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Liberal National Party
National affairs
Queensland to the rescue?
Peter Brent
7 February 2025
History suggests Labor’s state election loss in the Sunshine State last October might — just might — work in Anthony Albanese’s favour
National affairs
Why is Labor contesting Fadden?
Peter Brent
13 July 2023
History isn’t encouraging, but perhaps the government is playing a long game
National affairs
Queensland and Victoria: which is really the odd state out?
Tim Colebatch
6 April 2023
Recent election results tell a story Peter Dutton doesn’t want to hear
National affairs
Shock turns to surprise
Norman Abjorensen
26 July 2021
The fallout from Queensland’s Liberal–National merger continues with the resignation of former premier Campbell Newman
National affairs
Who is Santo Santoro?
Paul Williams
12 April 2019
The one-time Liberal senator was back in the news this week after cash-for-access revelations involving home affairs minister Peter Dutton
National affairs
The Coalition goes existential
Peter Brent
17 February 2018
The week’s events raise the age-old mystery: exactly what is this strange beast?
National affairs
Broad church blues
Paul Rodan
21 December 2017
The Coalition has weathered periods of disunity before, but this time there’s the added problem of ructions within the National Party
National affairs
Prime minister in waiting?
Norman Abjorensen
21 June 2017
It would be a mistake not to take Peter Dutton MP seriously
Queensland: how it happened and what it means
Peter Clarke
1 February 2015
As the count continues on the day after the election,
Inside Story
’s election analyst
Brian Costar
talks to
Peter Clarke
about a remarkable result and its national repercussions
National affairs
Campbell Newman and the ghost of Joh Bjelke-Petersen
Brian Costar
30 January 2015
The Liberal National Party forgot it was governing in the twenty-first century, writes
Brian Costar
. The results have been disastrous
National affairs
The LNP’s traction challenge
Norman Abjorensen
26 March 2009
History and geography suggest that Queensland’s Liberal National Party needs to think hard about its future, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
Close, but not close enough
Brian Costar
18 March 2009
Lawrence Springborg has a glimpse of the summit, but the polls suggest he won’t get there this time, writes
Brian Costar
Essays & reportage
Campaigning in turbulent times
Peter Mares
18 March 2009
Far North Queensland won’t decide Saturday’s state election, but it’s a barometer of the stresses brought on by the economic downturn, reports
State of anticipation
Peter Clarke
15 March 2009
Brian Costar
discusses next Saturday’s Queensland election with
Peter Clarke
National affairs
New name, old animosities?
Brian Costar
24 February 2009
The Queensland election is the first test for the new Liberal National Party, writes
Brian Costar
, and it has quite a fight on its hands