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Books & arts
Books & arts
A history of violence
Anne Aly
3 October 2017
| Islamic State has become adept at recruiting those who are already attracted to violence
Books & arts
The art of being prime minister
Norman Abjorensen
29 September 2017
| How did eleven men and one woman fill the most difficult role in Australia’s postwar political dramas?
Books & arts
Letting go
Andrew Ford
25 September 2017
| “Improvise” and “embellish” can be alarming words for a classically trained composer
Books & arts
The long shadow of the Labor split
Paul Rodan
18 September 2017
Brian Burke’s doorstopper of a memoir is a valuable but partial account of a career propelled by an old grievance
Books & arts
A civil debate amid the Trumpian tweetstorm
Sally McCausland
7 September 2017
| Writer Sam Harris set out to discover why some voters like Donald Trump
Books & arts
Cinema in a time of war
Brian McFarlane
4 September 2017
How did film-makers resolve the paradox of creating complex feature films during a period of total war?
Books & arts
British India: the case for the prosecution
Robin Jeffrey
1 September 2017
| Shashi Tharoor’s vigorous rejoinder to defenders of empire teaches other lessons as well
Books & arts
The program that changed Australia
Jane Goodall
31 August 2017
| As
Four Corners
has shown for decades, ABC investigative reporting will always have its critics
Books & arts
The audacity of authenticity
Andrew Ford
29 August 2017
| What makes a composer courageous?
Books & arts
For reasons known only to himself
Norman Abjorensen
24 August 2017
| An outstanding new biography traces the life of the man who dominated early federal politics
Books & arts
House bound
Jane Goodall
22 August 2017
| Annabel Crabb’s new series raises the question: is parliament living up to its house?
Books & arts
Two for the road — and two on the road
Brian McFarlane
11 August 2017
| Two undemanding but shrewdly written films have hidden depths
Books & arts
The eyewitness
Richard Johnstone
7 August 2017
| Daniel Berehulak meticulously records individuals caught up in history
Books & arts
When health becomes a risky business
Stephen Duckett
7 August 2017
| Epidemiologist Geoffrey Kabat helps steer us through the claims and counter claims
Books & arts
Knocked sideways by luck
Susan Lever
31 July 2017
Three writers explore the mixed inheritances that helped fuel their work
Books & arts
Man of the moment
James Walter
31 July 2017
| Donald Horne is a breezy, argumentative and sometimes wrong-headed guide to postwar Australia
Books & arts
Season of discontent
Jane Goodall
27 July 2017
| Winter is at its deepest, and
Game of Thrones
is on a new trajectory
Books & arts
Rock of ages
Andrew Ford
27 July 2017
Rock music doesn’t just have classics in the sense of “golden oldies,” it has become a body of work
Books & arts
Dispatches from the home front
Sara Dowse
25 July 2017
| Jack Bowers reveals a remarkable wealth of Australian autobiography
Books & arts
Revenge and restitution
Janna Thompson
19 July 2017
| Martha Nussbaum wants to take the anger out of public life. It’s a highly ambitious goal, and would it necessarily be desirable?
Books & arts
Beautiful dystopia
Jane Goodall
11 July 2017
| Margaret Atwood’s
The Handmaid’s Tale
makes a mostly smooth transition to the screen
Books & arts
Has liberalism forgotten what it does best?
Rob Hoffman
11 July 2017
| Edward Luce’s new book is just the beginning of an analysis of why liberal democracies are showing less capacity to respond to challenges
Books & arts
When do we get stuck into them?
David Clune
10 July 2017
| Former NSW Labor MP Carl Scully settles old scores in a vivid account of life in Macquarie Street
Books & arts
The four horsemen of the global financial crisis
John Quiggin
7 July 2017
| A former Morgan Stanley executive does a great job of exposing the flaws in mainstream economics. But his solution has problems of its own
Books & arts
Memory lane
Andrew Ford
3 July 2017
Popular music can be hard to separate from our recollections
Books & arts
Going under
Nick Haslam
3 July 2017
| When does consciousness end and unconsciousness begin?
Books & arts
The fearfully pragmatic heart of Australian diplomacy
Graeme Dobell
20 June 2017
| Australia’s diplomatic capabilities are about to be tested again
Books & arts
Selling “new Australians” to old Australians
Maruta Rodan
19 June 2017
| Careful marketing helped ease the arrival of 170,000 migrants from postwar Europe
Books & arts
Tragic performers
Andrew Ford
15 June 2017
| The music’s not always the thing in the classical concert hall
Books & arts
Fortunes of war
Jane Goodall
14 June 2017
A rediscovered memoir and a multi-season French drama point to new ways of thinking about the second world war
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