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foreign aid
Essays & reportage
People-watching in Port Moresby
Gordon Peake
14 September 2024
Our correspondent reacquaints himself with the PNG capital, a place getting a lot more attention these days
“God will protect us, but He still wants us to wash our hands!”
Nic Maclellan
25 March 2020
Pacific islands are building on knowledge gained in previous crises, but enormous challenges lie ahead
National affairs
The hard-headed case for helping PNG eliminate tuberculosis
Mike Steketee
1 October 2018
If altruism won’t motivate Australia to increase spending on eradicating tuberculosis, how about self-interest?
National affairs
Duchesses and overlords
Graeme Smith
18 January 2018
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Maurice Newman share a deep suspicion of China’s intentions in the Pacific. But the reality doesn’t match their claims
Bringing the politics back in
Jon Fraenkel
6 July 2017
How should we judge the success of Australia’s mission to the Solomon Islands?
Essays & reportage
Antonovs, technicals and the insane logic of war in the desert
Tom Bamforth
26 March 2014
In 2007,
Tom Bamforth
left post-earthquake Pakistan for a different crisis, the war in Darfur. As he describes in his new book, a whole culture was being lost through…
Stopping the cheques
Nic Maclellan
22 November 2013
Australia’s performance at CHOGM and in Warsaw this month will accelerate the decline of its influence in the Pacific, writes
Nic Maclellan
Books & arts
Perfect storms
Tom Bamforth
18 February 2013
A new book explores why wars can continue well beyond the point where they seem to have served any purpose, writes
Tom Bamforth
National affairs
Cause and effectiveness
Michael Cornish
20 July 2011
Michael Cornish
assesses the report of the Independent Review of Aid Effectiveness
Essays & reportage
Learning how to live
Jasmina Kijevcanin
15 June 2011
Jasmina Kijevcanin
recalls more than a year spent as a humanitarian worker in the North Caucasus