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Books & arts
Books & arts
Is illiberalism the force of the future?
Klaus Neumann
20 April 2020
Four recent books provide partial answers. But are they asking the right question?
Books & arts
Carrying the flame
Tyson Yunkaporta
17 April 2020
| Clear, direct and sometimes cheeky,
Fire Country
is about more than fire
Books & arts
Dickensian democrat
Norman Abjorensen
15 April 2020
| London-born Graham Berry took on the forces of reaction in colonial Victoria
Books & arts
Listening to the news
Andrew Ford
14 April 2020
| What happens when a composer becomes a reporter?
Books & arts
Compulsory viewing
Jane Goodall
10 April 2020
Our critic’s selection of the best of locked-down television
Books & arts
Picasso, Dior and the remarkable House of Glass
Sara Dowse
9 April 2020
| A shoebox in Miami opens up a story of migration and memory
Books & arts
Deeper truths
Susan Lever
6 April 2020
| What can novels tell us about how political ideas circulate?
Books & arts
Always within striking distance of losing
Dominic Kelly
6 April 2020
| The latest analysis of Labor’s defeat last May relies on all the wrong people
Books & arts
Awkward squad
Zora Simic
1 April 2020
“Difficult” women have often played key roles in feminist history
Books & arts
Downhill — but not all the way
Brian McFarlane
1 April 2020
| Dealt with harshly by many critics, this remake has its strengths
Books & arts
A vernacular intellectual
Tom Griffiths
27 March 2020
“I would like to be read by the people I went to school with,” said the historian Ken Inglis. “And by my parents. And by my children.”
Books & arts
The heart of a reconnected world
Graeme Dobell
23 March 2020
| How the Asia-Pacific became the Indo-Pacific, with a brief stop-off in the Asian century
Books & arts
Getting too close
Jane Goodall
23 March 2020
points to the dangers of the quest for empathy on the screen
Books & arts
Why Beethoven?
Andrew Ford
12 March 2020
| The first modern composer celebrates his 250th birthday
Books & arts
Everything familiar yet entirely strange
Cathy Perkins
12 March 2020
| Biographer Sylvia Martin turns her lens onto herself
Books & arts
Lost in space
Nicole Hemmer
10 March 2020
New York Times
columnist’s provocative analysis of America’s ills
Books & arts
Emma rules again
Brian McFarlane
6 March 2020
| Autumn de Wilde takes just enough liberties with Jane Austen’s classic
Books & arts
Poem in stone
Stephen Mills
2 March 2020
| Has Geoffrey Robertson made a persuasive case for returning heritage objects?
Books & arts
Like lying on the analyst’s couch
Sara Dowse
2 March 2020
| Literary critic Vivian Gornick’s latest book is as much about life as it is about reading
Books & arts
Euripides’s thunderclap
Desley Deacon
26 February 2020
| Zoe Caldwell, who died last week, was the second Australian to perform Medea to wide acclaim
Books & arts
Genre bending
Andrew Ford
20 February 2020
Marriage Story
takes film music into new territory
Books & arts
Was the future better yesterday?
Peter Browne
16 February 2020
What explains the apparent success of populist politics?
Books & arts
A beautiful time at the cinema
Brian McFarlane
14 February 2020
Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys brilliantly capture real-life characters in this engrossing film
Books & arts
Of maps and minds
Graeme Dobell
10 February 2020
Can Australia embrace a regional identity?
Books & arts
Reshaping the current affairs landscape
Jane Goodall
5 February 2020
| Renewed flagship programs highlight the strengths and weaknesses of ABC current affairs
Books & arts
“Its appetites were his appetites; its mentality was his mentality”
Matthew Ricketson
29 January 2020
| To an alarming degree, reality TV matches how Donald Trump sees the world
Books & arts
“There is no alternative…”
Glyn Davis
7 January 2020
| Together, different varieties of capitalism straddle the world like never before
Books & arts
Things fall apart
Jane Goodall
19 December 2019
| Our critic’s selection of the best 2019 viewing
Books & arts
Uneasy peace
Peter Stanley
15 December 2019
| A new collection of essays brings further proof that Great War history is unavoidably political
Books & arts
Where form really does follow function
Joe Rollo
15 December 2019
| The former ETA Foods factory still pulls at the heart strings
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