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foreign affairs
Essays & reportage
The sharp edge of soft power
Graeme Dobell
17 October 2018
Hard news and a free media are essential for Australian foreign policy — and that means we need a new, dedicated broadcasting organisation
National affairs
Australia and India: is it different this time?
Robin Jeffrey
14 August 2018
Along with the vast increase in migration, most signs point to increased cooperation between Australia and India
National affairs
Back to class
Grant Wyeth
2 July 2018
Have Australian conservatives lost sight of the core features of their own philosophy?
Books & arts
Australian diplomacy’s creation story
Graeme Dobell
23 May 2018
| Two diplomats — one a restless innovator, the other “a master of benign neglect” — helped shape Australia’s opening up to the world
Essays & reportage
China and Australia’s fifth icy age
Graeme Dobell
10 May 2018
Relations have been cool before, and will be cool again — though domestic issues are complicating the picture
National affairs
A Macron moment
Natalie J. Doyle
3 May 2018
Macronmania came to Australia this week, but back in France the president might be facing his “Thatcher moment”
Operation South Pacific?
Nic Maclellan
29 March 2018
Chinese blockbuster
Operation Red Sea
features the People’s Liberation Army evacuating civilians from a Third World danger zone. Australian defence analysts are worried…
Putin and Trump: anatomy of a bromance
John Besemeres
11 February 2018
A compromising relationship continues to define the US presidency
National affairs
Withheld, pending advice
Tim Sherratt
2 February 2018
Three snapshots of Australia’s national archives reveal delays and anomalies in public access
National affairs
Our global backyard
Frank Bongiorno and Darren Pennay
26 January 2018
What happens when Australians are asked to name the most significant historical events of their lifetimes?
Books & arts
Inside the tent
Jock Given
7 December 2017
| Is Gareth Evans’s “incorrigible optimism” evidence-based?
Essays & reportage
When the British spied on Billy Hughes at Versailles
Carl Bridge
6 December 2017
… and how they shared what they learned with the Americans
Managing the Hermit Kingdom
Jingdong Yuan
7 September 2017
Beijing’s response to North Korea is constrained by its own security concerns
Herding (paper) cats
Antonia Finnane
5 September 2017
China’s conundrum in the Asia-Pacific creates an opportunity for Australia
Bridging the Timor Gap
Michael Leach
4 September 2017
A surprise agreement in the Timor Sea boundary dispute vindicates Timor-Leste’s strategy
Books & arts
The fearfully pragmatic heart of Australian diplomacy
Graeme Dobell
20 June 2017
| Australia’s diplomatic capabilities are about to be tested again
National affairs
A dangerous game
Tom Hyland
5 April 2017
The campaign to hide the full truth of Australia’s involvement in the Iraq war continues
Books & arts
Parallel lives
Graeme Dobell
29 March 2017
| A former journalist and diplomat offers a double-jointed view of Australia’s international role
“Offensive, defensive, everything”
Andy Butfoy
9 March 2017
Character and content can be hard to disentangle in assessing Donald Trump’s international security policies
We must all be China-watchers now
Kerry Brown
8 March 2017
With the West in flux, China’s nineteenth party congress will be closely observed
Handing the initiative to China
John Fitzgerald
19 January 2017
Donald Trump undermines the global rules-based order at America’s own peril, and Australia risks being caught in the backwash
A line in the water
Michael Leach
12 January 2017
This week’s joint announcement has cleared the way for progress on Australia’s maritime boundary with Timor-Leste
Obama’s nuclear legacy
Andy Butfoy
28 November 2016
Has Donald Trump been handed a large, up-to-date arsenal?
Crowdsourcing terror
Greg Barton
18 July 2016
The attack in Nice reflects a shift in the dynamics of the Islamic State, writes
Greg Barton
. And the attempted coup in Turkey has complicated the task of responding effectively
The price of re-engaging with Fiji
Jon Fraenkel
26 June 2016
Fiji’s PM says his government has introduced genuine democracy, lifted social equity, countered corruption and calmed ethnic divisions.
Jon Fraenkel
assesses the…
Strategic storm clouds
Geoffrey Barker
3 June 2016
The federal election takes place against a background of complex and interacting global challenges, writes
Geoffrey Barker
The Arab outlook: beware the return of hope
Bob Bowker
15 January 2016
The West’s failures have combined with bad national leadership to open the way for the wrong kind of anticipation
National affairs
War games
Peter Brent
7 September 2014
Despite the commentary, there’s no evidence that a significant number of voters want a prime minister on war footing, writes
Peter Brent
National affairs
Bringing the ABC back home
Jock Given
16 May 2014
In the online age, every national broadcaster is an international broadcaster, writes
Jock Given
. So it’s strange to find that the government wants to restrict the…
National affairs
A hard landing for the ABC’s version of soft diplomacy
Rodney Tiffen
16 May 2014
Cutting funding attacks the ABC’s international role via the back door, argues
Rodney Tiffen
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