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National affairs
This side of the brink
Michael Bartos
30 March 2020
Tentative signs of a slowing in Covid-19 cases need to be balanced against the longer-term prospects
National affairs
Ethics in a time of scarcity
Lesley Russell
29 March 2020
The coronavirus pandemic presents us with difficult choices, locally, nationally and internationally
Singapore’s early warning
Michael Barr
29 March 2020
The city state learned vital lessons from its slow response to SARS, but is politics starting to interfere?
The Covid-19 kidnap
David Hayes
25 March 2020
The virus looks like being the catalyst of yet another British revolution
“God will protect us, but He still wants us to wash our hands!”
Nic Maclellan
25 March 2020
Pacific islands are building on knowledge gained in previous crises, but enormous challenges lie ahead
National affairs
Doing what we do every day, as well as we can
Ken Hillman
24 March 2020
An intensive care specialist reports on how hospitals are dealing with Covid-19 cases
Essays & reportage
Taking the panic out of pandemic
Michael Bartos
23 March 2020
In a week of drama, strategies sharpened but profound uncertainties remain
National affairs
Covid-19’s six lessons for Australian healthcare
Jennifer Doggett
20 March 2020
The coronavirus has exposed structural flaws in the way we prevent and treat ill health
Donald Trump’s biggest test
Lesley Russell
14 March 2020
Coronavirus has already changed life and national politics in the United States
Essays & reportage
Public messaging when it matters most
Matthew Sussex
12 March 2020
What are the lessons of overseas Covid-19 responses for Australian policymakers?
Essays & reportage
Not so lucky this time
Michael Bartos
4 March 2020
What history can and can’t tell us about the likely spread of Covid-19
National affairs
The weakest links
Adam Triggs
2 March 2020
The coronavirus’s biggest threat comes from panicky consumers and inept policymakers
National affairs
What the sports rorts scandal tells us about health spending
Jennifer Doggett
21 February 2020
Politically motivated spending is dwarfing the controversy that claimed a minister
What’s in a name?
Antonia Finnane
17 February 2020
There are other things we should know about the Chinese city at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak
National affairs
Precautionary principles
Melissa Sweet
6 February 2020
Can infectious disease outbreaks help strengthen Australia’s response to another health crisis?
How toilets and bugs bind us together
Assa Doron and Alex Broom
18 November 2019
The way India deals with sanitation affects us all
National affairs
Mind the gaps
Jennifer Doggett
31 October 2019
Extending the reach of the private insurance sector would compound problems in the way Australia finances healthcare
National affairs
Three ways of looking at private health insurance
Jennifer Doggett
7 September 2019
Hooked on subsidies, the system is failing. The government needs to move beyond its prejudices about public and private financing
National affairs
Hitting the spot
Katie Attwell
14 May 2019
Vaccination campaigns need careful shaping to avoid alienating the can’ts and the won’ts
National affairs
More than meets the eye
Mark Ragg
15 March 2019
Listing on the PBS can mean big money for pharmaceutical companies. Should consumer groups be accepting their funds and giving them a hand? |
A joint investigation with Croakey
Recovered Lives
Pioneering medic blazed the trail
Karen Fox
8 March 2019
Iza Coghlan (1868–1946), doctor
National affairs
Labor’s big-ticket risk-minimisation strategy
Jennifer Doggett
15 February 2019
Would a Health Reform Commission give a Labor government the cover it needs to deal with powerful interest groups?
National affairs
Healthcare’s out-of-pocket crisis
Jennifer Doggett
24 October 2018
Fast-rising medical expenses are restricting access to healthcare and increasing long-term costs
National affairs
The hard-headed case for helping PNG eliminate tuberculosis
Mike Steketee
1 October 2018
If altruism won’t motivate Australia to increase spending on eradicating tuberculosis, how about self-interest?
National affairs
Doing the numbers on doctor shortages
Jennifer Doggett
25 September 2018
There’s a straightforward way of making sure more doctors work where they’re needed
National affairs
Staying in or opting out?
Ruth Armstrong
24 July 2018
How My Health Record went viral for all the wrong reasons
Essays & reportage
Getting personal about cancer
Ian Olver
12 July 2018
New research tools are revolutionising cancer therapies
National affairs
Tackling codeine: a beginning rather than an end
Ruth Armstrong
8 February 2018
Over-the-counter sales are now a thing of the past. What needs to be done next?
National affairs
Aged care’s demographic challenge
Lesley Russell
27 November 2017
The growing dominance of private providers has led to lower standards of care. But will baby boomers put up with it?
Essays & reportage
Autism and the NDIS: a matter of interpretation
Mike Steketee
16 November 2017
Could the National Disability Insurance Scheme be threatened by higher-than-expected diagnoses of autism and developmental delay?
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