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National affairs
National affairs
Getting from here to net zero
Tim Colebatch
20 October 2021
As Australia continues to dodge, the International Energy Agency issues a blueprint for action
National affairs
Presidential politics
John Hawkins
18 October 2021
Australia got a new president this week. But it’s not a name you might recognise
National affairs
China can easily manage a property crash. That’s the problem
Adam Triggs
12 October 2021
The Chinese government’s power to control the fallout from a property crash is a reminder of just how far it has to go — and how far it has gone backwards — in freeing its…
National affairs
Crossbench on a roll?
Peter Brent
8 October 2021
Where do the “Voices” campaigns have their best chances of winning seats at the next federal election?
National affairs
Information warfare
Margaret Simons
8 October 2021
Did the campaign to punish Melbourne’s daily papers for questioning Dan Andrews’s government hit its mark?
National affairs
Matt Kean’s electric vehicle diplomacy
Giles Parkinson
6 October 2021
Has the NSW environment minister changed the new premier’s mind about climate?
National affairs
The twentieth century still has us in its grip
John Quiggin
5 October 2021
A male-dominated political culture runs deep
National affairs
An intersection society no more?
Carol Johnson
4 October 2021
Australia’s retreat to the Anglosphere has implications beyond defence and trade
National affairs
State of exception
Norman Abjorensen
3 October 2021
The distinctive political culture of New South Wales could reach its apogee — with national effects — when Dominic Perrottet takes the top job
National affairs
Time out for a rural moderate
Brett Evans
1 October 2021
What drives Darren Chester, the Nationals MP who has boycotted his own party room?
National affairs
Betting on both sides
Adam Triggs
27 September 2021
Largely hidden from view, cross-ownership of competing companies is damaging the economy and fuelling inequality
National affairs
Asking the wrong questions about housing
Peter Mares
24 September 2021
It might be ill-conceived, but at least the latest inquiry into housing affordability is generating high-quality evidence
National affairs
Going nuclear
Nicholas Stuart
23 September 2021
The AUKUS alliance represents a dramatic step away from multilateral diplomacy. Or is it a first step towards an independent nuclear deterrent?
National affairs
Revolving doors and poisoned chalices
Sara Dowse
22 September 2021
Female politicians are no longer rare, and the prospect of a female PM nowhere near as challenging. What seems to matter is how they get there
National affairs
Signing up
Hamish McDonald
19 September 2021
Has Australia committed itself to going to war over Taiwan? (And other awkward questions about this week’s submarine switch)
National affairs
The Australian versus the Press Council, again
Margaret Simons
16 September 2021
With the Murdoch paper continuing to insist on a veto over adjudicators, it’s time for the industry body to bite the bullet
National affairs
The ghost of governments past
Peter Brent
15 September 2021
Is Kristina Keneally’s arrival in Fowler a symptom of Labor’s fear of the electorate?
National affairs
A last chance for easy reform
Adam Triggs
14 September 2021
The post-Delta economic boom will be shorter and smaller, but it might be the government’s last chance to implement reform during good times
National affairs
Jim Middleton
12 September 2021
John Howard’s response to a single question twenty years ago still reverberates
National affairs
The elephants in the courtroom
Jeremy Gans
10 September 2021
The justice system’s dealings with the police officer accused of killing Kumanjayi Walker are shadowed by cases past
National affairs
Crossbench dreaming
Peter Brent
10 September 2021
Crossbenchers could play a bigger role after the election, but only one of them is likely to be a Greens MP
National affairs
When targets run up against reality
Mike Steketee
9 September 2021
Australia’s recycling ambitions aren’t being matched by action
National affairs
What about other avoidable deaths?
John Quiggin
7 September 2021
Should we
learn to live with Covid?
National affairs
Managing the transition
Michael Bartos
1 September 2021
Flexibility will be almost as important as focus for controlling Covid-19 in the months ahead
National affairs
Taper trouble
Adam Triggs
31 August 2021
Developing countries could experience a wave of financial pain when the rich world lifts interest rates. But it doesn’t have to be that way
National affairs
Banking their winnings
Helen Bird
27 August 2021
Despite the early fanfare, the government has backed down on key recommendations of the banking royal commission in the face of industry lobbying
National affairs
Good ideas going nowhere
Peter Mares
27 August 2021
Timid governments need shaking up — but the pressure won’t come from the top
National affairs
Covid’s message for carbon reduction
John Quiggin
26 August 2021
The road to reduced emissions is clear
National affairs
Up close and personal
Peter Brent
24 August 2021
With the next federal election no more than nine months away, which seats should we be watching?
National affairs
Lock down smarter, not harder
Daniel Reeders
24 August 2021
Deepening lockdowns don’t reflect what we know about how the virus spreads
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