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National affairs
National affairs
Morrison’s message: nothing’s changed
Mike Steketee
23 August 2021
The prime minister is gripped by myths about asylum seekers that have hardened into articles of faith on both sides of parliament
National affairs
The kids aren’t alright
Frank Bongiorno and Emily Gallagher
22 August 2021
Have children been silenced and forgotten in Australia’s Covid response?
National affairs
Things that weren’t supposed to happen
Judith Ireland
20 August 2021
This unexpected PM has been in the Lodge for longer than Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull or Kevin Rudd
National affairs
The Covid boom we could do without
Adam Triggs
19 August 2021
Mergers and acquisitions are booming, but their benefits are often overstated and their costs greater than ever
National affairs
Whitlam’s message to Labor
Carol Johnson
16 August 2021
Neutralising Coalition fear campaigns isn’t enough. Anthony Albanese needs to evoke positive emotions too
National affairs
No way out?
Robert Milliken
12 August 2021
Twenty years — and many billions of dollars — later, Australia’s failed system of offshore detention lingers on
National affairs
Recipe for a one-term government
John Quiggin
10 August 2021
Labor’s capitulation on tax policy may help them regain government, but what then?
National affairs
The problem with “geoeconomics”
Adam Triggs
3 August 2021
When security masquerades as economics, the result is a poorer and less secure society
National affairs
It has to be worth it
Peter Brent
3 August 2021
State governments are getting most of the credit for tackling Covid-19, regardless of what they do
National affairs
Is this the NDIS’s robodebt moment?
Mike Steketee
30 July 2021
Are exaggerated fears about the cost of the disability scheme pushing it further from its founding principles?
National affairs
The price of privacy
James Panichi
30 July 2021
A case that began in the Irish courts is shaping Australia’s efforts to update its 1980s privacy laws
National affairs
Passport to the future
John Quiggin
29 July 2021
Decisions being made in Europe and the United States highlight the virus-control choices facing Australia
National affairs
Does one size fit all?
Catherine Bennett
29 July 2021
Lockdowns have become the go-to option. But are governments making the most of our learned experience?
National affairs
Can Scott Morrison reinvent himself?
Carol Johnson
27 July 2021
The lingering virus has thrown the Coalition’s re-election strategy into disarray
National affairs
Tribal gridlock
John Daley
27 July 2021
A hardening of shibboleths is eating away at good government
National affairs
Shock turns to surprise
Norman Abjorensen
26 July 2021
The fallout from Queensland’s Liberal–National merger continues with the resignation of former premier Campbell Newman
National affairs
Caught in the headlights
Tristan Edis
23 July 2021
On climate, Barnaby Joyce is a speed bump about to be run over by a monster truck
National affairs
Can Crown go down?
Charles Livingstone
22 July 2021
Submissions to the Victorian royal commission add to a powerful case against the once-burgeoning company
National affairs
Discomfort zone
Peter Brent
21 July 2021
Political authority is a precious commodity. Use it or lose it
National affairs
Does immigration mean lower wages?
Adam Triggs
20 July 2021
Despite the popularly held belief, there is no evidence that immigration reduces wages in Australia
National affairs
Bylines and bygones
Margaret Simons
16 July 2021
No longer “crazy universities,” newsrooms are slowly adapting to a more challenging environment
National affairs
Rolling out the barrel
Ian McAuley
16 July 2021
Electoral bribery is expensive, wasteful and probably ineffective. And why is Canberra funding car parks anyway?
National affairs
Reaper redux?
Daniel Reeders
15 July 2021
Fear campaigns might suit government, but HIV/AIDS showed us what really works
National affairs
Cometh the hour
Peter Brent
13 July 2021
We only find out what kind of PM a politician makes once they’re in office. But who’s most likely to get there?
National affairs
One failure too many
John Quiggin
13 July 2021
Sydney’s outbreak highlights the need to make hard choices
National affairs
A little jab, now and then
Frank Bongiorno
9 July 2021
The federal government’s handling of vaccinations shows how much damage has been done to the public sector
National affairs
The best form of defence?
Hamish McDonald
9 July 2021
Being an effective defence minister will require much more than Peter Dutton’s impulse to hang tough
National affairs
Australia’s productivity gamble
Adam Triggs
6 July 2021
The government is gambling that productivity growth will soon return to normal. Luckily, big reform is still possible
National affairs
The National Archives matter for government as well
Mark Finnane
2 July 2021
More than a “nation’s memory” is at stake in the funding debate
National affairs
Shadow pandemic
Paul McGorrery and Marilyn McMahon
2 July 2021
Proposed NSW legisation focuses a new lens on domestic abuse
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