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National Party
National affairs
Rebels with a cause
Brian Costar and Jennifer Curtin
28 August 2010
A generation of independent MPs has quietly risen in state and federal parliaments.
Brian Costar
Jennifer Curtin
look at their motivations, role and significance
National affairs
Rob Oakeshott: Why I became an independent
Terry Lane
25 August 2010
In this interview with
Terry Lane
, first broadcast in 2002, the newly independent MP discusses why he joined the Nationals, and why he left
National affairs
The parties’ democratic deficit
Norman Abjorensen
10 February 2010
In a democratic system the parties themselves should practise internal democracy, argues
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
The LNP’s traction challenge
Norman Abjorensen
26 March 2009
History and geography suggest that Queensland’s Liberal National Party needs to think hard about its future, writes
Norman Abjorensen
National affairs
The early demise of social liberalism
Norman Abjorensen
13 January 2009
The year 1909 saw a seachange in Australian politics, writes
Norman Abjorensen
on the anniversary of the fusion of the non-Labor parties
National affairs
Country matters
Norman Abjorensen
18 December 2008
Coalitions don’t work in opposition, so the federal Nationals would be better off going it alone, writes
Norman Abjorensen
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