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National affairs
The worst draft of history
Peter Brent
31 March 2020
Highly strung journalists aren’t doing anyone any favours tweeting about Covid-19
National affairs
Filling in the missing rationale for Australia’s Covid-19 response
Daniel Reeders
26 March 2020
How can government fill the information gap at the heart of Australia’s strategy?
National affairs
Covid-19’s six lessons for Australian healthcare
Jennifer Doggett
20 March 2020
The coronavirus has exposed structural flaws in the way we prevent and treat ill health
Essays & reportage
The age of the news agency needn’t be over
Rodney Tiffen
19 March 2020
Vital reasons for the rise of Reuters, Australian Associated Press and other agencies haven’t gone away
Essays & reportage
Public messaging when it matters most
Matthew Sussex
12 March 2020
What are the lessons of overseas Covid-19 responses for Australian policymakers?
National affairs
Off the wire
Susan Forde
5 March 2020
Conceived as a locally oriented source of world news, Australian Associated Press has fallen victim to a changing media landscape
National affairs
Publishers, platforms and policy détente
James Meese
20 February 2020
As the implications of the ACCC’s recommendations on digital platforms continue to unfold, the political challenges aren’t getting any easier
National affairs
Millennial madness
John Quiggin
10 February 2020
Which generation has the biggest stake in the absurdities of the generation game?
Books & arts
“Its appetites were his appetites; its mentality was his mentality”
Matthew Ricketson
29 January 2020
| To an alarming degree, reality TV matches how Donald Trump sees the world
Britain’s elusive epic
David Hayes
11 December 2019
A fragmented election campaign nears its big reveal
National affairs
The Morrison playbook
Rodney Tiffen
4 October 2019
The prime minister’s style has proved effective so far, but does it contain the seeds of its own failure?
Books & arts
What makes the rich different
Jane Goodall
9 September 2019
| Wealth is a means rather than an end in the second season of
National affairs
Last gasp for the Packer mystique?
Rodney Tiffen
27 August 2019
His father’s media empire is long gone, but James Packer is still treated with kid gloves by both sides of politics
National affairs
What the ACCC thinks about journalism
Margaret Simons
30 July 2019
Much has been written about what the regulator thinks of the big digital platforms, but what do its recommendations mean for reporting and analysis?
Books & arts
Doing the dirty work
Jane Goodall
24 July 2019
| Does
The Loudest Voice
let the former Fox News supremo off too lightly?
National affairs
Which crisis of trust?
James Frost
18 July 2019
Are concerns about Australians’ faith in politics and democracy being exaggerated by poorly presented research?
Essays & reportage
On the Age’s river of gold
Iola Mathews
21 June 2019
| A former journalist recalls life on the newspaper during the era of legendary editor Graham Perkin
National affairs
Liberals taking liberties
Norman Abjorensen
13 June 2019
The longstanding conflict between the Liberal Party’s conservative and liberal wings continues
National affairs
Notes on an election
Peter Brent
7 June 2019
Dust settled, our correspondent pokes through the rubble
National affairs
Shooting the messengers
Hamish McDonald
6 June 2019
This week’s AFP raids fit a pattern of crackdowns under the Coalition
Is it curtains for Italy’s master semioticians of the airwaves?
James Panichi
2 May 2019
The Radical Party’s broadcasting arm has been taking transparency seriously for more than four decades
National affairs
Brickbats and bouquets
Frank Bongiorno
23 April 2019
Election 2019
| Twitter has changed the landscape of political reporting, and there’s no going back
National affairs
Fights of our lives
Peter Browne
23 April 2019
How trust cuts both ways, how a British psephologist observed Australia, and how the tabloids are losing their power
Essays & reportage
WikiLeaks deconstructed
Rodney Tiffen
18 April 2019
The upsides and downsides of the organisation and its controversial founder
National affairs
Fraying empire
Rodney Tiffen
9 April 2019
New York Times
has illuminated a key period in the evolution of Rupert Murdoch’s businesses, but its coverage of the mogul’s Australian activities is less helpful
National affairs
How to sentence a priest
Jeremy Gans
19 March 2019
The Pell sentencing raises challenging questions about cases involving authority figures
National affairs
Ending the franchise to exploit your franchisees
Tim Colebatch
15 March 2019
Only the
and its siblings recognised the big story of the day
National affairs
Pell’s freeze is over
Jeremy Gans
27 February 2019
In this case, above all, justice needed to be seen to be done
It’ll take more than one “good election” to fix America’s political culture
Rodney Tiffen
7 February 2019
How the United States has become more divided and out-of-step, in three charts
National affairs
For sale: a local paper near you
Margaret Simons
3 February 2019
Private equity forms are reported to be circling the regional papers Nine Entertainment inherited from Fairfax. What is at stake?
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