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National affairs
National affairs
The weakest links
Adam Triggs
2 March 2020
The coronavirus’s biggest threat comes from panicky consumers and inept policymakers
National affairs
ASIO’s home truths
Paul Barratt
27 February 2020
The security agency’s first public threat assessment was fine, as far as it went
National affairs
Labor’s biggest climate problem is itself
Peter Brent
25 February 2020
… and an obsession with well-paid miners isn’t helping
National affairs
What the sports rorts scandal tells us about health spending
Jennifer Doggett
21 February 2020
Politically motivated spending is dwarfing the controversy that claimed a minister
National affairs
Publishers, platforms and policy détente
James Meese
20 February 2020
As the implications of the ACCC’s recommendations on digital platforms continue to unfold, the political challenges aren’t getting any easier
National affairs
Rural rebels
Norman Abjorensen
20 February 2020
National Party infighting has a long but generally subterranean history
National affairs
Time to think differently — but just how differently?
Jane Goodall
20 February 2020
The aftermath of the fires is a perfect opportunity to test the concept of a basic income
National affairs
Worst-case economics
John Quiggin
19 February 2020
Opportunity cost still matters in deciding the best ways of tackling climate change, but the timeframe has shrunk dramatically
National affairs
Walking wounded
Peter Brent
14 February 2020
Scott Morrison will always have 18 May 2019, but is that enough?
National affairs
Gap year
Lesley Russell
13 February 2020
The latest Closing the Gap report brings cause both for scepticism and for guarded optimism
National affairs
Millennial madness
John Quiggin
10 February 2020
Which generation has the biggest stake in the absurdities of the generation game?
National affairs
From Europe, a carbon game changer?
Peter Brent
6 February 2020
Australia continues to flounder, but help could be on the way from the new president of the European Commission
National affairs
Precautionary principles
Melissa Sweet
6 February 2020
Can infectious disease outbreaks help strengthen Australia’s response to another health crisis?
National affairs
Why we can’t afford passive government
Adam Triggs
5 February 2020
Australia entered the year in bad shape, and things will only get worse without a change in direction
National affairs
Big-hat blues
Norman Abjorensen
4 February 2020
Will a Victorian MP save the National Party from itself?
National affairs
In defence of Bridget McKenzie
Ian McAuley
30 January 2020
The National Party minister has become the scapegoat for systemically poor administration
National affairs
Invest with the best
John Quiggin
29 January 2020
With governments failing to act, divesting from carbon-based fuel investments is more important than ever
National affairs
Will we finally look clearly at facial recognition technology?
Ellen Broad
24 January 2020
Revelations about Clearview AI’s harvesting of online images challenge us all to think carefully about this technology’s impacts
National affairs
How good is Matt Kean?
Brett Evans
22 January 2020
The NSW environment minister wasn’t speaking only on his own behalf
National affairs
Conviction politics
Peter Brent
17 January 2020
Will it take international pressure for the Coalition to finally budge on climate change?
National affairs
Outside the comfort zone
Peter Brent
8 January 2020
Twitter’s roiling, and even the real world is wondering how the prime minister burned through his political capital so quickly
National affairs
The summer Scott Morrison’s leadership broke
Frank Bongiorno
3 January 2020
The prime minister’s political authority has fallen away more quickly than anyone could have imagined
National affairs
The Brexit blame game
Peter Brent
3 January 2020
Some supporters of Jeremy Corbyn think Brexit explains Labour’s defeat. But the evidence is scant
National affairs
Slow burn
John Quiggin
1 January 2020
Hundreds more deaths will result from the particulates created by Australia’s current crop of bushfires
National affairs
The economic case for increasing Newstart
Adam Triggs
30 December 2019
There’s more than one good reason to lift the payment to jobseekers
National affairs
John Cain was a leader of integrity, courage and vision… and still he lost Victoria’s top job
Tim Colebatch
23 December 2019
The former premier’s reputation has been unfairly distorted by his opponents
National affairs
Tides of opinion
John Quiggin
16 December 2019
Generational divides don’t explain much, though attitudes to climate and culture seem to be exceptions
National affairs
Long knives, short memories
James Murphy
9 December 2019
Do bureaucratic shake-ups have the benefits prime ministers are hoping for?
National affairs
Australia versus big tech
James Panichi
9 December 2019
Australian policymakers don’t share technology companies’ belief in a borderless world
National affairs
Falling behind, but not going backwards
Tim Colebatch
5 December 2019
Business and household demand shrank by 0.3 per cent in the year to September, leaving government and exports to fuel Australia’s modest per capita growth
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