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public broadcasting
Books & arts
Pith and moment?
Jane Goodall
27 February 2025
Thirty-five years later,
Media Watch
needs an overhaul
National affairs
Kim Williams’s ABC
Denis Muller
27 June 2024
The ABC chair wants to see the broadcaster standing out in a fragmented media landscape
National affairs
Gramsci’s message for Anthony Albanese
Frank Bongiorno
27 January 2024
How the government can build on what’s been a good month
National affairs
Asking the right questions about the ABC
Michael Gill
1 September 2023
Is the broadcaster judging itself according to the wrong criteria?
National affairs
Looking over the ABC’s demographic cliff
Geraldine Doogue
7 August 2023
Denial is no solution to the ABC’s problems. But neither is panic
Books & arts
Speaking to the world
Rowan Callick
21 January 2023
An account of the fluctuating fortunes of Radio Australia ends on an optimistic note
Essays & reportage
Taking the arrows
Margaret Simons
12 November 2021
Gaven Morris leaves the job of ABC news director after six of the broadcaster’s most controversial years
From the archive
The premier, the crime boss and the ABC
Margaret Simons
2 September 2021
Renewed allegations of corruption in 1980s New South Wales have reawakened strong feelings
National affairs
Good ideas going nowhere
Peter Mares
27 August 2021
Timid governments need shaking up — but the pressure won’t come from the top
National affairs
Good news week
Margaret Simons
21 May 2021
Has the government broken its habit of making political appointments to the ABC board?
National affairs
Muting the messenger
Margaret Simons
12 March 2021
The media is entering challenging new territory. Let’s hope the reporters don’t get in the way of the story
National affairs
Publishers, platforms and policy détente
James Meese
20 February 2020
As the implications of the ACCC’s recommendations on digital platforms continue to unfold, the political challenges aren’t getting any easier
Books & arts
Reshaping the current affairs landscape
Jane Goodall
5 February 2020
| Renewed flagship programs highlight the strengths and weaknesses of ABC current affairs
National affairs
What the ACCC thinks about journalism
Margaret Simons
30 July 2019
Much has been written about what the regulator thinks of the big digital platforms, but what do its recommendations mean for reporting and analysis?
National affairs
Brickbats and bouquets
Frank Bongiorno
23 April 2019
Election 2019
| Twitter has changed the landscape of political reporting, and there’s no going back
National affairs
Is the “biggest story” getting the best coverage?
Wanning Sun
21 February 2019
Can the ABC fill some of the blind spots in its China-related reporting?
Anna Burns, a Booker with soul
David Hayes
17 October 2018
The Belfast novelist’s prize underlines the BBC’s cultural drift
Essays & reportage
The sharp edge of soft power
Graeme Dobell
17 October 2018
Hard news and a free media are essential for Australian foreign policy — and that means we need a new, dedicated broadcasting organisation
National affairs
The ABC’s X factor
Margaret Simons
9 October 2018
We now know that at least one highly qualified ABC board candidate was knocked back by the government
National affairs
Who missed out on the ABC board?
Margaret Simons
1 October 2018
The independent panel produced its nominees, but the government had other ideas. Now it’s sitting on the names
National affairs
More trouble at Ultimo
Margaret Simons
24 September 2018
The departure of Michelle Guthrie exposes the weakness of the current ABC board and its strategy
National affairs
Voices of the land
Jane Goodall
5 September 2018
The ABC is experimenting with ways of deepening its coverage of regional Australia
National affairs
Losing a by-election is as easy as ABC
Peter Brent
18 June 2018
The Liberal Party’s national council has just made the government’s job that little bit harder
National affairs
Big picture, few hilltops
Margaret Simons
14 November 2017
Where is the ABC heading? Michelle Guthrie’s latest announcement doesn’t make the future much clearer
Books & arts
After Lateline, the brave new world of better broadcasting
Jane Goodall
13 October 2017
| Michelle Guthrie’s vision for ABC current affairs is a mixed bag, with the history missing
Books & arts
Cutting on the bias
Jane Goodall
5 December 2016
| Is Michelle Guthrie copping the blame for two decades of attacks on the ABC?
Was the ABC shanghaied by Beijing?
John Fitzgerald
18 April 2016
China needs no help in silencing its critics at home and abroad. So how did Australia come to be part of the problem, asks
John Fitzgerald
Spin control
Peter Clarke
5 November 2015
Jane Goodall
Stephen Mills
Peter Clarke
to take the temperature of the political interview
BBC at a crossroads
David Hayes
7 August 2015
National treasure to be defended or imperial behemoth to be tamed? A war over the BBC’s future is taking shape, says
David Hayes
National affairs
Different questions for Q&A
Ramon Lobato
16 July 2015
Lost in the fog of the Zaky Mallah controversy are more fundamental questions about the ABC’s role in representative democracy, writes
Ramon Lobato
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