the Coalition is riding high. But how long will that last?
Books & arts
Malaysia’s amazing political rollercoaster
Graeme Dobell
12 May 2020
| Winning elections in Southeast Asia is tough — and then what do you do?
National affairs
No longer a bellwether, Eden-Monaro could still take a toll
Peter Brent
30 April 2020
It’s just one electorate, but it spells danger for Anthony Albanese
American democracy on hold?
Lesley Russell
7 April 2020
In the lead-up to the presidential elections, Republicans are using whatever weapons they can lay their hands on
Books & arts
Always within striking distance of losing
Dominic Kelly
6 April 2020
| The latest analysis of Labor’s defeat last May relies on all the wrong people
National affairs
Demos in pandemic
Graeme Orr
4 April 2020
How should we stage elections during a health emergency?
Essays & reportage
Game of shells
Jeremy Gans
25 March 2020
How the communists saved Josh Frydenberg
Mahathir’s choice
Ross Tapsell
28 February 2020
Less than two years after its historic election win, Malaysia’s ruling coalition is in chaos. How did it come to this?
National affairs
Labor’s biggest climate problem is itself
Peter Brent
25 February 2020
… and an obsession with well-paid miners isn’t helping
Anatomy of a broken taboo
Klaus Neumann
19 February 2020
An election in a tiny East German state has reverberated all the way to the top of the country’s politics
Books & arts
Was the future better yesterday?
Peter Browne
16 February 2020
What explains the apparent success of populist politics?
Delhi’s elections: roadblock or revolution?
Robin Jeffrey
14 February 2020
A setback for Narendra Modi’s BJP doesn’t necessarily foreshadow a loss of national support
The centre that couldn’t hold
Liam Weeks
13 February 2020
We know what has gone from Irish politics, but it isn’t yet clear what will take its place
Whatever it takes
Lesley Russell
11 February 2020
A long week in American politics ends with a president still struggling in the national polls
The Buttigieg insurgency
Nick Button
8 February 2020
Joe Biden is no longer considered the safe Democratic candidate. But will his challenger maintain momentum?
Known unknowns
Lesley Russell
19 January 2020
The trial of Donald Trump will feed into the Democratic primaries, the election, and beyond
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