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National affairs
National affairs
And the winner of the NSW election will be…
Peter Brent
13 March 2019
Our psephological correspondent sticks his neck out
National affairs
Australia’s own border wall
Peter Mares
11 March 2019
Our “state of exception” combines disturbing practices, cost blowouts and chaotic administration
National affairs
Close enough could be good enough
David Clune
9 March 2019
Far from being a disaster in New South Wales, minority government could bring lasting reforms
National affairs
It’s not where we are, it’s where we’re heading
Tim Colebatch
7 March 2019
This week’s GDP data adds to the uncertainty facing the government and the Reserve Bank
National affairs
Could Julie Bishop win the next election?
Peter Brent
5 March 2019
It wasn’t a moderate’s turn to be leader, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work
National affairs
Twilight of the Liberals?
Tim Colebatch
4 March 2019
Map the Victorian election results onto federal seats, add a dash of history, and the prognosis is grim
National affairs
Pell’s freeze is over
Jeremy Gans
27 February 2019
In this case, above all, justice needed to be seen to be done
National affairs
Australia’s “next great social policy reform”
Tom Greenwell
26 February 2019
The Morrison government ignores the case for expanding access to preschool education at its peril
National affairs
Why do institutions fail to protect children?
Jennifer Martin & Matthew Ricketson
26 February 2019
With the child sexual abuse royal commission handing down its report, what have we learned so far about the dynamics of abusive institutions?
National affairs
Big-spending blues
David Clune
25 February 2019
The NSW government’s privatisation and investment strategy has fallen out of sync with the electoral cycle
National affairs
Dinner with Adam Smith
Brett Evans
22 February 2019
Conflict of interest allegations have turned an unsought spotlight on the Big Four consulting firms
National affairs
Fixing the Murray-Darling Basin
David Lewis & John Langford
22 February 2019
Good science is vital to rescuing the Basin, but the SA royal commission pushes the argument too far
National affairs
Is the “biggest story” getting the best coverage?
Wanning Sun
21 February 2019
Can the ABC fill some of the blind spots in its China-related reporting?
National affairs
Julie Bishop was (half) right
Brian Toohey
21 February 2019
The convention that neither side of politics comments on the operation of intelligence agencies really only benefits agencies, the government and (sometimes) the opposition
National affairs
Time’s up for this failed experiment
Paddy Gourley
20 February 2019
The creation of the Department of Home Affairs broke the rules of good government. Labor should commit to dismantling it
National affairs
Explaining the unexplained at Home Affairs
Asher Hirsch
19 February 2019
The PM says Hakeem al-Araibi will be a citizen very soon, but a new audit office report reveals why most refugees are waiting so long for citizenship
National affairs
Too much grassroots activism — and too little time?
Stephen Mills
18 February 2019
Is Labor’s election mobilisation hitting its limits?
National affairs
Votes by the boatload?
Peter Brent
18 February 2019
Don’t bet on it: experience suggests that asylum seekers won’t be the deciding factor in May
National affairs
Labor’s big-ticket risk-minimisation strategy
Jennifer Doggett
15 February 2019
Would a Health Reform Commission give a Labor government the cover it needs to deal with powerful interest groups?
National affairs
Nothing to fear but fear itself
Rodney Tiffen
14 February 2019
The major parties’ contrasting campaign styles have been on display this week
National affairs
Opportunity knocks, at a cost
John Quiggin
13 February 2019
Regardless of what happens next, the economic logic of the Rocky Hill decision will eventually prevail
National affairs
The Higgins curse
James Murphy
13 February 2019
Is life too easy for MPs representing this well-heeled Melbourne electorate?
National affairs
Frankly courageous, shadow minister
Peter Brent
12 February 2019
Buoyed by the 2016 election result, Labor has been thinking big — with all the danger that entails
National affairs
Why the banks should be more like Bunnings
Tim Colebatch
6 February 2019
Kenneth Hayne has shown the way ahead for government, regulators and the banks themselves
National affairs
What could possibly go wrong?
Michael Gill
5 February 2019
Hayne calls for surgery, Frydenberg takes a tablet
National affairs
“They did because they could”: the royal commission in its own words
Kenneth Hayne
5 February 2019
Key passages from the report of the banking and finance royal commission, selected by
Tim Colebatch
National affairs
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves
Peter Brent
4 February 2019
History suggests we shouldn’t expect a surge in Liberal-leaning independents
National affairs
Follow the money
Graeme Orr
4 February 2019
How culture and cash co-mingle in shaping political campaigning
National affairs
Cashing in on carbon reduction
Richard Holden & Rosalind Dixon
4 February 2019
Can parliament agree to a plan that would benefit all Australians while reducing emissions?
National affairs
For sale: a local paper near you
Margaret Simons
3 February 2019
Private equity forms are reported to be circling the regional papers Nine Entertainment inherited from Fairfax. What is at stake?
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