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National affairs
Wrong medicine
Jennifer Doggett
18 May 2020
Greg Hunt looks set to sign another flawed agreement with the powerful Pharmacy Guild
Tipping points
Klaus Neumann
12 May 2020
Germany’s anti-lockdown protests aren’t only about the coronavirus
Essays & reportage
Shakespeare goes viral
Robert White
7 May 2020
Does our pandemic shed new light on the playwright and his work?
National affairs
Knowns and unknowns
Michael Bartos
5 May 2020
Another week of pandemic responses highlights the uncertainties ahead
National affairs
How Covid-19 is reshaping the way we see healthcare
Ian McAuley
4 May 2020
The pandemic has challenged the idea that “society” and “the economy” are separable
Essays & reportage
Collateral damage
Mark Finnane
2 May 2020
Like the epidemic itself, the policing of Spanish flu controls fell unevenly on the population
Essays & reportage
What are we learning from the coronavirus?
Lesley Russell
29 April 2020
A massive medical research effort is producing almost as many questions as answers
National affairs
Panopticon in your pocket
Michael Bartos
27 April 2020
The government releases its COVIDSafe app, and research continues around the globe
National affairs
Getting to zero
Michael Bartos
21 April 2020
What can past pandemics tell us about the practicality of eliminating Covid-19?
National affairs
Living with the great uncertainty
Daniel Reeders
17 April 2020
Governments can’t tell us
restrictions might be lifted, but they are beginning to tell us
Why the attacks on the WHO are a dangerous diversion
Michael Bartos
16 April 2020
On the evidence, the World Health Organization will come out of this crisis better than its most vocal critics
National affairs
The end of the beginning
Michael Bartos
13 April 2020
As research reveals more about controlling the virus, Singapore’s rise in cases sends a signal to Australia
Essays & reportage
The aunt I never knew
Sylvia Martin
13 April 2020
How a daughter’s death caused by Spanish flu sent a family halfway across the globe
National affairs
Small number, big impact
John Quiggin
9 April 2020
Does the government’s coronavirus modelling understate the effects of the lockdown?
National affairs
So you want to wear a mask in public?
Daniel Reeders, Kathryn Snow, Trent Yarwood and Ben Harris-Roxas
7 April 2020
Here are three things you might consider first
National affairs
Reflecting on the endgame
Daniel Reeders
7 April 2020
If the curve has been bent, the next challenge for Australia is judging the rebound
National affairs
We are the world
Michael Bartos
6 April 2020
Why cross-border thinking is vital in tackling the pandemic
Essays & reportage
Fending for ourselves
Kerry Ryan
6 April 2020
Scott Morrison isn’t the only one whose stocks have risen
Essays & reportage
Fighting the goblin of horror
Christine Vickers
6 April 2020
How the Spanish flu reached the New South Wales town of Singleton
Essays & reportage
Let’s not waste this crisis
Melissa Sweet
3 April 2020
The health system is changing in previously inconceivable ways, but let’s make sure those most in need don’t get lost along the way
National affairs
This side of the brink
Michael Bartos
30 March 2020
Tentative signs of a slowing in Covid-19 cases need to be balanced against the longer-term prospects
National affairs
Ethics in a time of scarcity
Lesley Russell
29 March 2020
The coronavirus pandemic presents us with difficult choices, locally, nationally and internationally
National affairs
Border deflection
John Quiggin
27 March 2020
The pandemic shows up the weaknesses of nationalism
National affairs
Filling in the missing rationale for Australia’s Covid-19 response
Daniel Reeders
26 March 2020
How can government fill the information gap at the heart of Australia’s strategy?
The Covid-19 kidnap
David Hayes
25 March 2020
The virus looks like being the catalyst of yet another British revolution
“God will protect us, but He still wants us to wash our hands!”
Nic Maclellan
25 March 2020
Pacific islands are building on knowledge gained in previous crises, but enormous challenges lie ahead
National affairs
We need a “red team” for Covid-19
Travers McLeod
24 March 2020
Australia can strengthen its response to the pandemic by tapping into a wider circle of expert skills and knowledge
National affairs
Doing what we do every day, as well as we can
Ken Hillman
24 March 2020
An intensive care specialist reports on how hospitals are dealing with Covid-19 cases
Essays & reportage
Taking the panic out of pandemic
Michael Bartos
23 March 2020
In a week of drama, strategies sharpened but profound uncertainties remain
National affairs
Covid-19’s six lessons for Australian healthcare
Jennifer Doggett
20 March 2020
The coronavirus has exposed structural flaws in the way we prevent and treat ill health
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