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National affairs
Tomorrow’s problem
Saul Eslake
26 March 2025
The 2025–26 budget had one modest surprise, but leaves a lot to the next parliament (and probably parliaments after that)
National affairs
Gramsci’s message for Anthony Albanese
Frank Bongiorno
27 January 2024
How the government can build on what’s been a good month
Books & arts
Fear of falling
Peter Browne
20 December 2023
Why would high earners have a mistaken view of where they sit on the income ladder?
National affairs
And that’s housing
Peter Mares
30 November 2023
Alan Kohler meets the ghost of Bob Menzies in the latest
Quarterly Essay
National affairs
Tax reform is hard, but not impossible
Danielle Wood
7 November 2023
The outgoing Grattan Institute chief executive strikes an optimistic note in this year’s Freebairn Lecture
National affairs
Can we build them?
Peter Mares
13 October 2023
The federal government has set a target of 1.2 million new homes in five years. Discussions at the National Housing Conference revealed the scale of the challenge
National affairs
The ageing alarmists won’t let go
John Quiggin
4 September 2023
Fears about the impact of increasing longevity haven’t aged well
National affairs
Albo’s choice
Tim Colebatch
24 April 2023
Steady-as-she-goes government is unequal to Australia’s challenges
National affairs
Not-so-super strategy
Peter Brent
3 March 2023
Does the timing of the government’s superannuation tax reforms make any electoral sense?
National affairs
Time to talk about tax
Tim Colebatch
14 October 2022
A grown-up conversation about how we fund better services is long overdue
National affairs
Kidding ourselves about the budget
Tim Colebatch
6 September 2022
One big, vital issue was missing from the Jobs and Skills Summit
National affairs
Raising the GST to cut income tax is pointless churn
Adam Triggs
9 November 2021
Australia needs holistic tax reform for the post-Covid-19 era
Essays & reportage
Syd Negus, the forgotten tax-slayer
Peter Browne
14 October 2021
Why is Australia among the few Western countries that don’t tax inheritances?
National affairs
Good ideas going nowhere
Peter Mares
27 August 2021
Timid governments need shaking up — but the pressure won’t come from the top
National affairs
Tribal gridlock
John Daley
27 July 2021
A hardening of shibboleths is eating away at good government
National affairs
Can Crown go down?
Charles Livingstone
22 July 2021
Submissions to the Victorian royal commission add to a powerful case against the once-burgeoning company
National affairs
How Australia’s Covid-19 debt will look after itself
Adam Triggs
24 May 2021
Concerns that the government’s post-pandenic debt will need to be repaid by future generations don’t stack up
National affairs
This year’s budget, last year’s spending
Tim Colebatch
21 May 2021
Despite a booming state economy, the Victorian government plans even more stimulus
National affairs
Kicking the can down the road
Tim Colebatch
12 May 2021
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and his colleagues have avoided hard decisions about how the government taxes and spends
National affairs
Minding the wrong gap?
Danielle Wood, with Brendan Coates and Tom Crowley
21 April 2021
Does focusing on the gender gap in retirement incomes miss the bigger picture?
National affairs
Ending a thirty-year race to the bottom
Adam Triggs
12 April 2021
US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen is proposing a global minimum corporate tax rate. Criticisms of her long-overdue plan don’t stack up
National affairs
The trickle-up effect
Saul Eslake
22 March 2021
Labor is under pressure to wave through tax cuts that will make the tax system less progressive — and don’t stack up economically
National affairs
If the future is more super, then the future is greater inequality
Mike Steketee
5 February 2021
The superannuation guarantee shouldn’t rise until the system is made fairer
National affairs
A V-shaped recovery? Don’t bank on it
Adam Triggs
12 October 2020
The assumption that Australia will experience a quick recovery has produced a budget that’s big on spending but low on stimulus
National affairs
Roadmap to nowhere
Tristan Edis
2 October 2020
By 2030, according to the government’s own figures, Australia will have spent three decades making almost no progress in reducing emissions
National affairs
If stimulus is the question, the government’s tax cuts aren’t the answer
Adam Triggs
7 September 2020
The proposed tax cuts are a weak form of stimulus that would create more problems than they solve. There are better options
National affairs
Need growth? Scrap policies that favour rich people and monopolies
Adam Triggs
1 June 2020
Breaking self-perpetuating cycles of rising inequality will be key to Australia’s economic recovery
National affairs
Matching politics and economics
Adam Triggs
27 April 2020
Post–Covid-19 economic reforms will fail without a national political framework to get them done
National affairs
The hits and misses of the Coalition’s stimulus package
Adam Triggs
13 March 2020
The government has learned some — but not all — of the lessons of the global financial crisis
National affairs
Plenty of ideas, not much money
Peter Mares
2 September 2019
The federal government made it clear at the National Housing Conference that significant new spending isn’t likely
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