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Books & arts
Books & arts
Consequences, unintended and intended
Janet McCalman
12 December 2019
| Jean Blackburn played a central role in a wave of educational reform
Books & arts
“A spectre is haunting America…”
Glyn Davis
9 December 2019
| What if meritocracy is almost as rigid as the system it replaced?
Books & arts
Johnny Cash’s comma
Andrew Ford
4 December 2019
| Late-career singers can do what young singers can’t
Books & arts
What is to be done about Australian schooling?
Dean Ashenden
3 December 2019
Another bad PISA report suggests that Australia has not learned the basic lesson: school reform won’t work in the absence of major structural change
Books & arts
White Australia’s hangover
Peter Mares
2 December 2019
| A Labor MP offers an optimistic view of what multicultural Australia could become
Books & arts
In the frame
Rick Sarre
29 November 2019
Stereotypes play a key role in the dysfunctionality of the American justice system
Books & arts
Every-night Clive
Jane Goodall
28 November 2019
| Binge-watching with polymath Clive James, who died this week
Books & arts
Vision splendid
Kerry Schott
27 November 2019
| Ross Garnaut can see Australia leading the world in reducing emissions
Books & arts
There is always a sequel
Jock Given
22 November 2019
| As Disney+ sets out to teach Netflix and others about streaming video, the chief executive of Walt Disney’s company shares lessons learned on the way to the top
Books & arts
Gangster capitalism
Julie Rigg
19 November 2019
The Irishman
The Report
Books & arts
Rich world’s folly
Susan Lever
19 November 2019
| Andrew McGahan was a talented writer with a strong ethical sense who never took himself too seriously
Books & arts
Off the map
Michael Gill
15 November 2019
How did economists steer the world so badly off course?
Books & arts
Being there
Libby Robin
15 November 2019
| Heather Rose has written a novel for uncertain times
Books & arts
Welcome to Washminster
Amanda Walsh
11 November 2019
| Has relentless scrutiny changed the bureaucracy forever?
Books & arts
Reluctant monarch
Brian McFarlane
11 November 2019
The King
confirms David Michôd as a major director
Books & arts
The music in people’s lives
Andrew Ford
11 November 2019
| Most performances are by amateur musicians, and that’s no bad thing
Books & arts
The continuing story of “our” party
Frank Bongiorno
10 November 2019
| An outsider’s view of the Labor Party’s problems calls for “a paradoxical politics”
Books & arts
Centres of gravity
Jane Goodall
8 November 2019
| A mid-season shift of gear takes
Total Control
into different territory
Books & arts
On perfectionism
Zora Simic
6 November 2019
| “In harming myself, I was harming others,” writes Bri Lee in her follow-up to
Eggshell Skull
Books & arts
Encounters in the Pacific
Robbie Robertson
1 November 2019
An anecdotal journey doesn’t always do justice to the complexity of the region
Books & arts
Uneasy being Green
Shaun Crowe
1 November 2019
Can the Greens reconcile internal pressures, parliamentary influence and electoral appeal?
Books & arts
Whatever happened to Australian literature?
Susan Lever
29 October 2019
The scrapping of Sydney University’s professorship has great symbolic importance
Books & arts
Ages of anxiety
Nick Haslam
23 October 2019
| There are reasons why Claire Weekes didn’t receive professional recognition, but they don’t take away from her achievement
Books & arts
The needs of strangers
Janna Thompson
22 October 2019
| Most of us are cosmopolitan, but how does that mean we should behave?
Books & arts
The lost world of the mayaroo
Nancy Cushing
21 October 2019
| By recovering the forgotten history of the long-haired rat, Tim Bonyhady has produced a book for our times
Books & arts
The lie that binds
Brian McFarlane
14 October 2019
| Two very different films about family life
Books & arts
Eighty-two counterterrorism laws, and counting
Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
9 October 2019
| Veteran journalist Brian Toohey probes the network of laws and agencies that’s expanded rapidly in the name of national security
Books & arts
A poet, a bar, a wartime day
Glyn Davis
8 October 2019
| Was W.H. Auden right to doubt the poem but wrong to suppress its affirming flame?
Books & arts
Triple trouble
Sara Dowse
4 October 2019
| Does gender and race fully explain the discrimination faced by women of colour?
Books & arts
Suspension of disbelief
Jane Goodall
1 October 2019
| The makers of
tell Marie Adler’s story with tact and care
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