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National Party
National affairs
Breaking the mould
John Phillimore
17 February 2025
Labor seems set for another record-breaking win at next month’s Western Australian election
Books & arts
Sealing the deal
Paul Rodan
4 April 2024
The National Party senator who campaigned against the far-right League of Rights exposes his strengths and weaknesses
Books & arts
Straddling a barbed-wire fence
Paul Rodan
25 August 2023
A new biography reveals Tim Fischer to have been a more complex figure than he might have seemed
National affairs
Watershed election
Anika Gauja & Marian Sawer and Jill Sheppard
11 August 2023
Morrison’s fall, the teals’ rise, Labor’s victory: the editors of a new post-election book survey the 2022 campaign
National affairs
Queensland and Victoria: which is really the odd state out?
Tim Colebatch
6 April 2023
Recent election results tell a story Peter Dutton doesn’t want to hear
National affairs
The turn of the electoral cycle could be a long time coming
Tim Colebatch
27 January 2023
Labor is riding high across Australia, and the Greens are doing better than most observers acknowledge. Where does that leave the Coalition?
National affairs
Time out for a rural moderate
Brett Evans
1 October 2021
What drives Darren Chester, the Nationals MP who has boycotted his own party room?
National affairs
Questions about cabinet
Judith Ireland
25 June 2021
Barnaby Joyce is just one of a remarkable number of federal ministers dogged by reputational issues
National affairs
The revolt of the Liberal moderates
Mike Steketee
12 March 2021
Faced with the outsized power of a minority within the parliamentary party, small “l” Liberals are finally getting organised
National affairs
Rural rebels
Norman Abjorensen
20 February 2020
National Party infighting has a long but generally subterranean history
National affairs
Big-hat blues
Norman Abjorensen
4 February 2020
Will a Victorian MP save the National Party from itself?
National affairs
In defence of Bridget McKenzie
Ian McAuley
30 January 2020
The National Party minister has become the scapegoat for systemically poor administration
National affairs
Big tent, narrow visions
Norman Abjorensen
22 October 2018
Malcolm Turnbull’s critics were looking through the wrong lens, and Saturday’s defeat was just the first of the aftershocks
Books & arts
Poor white bloke
Frank Bongiorno
22 October 2018
| Is Barnaby Joyce on the rise again? On the evidence of his memoir, things could get ugly
National affairs
Loose in the top paddock
Peter Brent
19 October 2018
Is Barnaby Joyce the electoral asset his supporters believe him to be?
National affairs
Secret Coalition business
Brett Evans
27 August 2018
Will we ever know what Scott Morrison promised Michael McCormack?
National affairs
A party too divided to rule
Tim Colebatch
21 August 2018
The reckoning has arrived for a party — and its Coalition partner — long riven by cultural fixations
National affairs
Keeping the country in the Coalition
Norman Abjorensen
23 February 2018
Over almost a century, relations between the two major non-Labor parties haven’t always been smooth
National affairs
The Coalition goes existential
Peter Brent
17 February 2018
The week’s events raise the age-old mystery: exactly what is this strange beast?
National affairs
Broad church blues
Paul Rodan
21 December 2017
The Coalition has weathered periods of disunity before, but this time there’s the added problem of ructions within the National Party
National affairs
Yassmin Abdel-Magied and the Pavlovian puzzle
Peter Brent
4 May 2017
It’s day nine of a classic News Corp–Coalition culture-war crusade
National affairs
The Coalition’s restless bedfellows
Norman Abjorensen
7 April 2017
While the Liberals deal with a series of setbacks, their Coalition partner is facing challenges of its own
National affairs
A former leader’s advice: in a crisis, have the courage to break with the past
Tim Colebatch
3 March 2017
By forcing Malcolm Turnbull to behave like Tony Abbott, the Nationals have gravely damaged the government. But Black Jack McEwen showed how that can change
National affairs
The downside risks of Barnaby Joyce, deputy PM
Peter Brent
17 February 2016
The rise of the Nationals’ best-known MP is likely to end in tears, writes
Peter Brent
For better or worse
Peter Clarke
18 December 2015
In the wake of the Ian Macfarlane affair,
Peter Clarke
talks to
Brian Costar
about Barnaby Joyce, Malcolm Turnbull and the balancing act that keeps the Coalition afloat
National affairs
Seventy-two coups later, leaders seem less safe than ever
Rodney Tiffen
15 September 2015
Leadership coups have become an increasingly common feature of Australian politics, writes
Rodney Tiffen
, but the electoral results aren’t always encouraging
The Baird factor, the Abbott factor, and the challenge for Labor
Peter Clarke
29 March 2015
The Coalition has won a convincing victory in New South Wales.
Stephen Mills
talks to
Peter Clarke
about the result and its implications
National affairs
The worldly art of Richard Torbay
Frank Bongiorno
14 August 2012
This independent MP rose from thirty-year-old Armidale councillor to NSW parliamentary speaker. Now he plans to take on Tony Windsor for the Nationals.
National affairs
The fabulous fiftieth NSW parliament, and other minority governments
Peter Browne
10 September 2010
Every Australian state and territory has experienced a minority government over the past twenty years. And it’s a surprisingly strong field
National affairs
South Australia’s cabinet experiment
Norman Abjorensen
3 September 2010
Minority government in South Australia produced a novel solution that challenged the way the Westminster system has worked in Australia, writes
Norman Abjorensen
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