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From the archive
The educational consequences of the peace
Dean Ashenden
28 July 2016
We’re still living with the legacy of Labor’s decision to support public funding of non-government schools
Books & arts
Believers, doubters and disbelievers
Janna Thompson
20 April 2016
| Transcendence, meaning, social purpose: religion has gripped a remarkable range of thinkers, says
Janna Thompson
Essays & reportage
Victims and suspects: the catch-22 of being a Muslim woman in Australia
Shakira Hussein
10 March 2016
Muslim women are urged to break free of patriarchical domestic lives yet viewed with suspicion if they display signs of their religion in…
What is the driving force behind jihadist terrorism?
Olivier Roy
18 December 2015
We should avoid exceptionalising jihadists, argues
Olivier Roy
. Otherwise we reinforce the fascination of rebels looking for a cause
National affairs
An anatomy of Abbott’s army
Norman Abjorensen
8 December 2015
What unites the group of Liberals who want to steer the party away from its roots?
Norman Abjorensen
profiles the ideas and the personalities
Malaysia’s flashpoint
Amrita Malhi
25 September 2015
With a terror alert issued and the country’s redshirts threatening to riot, Malaysia’s intractable political crisis has come to a head, writes
Amrita Malhi
Books & arts
Crusader or conspirator?
Bruce Duncan
24 September 2015
Bruce Duncan
reviews Gerard Henderson’s biography of B.A. Santamaria
Books & arts
Strange and wonderful
Susan Lever
29 January 2015
Susan Lever
reviews Michel Faber’s
The Book of Strange New Things
How should we respond?
Greg Barton
11 January 2015
We must avoid the cycle of recrimination that strengthens the extremist narrative, argues
Greg Barton
Summer season
After the fall
Janna Thompson
12 August 2014
Does Christianity’s “original sin” help us understand Western culture in the twenty-first century?
Indonesia’s next governing coalition: taking a progressive turn?
Dominic Berger
14 April 2014
The likely makeup of the next Indonesian government gives cause for optimism, writes
Dominic Berger
Books & arts
The God of big things
Janna Thompson
1 April 2014
Culture and the Death of God
Terry Eagleton explores the persistence of religious ideas in political life and culture
Myanmar’s religious malaise goes online
Gerard McCarthy
19 December 2013
Myanmar’s infant information culture is helping to spread high-risk Islamophobia, reports
Gerard McCarthy
Could I describe you as a Catholic feminist?
Terry Lane
9 July 2013
From the Radio National archive,
Terry Lane
talks to Labor senator
Jacinta Collins
Books & arts
Musical paranoia
Andrew Ford
3 August 2012
Andrew Ford
looks at how music has been the target of political and religious fundamentalists
National affairs
A pyrrhic victory for federalists?
Graeme Orr
26 June 2012
Despite first impressions, the High Court's decision in the chaplaincy case was far from a clear victory for federalism.
Graeme Orr
looks at what it means for how the…
Easter in Beijing
Antonia Finnane
10 April 2012
After Tomb-sweeping day, the Chinese capital returned to normal, writes
Antonia Finnane
, except for the city’s Christians
Essays & reportage
Nine-eleven-itis: crossing the borders of belonging
Shakira Hussein
13 September 2011
Shakira Hussein
travels to Pakistan in the aftermath of 11 September 2001
National affairs
School chaplains: time to look at the evidence
David MacKenzie and Monica Thielking
21 July 2011
The debate about the federal government’s school chaplaincy program has suffered from a lack of hard evidence, argue
Monica Thielking
David MacKenzie
National affairs
The Hitch from central casting
Brett Evans
8 October 2009
In terror of boredom, Christopher Hitchens talked to a receptive audience at the Sydney Opera House, writes
Brett Evans
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