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National affairs
National affairs
Is a job guarantee the answer?
Adam Triggs
24 August 2020
The idea is plagued by economic, operational and political challenges — and there is a simpler solution
National affairs
America goes postal
Peter Brent
19 August 2020
Donald Trump’s attack on the mail system highlights how a flawed electoral system is struggling with the pandemic
National affairs
The ghost of Lang Hancock
David Lee
19 August 2020
Once again, a Western Australian government is at war with a stubborn mining entrepreneur
National affairs
Workers versus consumers: a false tradeoff
Adam Triggs
17 August 2020
Are trade, competition and technology good for consumers but bad for workers? History shows otherwise
National affairs
Here is the news (good and bad) for local readers
Sora Park and Caroline Fisher
13 August 2020
Despite the shaky business model, the thirst for local news hasn’t gone away in regional Australia
National affairs
Sharpening the instruments
Michael Bartos
11 August 2020
Greater use of isolation would help us through the “middle game” of Covid-19
National affairs
Should private primary schools be free?
Tom Greenwell
11 August 2020
Adrian Piccoli’s plan to fully fund non-government schools would reduce educational inequality
National affairs
The trouble with “buying Australian”
Adam Triggs
10 August 2020
The campaign risks reducing our living standards and hurting poorer Australians the most
National affairs
The weakest Covid-19 link
Kathy Eagar
7 August 2020
Australia’s aged care homes were a disaster waiting to happen
National affairs
Hard times on the opposition benches
Peter Brent
7 August 2020
The truce among governing parties makes life difficult for Anthony Albanese and his state counterparts
National affairs
Scott Morrison’s climate curse hasn’t gone away
Tristan Edis
6 August 2020
Covid-19 might have rescued the Coalition from criticisms of its climate policies, but it can’t dodge them forever
National affairs
Reducing stimulus at the worst possible time
Adam Triggs
3 August 2020
The federal government, the Reserve Bank, commercial banks and the exchange rate are in a race to the bottom. This need not be the case
National affairs
Different crisis, different times
John Quiggin
31 July 2020
Has the Coalition learnt the wrong lessons from Margaret Thatcher?
National affairs
Victoria, global hotspot
Tim Colebatch
30 July 2020
The high infection rates reflect a failure to learn from other countries
National affairs
A world of needs
Michael Bartos
28 July 2020
Outbreaks, vaccines, and the limits of centralised control
National affairs
Who do you trust?
Adam Triggs
27 July 2020
Rebuilding confidence in government is a prerequisite for economic reform
National affairs
Weapons of mask distraction
Daniel Reeders
22 July 2020
With masks shown to be useful only in certain settings, the debate about compulsion is drawing attention away from real pathways of infection
National affairs
Sir John’s lack of candour
Paul Rodan
22 July 2020
In breaching a key principle of the vice-regal relationship, John Kerr created the conditions for a crisis
National affairs
Zooming in or zooming out?
Hamish McDonald
21 July 2020
Covid-19 has accelerated the emergence of “minilateralism” — but how new is this style of diplomacy?
National affairs
JobKeeper and JobSeeker 2.0 look like failing three vital tests
Adam Triggs
20 July 2020
To be effective, their new versions need to be permanent, generous and consistent
National affairs
No time for austerity
John Quiggin
17 July 2020
John Maynard Keynes and the proponents of Modern Monetary Theory can agree on at least one thing
National affairs
Taking it to a new level
Michael Bartos
16 July 2020
A sustainable Covid-19 strategy will mean paying much closer attention to people’s movements, and where they gather along the way
National affairs
“I think you are playing the ‘Vice-Regal’ hand with skill and wisdom”
Mike Steketee
15 July 2020
The Queen’s private secretary walked a very fine line during the months leading up to the dismissal
National affairs
Don’t expect President Biden to fix Australia’s international problems
Adam Triggs
13 July 2020
A Biden administration won’t help with China and trade, and might even make things worse
National affairs
Universities, a shared crisis, and two centre-right governments
Glyn Davis
13 July 2020
Britain and Australia have reacted very differently to the pandemic’s impact on higher education
National affairs
Hard-hat utopians
John Quiggin
12 July 2020
State and federal strategies are ignoring where the jobs really are
National affairs
Policing the borders
Jane McAdam
8 July 2020
Checkpoints on the NSW–Victoria border recall more acrimonious moves one hundred years ago
National affairs
Labor’s preferential treatment
Tim Colebatch
7 July 2020
The party’s victory in Eden-Monaro came down to two largely overlooked factors
National affairs
A lesson in humility
Michael Bartos
6 July 2020
Victoria’s experience underlines the need to acknowledge that Covid-19 outbreaks are inevitable and prepare better for them
National affairs
Raising the price of war
Adam Triggs
6 July 2020
The government should focus less on war preparation and more on war prevention
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