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Books & arts
On the brink
Jane Goodall
18 October 2018
| Journalist Gabrielle Chan captures a new mood in country Australia
National affairs
Doing the numbers on doctor shortages
Jennifer Doggett
25 September 2018
There’s a straightforward way of making sure more doctors work where they’re needed
Essays & reportage
Revival on the Darling
Robert Milliken
18 September 2018
An outback town finds a way to cut Indigenous crime and imprisonment where governments have failed
National affairs
The PM and the migration conundrum
Abul Rizvi
10 September 2018
Scott Morrison isn’t the first leader to promise that more migrants will settle outside the major cities
National affairs
Voices of the land
Jane Goodall
5 September 2018
The ABC is experimenting with ways of deepening its coverage of regional Australia
Books & arts
Roads to recovery
Jane Goodall
11 July 2018
| Behind the stereotypes, ABC TV’s
Back Roads
reveals a quiet rural revolution
National affairs
Big picture, few hilltops
Margaret Simons
14 November 2017
Where is the ABC heading? Michelle Guthrie’s latest announcement doesn’t make the future much clearer
Essays & reportage
Inside Australia’s first virtual school
Tom Greenwell
28 September 2017
Could a new model of online learning break down the growing divide between Australian schools?
National affairs
The country–city divide: more evidence of how inequality is growing
Tim Colebatch
12 August 2017
Country Australia is losing out on full-time jobs, forcing its young to head for the cities
National affairs
One census, three stories
Tim Colebatch
5 July 2017
Dig a little deeper, and the figures tell us unexpected things about more than one Australia
Essays & reportage
Every town is a Bordertown
Peter Mares
14 December 2016
Near the South Australia–Victoria border, a small community captures the highs and lows of the migration experience
Toads on the evolutionary road
Rick Shine & Terry Lane
22 October 2016
Can evolution be used to control the spread of cane toads? In this 2005 interview, biologist Rick Shine reports from the field
Essays & reportage
Golden disobedience: the history of Eric Rolls
Tom Griffiths
9 August 2016
For Eric Rolls, historical writing needed to serve the future, writes
Tom Griffiths
National affairs
Comparing apples and oranges
Peter Mares
5 July 2016
Peter Mares
reports on a truncated parliamentary inquiry that revealed the problem of having two very different schemes dealing with rural labour shortages
National affairs
With friends like these
Peter Brent
11 March 2016
Tony Windsor’s online supporters couldn’t be more different from the people he needs to vote for him, writes
Peter Brent
For better or worse
Peter Clarke
18 December 2015
In the wake of the Ian Macfarlane affair,
Peter Clarke
talks to
Brian Costar
about Barnaby Joyce, Malcolm Turnbull and the balancing act that keeps the Coalition afloat
National affairs
A story that writes itself: working holiday visas, tax incentives and illegal labour
Henry Sherrell
22 May 2015
Largely overlooked in the federal budget was a measure that will push more people into the black economy, writes
Henry Sherrell
The Baird factor, the Abbott factor, and the challenge for Labor
Peter Clarke
29 March 2015
The Coalition has won a convincing victory in New South Wales.
Stephen Mills
talks to
Peter Clarke
about the result and its implications
Essays & reportage
How to eat a wilderness
Andrea Gaynor
6 February 2015
The history of the WA wheatbelt is a story of mistaken policies and local adaptation, writes
Andrea Gaynor.
Sustainability is the next challenge
Essays & reportage
“No triple bypass, no miracle cure, just a long haul back”
Cameron Muir
9 October 2014
It’s clear that thirsty cotton doesn’t fit well into the Australian environment, writes
Cameron Muir
. But have the lessons of recent decades really sunk in?
Essays & reportage
The insurgent from Indi
Brett Evans
30 April 2014
Inside Story
catches up with federal parliament’s fledgling independent MP
Independent in Indi: what happens now? (And why the Electoral Commission is suddenly under attack)
Brian Costar & Peter Clarke
27 September 2013
Peter Clarke
talks to
Brian Costar
about why Cathy McGowan is likely to serve more than one term, why the Electoral Commission is under attack, and who should lead the Labor Party
Essays & reportage
From little margins, big margins grow
Cambell Klose & Nick Haines
10 September 2013
The electorate of Indi has been changed forever, write
Cambell Klose
Nick Haines
from Cathy McGowan’s campaign
Essays & reportage
Drawing a fine line in the Tarkine
Kimberley Croxford
6 September 2013
Can conservation, tourism and industry coexist in Tasmania’s Tarkine wilderness?
Kimberley Croxford
looks at the current controversy and the contending pressures
National affairs
How to help farmers to help the reef
Amanda Cornwall
2 September 2013
Reef Rescue needs to focus on measures that really do improve water quality, says
Amanda Cornwall
. That means learning from other successful schemes
National affairs
Noisily flows the Manning
Robert Milliken
5 March 2013
A river community’s campaign to stop coal-seam gas captures the new face of rural politics in Australia, writes
Robert Milliken
National affairs
Living with the boom
Erik Eklund
20 August 2012
Understanding the impact of earlier booms can be helpful in preparing towns for the expansion of the mining industry, writes
Erik Eklund
Books & arts
Just beyond the reach of words
Norman Abjorensen
22 March 2012
Norman Abjorensen
reviews a new biography of the enigmatic Rick Farley
Essays & reportage
“Preserved for the people for all time”
Cameron Muir
2 February 2012
Is “balanced” development really the best way to manage our inland rivers?
Cameron Muir
looks at the language that could save or condemn them
Essays & reportage
Reasons to be cheerful
Brett Evans
6 June 2011
Hung parliaments don’t come along very often in Australian federal politics. Tony Windsor clearly wants to make the most of the chance, writes
Brett Evans
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