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Making nice and making enemies
John Besemeres
10 December 2015
Vladimir Putin’s actions in the Middle East reflect his view that all relationships are zero-sum games, writes
John Besemeres
What we should have learnt from the war on terror
Paul Rogers
23 November 2015
The strategy against ISIS must recognise that this fourteen-year conflict hasn’t played out anywhere near as expected, writes
Paul Rogers
The legacies of terror
Graeme Dobell
18 November 2015
Just over a century ago another movement tried to terrify the West, writes
Graeme Dobell
. Its failure helps illuminate ISIS’s campaign and its likely impact
Paris: assembling the fragments
David Hayes
16 November 2015
The “13/11” massacre reveals the scale of the ISIS threat, writes
David Hayes
in London. That makes a coherent response vital
Citizens of the world
Jane Goodall
16 November 2015
In the face of the attacks in Paris and Beirut, the philosophical heritage of stoicism carries a radical challenge, writes
Jane Goodall
National affairs
Seeing a problem and passing a law
Jessie Blackbourn
22 October 2015
George Brandis’s latest anti-terror laws will be presented to parliament next month, writes
Jessie Blackbourn.
How well do they balance civil liberties and security?
Beyond the spectacle of violence
Matthew Gray
17 September 2015
The crisis in Syria could easily worsen, writes
Matthew Gray
, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Islamic State is in the ascendant
How should we respond?
Greg Barton
11 January 2015
We must avoid the cycle of recrimination that strengthens the extremist narrative, argues
Greg Barton
National affairs
Buyer’s remorse
Jessie Blackbourn
13 November 2014
Shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus has pointed to Britain’s parliamentary oversight of security agencies as a way of moderating Australia’s latest security laws. In…
National affairs
Real threats to the life of the nation
Jessie Blackbourn
2 October 2014
Rushed legislation and hastily extended sunset clauses make for bad anti-terrorism policy, argues
Jessie Blackbourn
National affairs
The Independent Security Monitor’s unfinished work
Jessie Blackbourn & Nicola Mcgarrity
3 April 2014
The federal government’s plan to abolish the permanent security oversight body is based on a flawed reading of its role, argue
Jessie Blackbourn
Nicola McGarrity
National affairs
Anti-terror laws and the knowledge gap
Jessie Blackbourn & Nicola Mcgarrity
23 May 2013
Two new reports spell out pragmatic and overdue reforms to Australia’s anti-terrorism laws. But does the political will exist to act, ask
Jessie Blackbourn
National affairs
Just the beginning of a national security debate
Jennifer Goh & Nicola McGarrity
2 August 2012
The government has launched an inquiry into the powers of intelligence agencies, and already there are worrying signs, write
Jennifer Goh
Nicola McGarrity
Essays & reportage
Nine-eleven-itis: crossing the borders of belonging
Shakira Hussein
13 September 2011
Shakira Hussein
travels to Pakistan in the aftermath of 11 September 2001
The Middle East after bin Laden
Matthew Gray
5 May 2011
With al Qaeda’s influence already waning in many countries in the Middle East,
Matthew Gray
looks at the likely impact of Osama bin Laden’s death on the…
National affairs
Mamdouh Habib: who knew what, and when?
Andrew Lynch & Nicola McGarrity
19 January 2011
FROM THE ARCHIVE | The federal government has announced a private inquiry into the treatment of Mamdouh Habib. Australia should follow Canada’s lead and launch an open…
The US reads the riot act to Pakistan
Sandy Gordon
29 July 2010
Will Pakistan continue its longstanding policy of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds, asks
Sandy Gordon
National affairs
The devil in the detail
Andrew Lynch
19 August 2009
The release of the government’s security law proposals reveals that the Coalition’s approach still casts a long shadow, writes
Andrew Lynch
Radicalising Somalia
Peter Browne
6 August 2009
How international involvement helped fuel the growth of militancy
National affairs
At last, an independent reviewer of terrorism laws
Andrew Lynch & Nicola McGarrity
16 July 2009
After a string of inquiries recommending reform, new federal government legislation will create a security law monitor. It’s not a perfect plan but it’s a strong…
Books & arts
In the belly of the beast
Geoffrey Barker
6 April 2009
Australian soldier and anthropologist David Kilcullen (pictured), who helped design the Iraq surge, has now written a book about how western counter-terrorism must change…
National affairs
Unusual and invasive
Andrew Lynch
21 November 2008
David Hicks’s video is a reminder that hastily drafted and unnecessary laws are still on the statute books, writes
Andrew Lynch
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