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A message from the recent past
John Quiggin
25 June 2019
Facebook’s new currency harks back to an era when tech companies were still popular
Books & arts
Be careful what you wish for
Terry Flew
19 June 2019
Why trust and privacy are not the same thing
Books & arts
The tech god that failed
Dominic Kelly
7 June 2019
| Something’s amiss, but has communications strategist Peter Lewis nailed it?
Essays & reportage
Computer says no
Ellen Broad
29 April 2019
The hazards of being a woman in technology
National affairs
Brickbats and bouquets
Frank Bongiorno
23 April 2019
Election 2019
| Twitter has changed the landscape of political reporting, and there’s no going back
Books & arts
A spectre is haunting the workplace
Brett Evans
11 April 2019
| Employers are exercising an extraordinary level of control — overt and covert — over their workers
Essays & reportage
The tight-lipped champions of free speech
Ginger Gorman
22 March 2019
The social media giants say they’re dealing with online predators, but they really don’t want to talk about it
Books & arts
Requiem for the World Wide Web
Tom Greenwell
9 January 2019
| Matthew Hindman offers illumination for a disillusioned age
National affairs
The ACCC’s plan to reshape the media landscape
Margaret Simons
11 December 2018
Can government rise to the challenge thrown down by the regulator?
Books & arts
Will a robot take your job?
John Quiggin
27 September 2018
Review essay
| Three new books challenge lazy thinking about job-stealing robots and infallible algorithms
National affairs
Voices of the land
Jane Goodall
5 September 2018
The ABC is experimenting with ways of deepening its coverage of regional Australia
Essays & reportage
Love thine enemy
Jill Stark
16 August 2018
What happens when you meet the person you’ve done battle with online?
Essays & reportage
Like Uber, but for politics
Dominic Kelly
9 August 2018
The false promise of digital democracy
National affairs
“Of course they say there are no competition issues. They always do”
Julian Thomas
2 August 2018
Against expectations, Fairfax, Nine and the government are running up against the regulator
National affairs
Staying in or opting out?
Ruth Armstrong
24 July 2018
How My Health Record went viral for all the wrong reasons
Books & arts
The great accounting
Brett Evans
13 July 2018
| Are the Big Four auditing companies facing their moment of truth?
Books & arts
Privacy by design
Megan Richardson
4 July 2018
| Badly designed technologies can trap users and thwart their understanding, argues lawyer–scientist Woodrow Hartzog. Good design can do the opposite
Zuckerberg’s gift
Sophie Black
24 April 2018
Facebook’s chief executive made a surprise admission to Congress earlier this month. Yet we’re in danger of letting him off the hook
Books & arts
Inside Cambridge Analytica
Jane Goodall
19 April 2018
| Behind the algorithms, is this just an old-fashioned propaganda outfit with a thick veneer of spin?
National affairs
Withheld, pending advice
Tim Sherratt
2 February 2018
Three snapshots of Australia’s national archives reveal delays and anomalies in public access
National affairs
Bitcoin’s zero-sum game
John Quiggin
24 January 2018
The quicker the cryptocurrency reaches its true value the better
Essays & reportage
In the belly of the beast
Tim Dunlop
16 January 2018
As Uber picks itself up after another legal blow — this time from the European Court of Justice — an ambivalent observer recalls a visit to the company’s Australian head…
National affairs
Big picture, few hilltops
Margaret Simons
14 November 2017
Where is the ABC heading? Michelle Guthrie’s latest announcement doesn’t make the future much clearer
Essays & reportage
5G’s new frontier
Jock Given
23 October 2017
From the archive
| Backers of 5G promise breathtaking speed and ultra-reliability. But does Australia need its own vision for the new wireless networks?
Google’s ad problem and the future of online media
Ramon Lobato
31 March 2017
The YouTube advertising controversy has wider implications for how content is paid for
The stratifying internet
Julian Thomas
18 November 2016
Internet connections have surged in the region, but cost has re-emerged as a constraint for many users
Cultural politics on demand
Ramon Lobato
31 May 2016
Should Netflix and other streaming services be required to promote local content? New developments in Europe are reviving old debates about national culture, writes
Ramon Lobato
National affairs
3D, yes. But DIY? Not so much
Angela Daly
11 May 2016
The 3D printing revolution might not be as sweeping as the headlines suggest, argues
Angela Daly
. But that doesn’t mean it won’t change the way manufacturing works
Was the ABC shanghaied by Beijing?
John Fitzgerald
18 April 2016
China needs no help in silencing its critics at home and abroad. So how did Australia come to be part of the problem, asks
John Fitzgerald
From the archive
The Independent, a restless farewell
David Hayes
25 March 2016
The last print run of a once vital newspaper has been hailed as a digital ascent. But it’s more complicated than that
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