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Liberal Party
National affairs
Thinking the once-unthinkable in New South Wales
David Clune
4 March 2015
Is a Labor victory possible?
David Clune
looks at what’s working in Mike Baird’s favour, and what isn’t
National affairs
Abbott’s epitaphs
Tom Griffiths
15 February 2015
Making sense of the premature passing of another elected prime minister will influence the fate of his successors, writes
Tom Griffiths
National affairs
Can Abbott change?
Norman Abjorensen
12 February 2015
Other leaders have overcome bigger setbacks, writes
Norman Abjorensen.
But the signs aren’t good
National affairs
Thinking of dumping a prime minister? History isn’t encouraging
Rodney Tiffen
8 February 2015
Eighteen PMs or premiers have been forcibly removed since 1970, writes
Rodney Tiffen
. In just two cases, the result was a clear win at the following election
National affairs
Conservatives in crisis
Norman Abjorensen
3 February 2015
Australia’s conservative parties have always struggled to balance their priorities with the need for broader electoral appeal, writes
Norman Abjorensen
Three elections and a hypothesis
Peter Clarke
22 January 2015
The Coalition lost in Victoria and looks like doing less well than expected in Queensland and New South Wales.
Peter Clarke
discusses why, and what it says about the…
Books & arts
Strategic omissions
Rodney Tiffen
8 January 2015
| John Howard’s view of the Menzies years is partial in important respects, but he offers a valuable perspective on an important period
National affairs
“He could never inspire devotion in his followers, nor the feeling that he was the essential man”
Norman Abjorensen
15 December 2014
One hundred years ago Joseph Cook made a mess of being prime minister. The parallels with today are striking, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
Bragging rights
Peter Brent
11 December 2014
Being in government is a chance to make the case that you’re a world-class economic manager, writes
Peter Brent
. Labor forgot that fact and will keep suffering the results
National affairs
After Abbott?
Norman Abjorensen
9 December 2014
A lean field of leadership contenders could help the prime minister hang onto his job, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
More reasons why the Abbott budget is so hard to sell
Tim Colebatch
5 December 2014
The budget’s shortcomings don’t end with the fairness problem, writes
Tim Colebatch
National affairs
Gap year
Peter Browne
28 November 2014
The polls are showing how far the Coalition has drifted from the mainstream, writes
Peter Browne
. The problems go back to well before the May budget
National affairs
What the Senate is telling us about big-party politics
Peter Brent
21 November 2014
The challenges of dealing with a fragmented Palmer United Party are a reminder that the major parties are struggling with low levels of primary support, writes
Peter Brent
National affairs
Tiger by the tail
Norman Abjorensen
18 November 2014
In the long run, the enemy of my enemy isn’t always my friend, writes
Norman Abjorensen
. It’s a mistake that’s proving costly for the Liberals
National affairs
The GST trap
Peter Brent
30 October 2014
Opposing changes to the GST is unlikely to benefit Labor’s election prospects
Books & arts
How Hamer made it happen
Judith Brett
27 October 2014
Dick Hamer’s election as Victorian Liberal leader was a seachange in the state’s politics and culture, writes
Judith Brett
National affairs
Labor, the Coalition and the problem of political identity
Norman Abjorensen
12 August 2014
Labor and the Coalition are caught between vying for the middle ground and differentiating themselves in the political marketplace. Behind it all, there’s one vital…
National affairs
The Abbott government’s war on transparency
Rodney Tiffen
5 June 2014
There’s a worrying thread running through decisionmaking in Canberra, writes
Rodney Tiffen
National affairs
When Gough Whitlam helped out with the woodchopping
Paul Rodan
22 May 2014
Poorly judged preselections are a problem for both major parties, writes
Paul Rodan
, and the electoral implications are becoming clearer
National affairs
Joe Hockey and the ghost of Bob Menzies
Norman Abjorensen
14 May 2014
This week’s budget raises the question of whom the Liberal Party now represents, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
What does the Liberal Party stand for?
Peter Browne
24 December 2013
Like his recent predecessors, Tony Abbott came to office without a clear mandate, writes
Peter Browne
. That’s turned out to be bad politics and bad for the Liberal Party
National affairs
Yes, it is our ABC
Rodney Tiffen
5 December 2013
The gulf between the views of the public and the ABC’s vocal critics is large and growing, writes
Rodney Tiffen
National affairs
Government by the old, for the old?
Rodney Tiffen
27 November 2013
The politics of the ageing electorate is complicating government responses to the ageing society, writes
Rodney Tiffen
National affairs
Challenges for the Abbott agenda
Norman Abjorensen
10 September 2013
Despite the pundits, it won’t be business as usual under the Coalition, says
Norman Abjorensen
. But the Senate will determine much of the style and rate of change
Essays & reportage
Rudd 1987 or Abbott 1996?
Stephen Mills
20 August 2013
Has Labor’s campaign taken a fatal turn? History shows that divided control of campaign messages can be a disaster, writes
Stephen Mills
National affairs
Is the enemy of my friend always my enemy?
Paul Rodan
7 March 2013
Do all Labor voters prefer the Greens to the Liberals? Do National Party voters opt for the Liberals if their own party isn’t running? What evidence we have suggests the…
National affairs
The electoral calculus of campaign oxygen
Norman Abjorensen
31 January 2013
For more than a quarter of a century, short election campaigns have been the norm, writes
Norman Abjorensen
. Julia Gillard’s announcement recalls longer, and…
National affairs
Tony Abbott and the challenge of a Green-controlled Senate
Norman Abjorensen
4 September 2012
It looks likely that the Greens will still hold the balance of power in the Senate after the next election.
Norman Abjorensen
looks at the numbers and asks: how would…
From the archive
Dick Casey’s forgotten people
Stephen Mills
25 July 2012
The Liberals’ innovative 1949 election campaign offered voters an alternative worldview
National affairs
One way to lose an election
Norman Abjorensen
8 May 2012
Was it the economics or the politics of John Hewson’s Fightback! strategy that failed, asks
Norman Abjorensen
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