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Books & arts
Books & arts
Diversity… for the others
Dean Ashenden
24 January 2018
| A senior vice-chancellor argues for big changes in tertiary education — but not in universities
Books & arts
How the public interest went missing in action
Carmela Chivers
22 January 2018
| Is the US economy suffering from an overriding malady — and could Australia become infected?
Books & arts
Confounded expectations
Julie Rigg
19 January 2018
| Archetypes are challenged in Warwick Thornton’s latest film
Books & arts
Getting along
Janna Thompson
16 January 2018
| Most people want to live an ethical life, argues Michael Ignatieff in his latest book
Books & arts
Operation Sovereign Borders: a prehistory
Jeff Crisp
16 January 2018
| What can the 1970s and 80s tell us about where we are today?
Books & arts
Getting somewhere or going nowhere? Either prospect is inviting
Jane Goodall
15 January 2018
| Our reviewer is gripped by SBS’s venture into slow TV
Books & arts
Doubling down
Jane Goodall
8 January 2018
| As the debate over violence in Melbourne intensifies,
Romper Stomper
ups the ante so high it loses touch with reality
Books & arts
An Iced VoVo and a broken heart
Frank Bongiorno
5 January 2018
| Beyond the headlines it generated, Kevin Rudd’s memoir helps explain why he lost the prime ministership
Books & arts
Down the rabbit hole
Jane Goodall
20 December 2017
| The year’s viewing had an appropriate air of unreality
Books & arts
It’s hard to put a lid on the world
Klaus Neumann and Karina Horsti
20 December 2017
Candice Breitz’s compelling video installation, and its renaming, has been met with an unsettling silence
Books & arts
Writers writing about writers and writing
Susan Lever
18 December 2017
| Publishers seem to prefer other writers — rather than critics — to write about writers
Books & arts
What is power?
Sara Dowse
18 December 2017
| Mary Beard writes with characteristic verve about the long history of men silencing women
Books & arts
“What have I become?”
Tom Hyland
14 December 2017
| Critics of Chris Masters’s account of special forces in Afghanistan have deflected attention from the book’s key message
Books & arts
ASEAN as a bloody miracle
Graeme Dobell
12 December 2017
| Somehow, this extraordinarily diverse group of countries has held together for half a century. Can it last?
Books & arts
Wild conjecture
Andrew Ford
11 December 2017
Want to think anew about Mozart? Try Geoffrey Lancaster’s latest recording
Books & arts
Inside the tent
Jock Given
7 December 2017
| Is Gareth Evans’s “incorrigible optimism” evidence-based?
Books & arts
Historian of the present
Peter Browne
5 December 2017
Ken Inglis was not only a widely admired historian but also a gifted reporter and a sharp-eyed pioneer of press criticism
Books & arts
A big reality
Jane Goodall
3 December 2017
| The second season of
Struggle Street
points to something much deeper than poverty
Books & arts
A shrewd appraisal of sameness and difference
Frank Bongiorno
25 November 2017
A new book takes a nuanced look at ageing gay men and the world they live in
Books & arts
Making sense of crime
Rick Sarre
16 November 2017
| A former adviser to Tony Blair tackles conventional views of crime and its causes
Books & arts
The play’s the thing
Andrew Ford
14 November 2017
| The remarkable career of composer Elena Kats-Chernin, who has just turned sixty
Books & arts
Crime waves
Jane Goodall
13 November 2017
| SBS has identified a thirst for crime drama, but program-makers aren’t always coming up with the goods
Books & arts
Farewell, Sylvia
Peter Browne
9 November 2017
Over a long career, Sylvia Lawson was a prolific contributor to newspapers and magazines, including the pioneering
, and
Inside Story
Books & arts
Demanding the impossible
Tom O'Regan
8 November 2017
An appreciation of journalist, critic and film industry activist Sylvia Lawson, who died this week
Books & arts
Private gains and social losses
Jason Sharman
6 November 2017
From the archive
| The biggest tax havens aren’t on faraway islands, writes
Jason Sharman
Books & arts
Who, and what, is a composer?
Andrew Ford
24 October 2017
| Do you simply need to say that’s what you do?
Books & arts
A few hours with a great writer
Louise Merrington
17 October 2017
| John McPhee’s new guide to the craft of writing is much more than a textbook
Books & arts
A fine balance
Maruta Rodan
15 October 2017
| Sheila Fitzpatrick brilliantly illuminates her subject and his tumultuous times
Books & arts
After Lateline, the brave new world of better broadcasting
Jane Goodall
13 October 2017
| Michelle Guthrie’s vision for ABC current affairs is a mixed bag, with the history missing
Books & arts
The Dasher
Frank Bongiorno
10 October 2017
What will Sam Dastyari do if he’s given a second chance? His autobiography only hints at an answer
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