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National affairs
National affairs
The National Archives matter for government as well
Mark Finnane
2 July 2021
More than a “nation’s memory” is at stake in the funding debate
National affairs
Shadow pandemic
Paul McGorrery and Marilyn McMahon
2 July 2021
Proposed NSW legisation focuses a new lens on domestic abuse
National affairs
The watchdog that sometimes barked
Margaret Simons
2 July 2021
The Press Council faces renewed calls for reform
National affairs
How we tumbled down the Covid-19 league table
Lesley Russell
1 July 2021
This week’s blow-up between the premiers and the PM was triggered by the latest in a series of bad decisions about vaccination
National affairs
It’s official: debt isn’t the problem
John Edwards
30 June 2021
The 2021 Intergenerational Report marks a decisive shift in Australia’s economic debate
National affairs
The right time for a perpetual opportunity
John Quiggin
30 June 2021
A class of government bonds with a long history would provide a low-cost way of funding public investment
National affairs
The place of reconciliation
Amanda Nettelbeck
29 June 2021
Does our opening up to Indigenous history work best locally?
National affairs
Questions about cabinet
Judith Ireland
25 June 2021
Barnaby Joyce is just one of a remarkable number of federal ministers dogged by reputational issues
National affairs
Understanding the Covid trust bump
Sora Park
23 June 2021
What lessons can be learned from the increase in news consumption and trust in the media at the height of the pandemic?
National affairs
Timing is (almost) everything
Peter Brent
22 June 2021
Can a referendum on the Voice to Parliament succeed?
National affairs
Fighting carbon with finance
Adam Triggs
22 June 2021
Our success in fighting climate change will hinge on whether our financial system is up to the task
National affairs
A certain class of consent
Alecia Simmonds
18 June 2021
Is a concept drawn from contract law the best test of sexual assault?
National affairs
Labor’s mistaken Mediscare
Jennifer Doggett
18 June 2021
Despite the opposition’s resistance, the government’s changes to the Medicare schedule deserve to proceed
National affairs
What Four Corners did and didn’t do
Margaret Simons
16 June 2021
Their origins might be murky, but Scott Morrison would be wise to deal more fully with the allegations about his friendship with Tim Stewart
National affairs
Dr X meets his end
Frank Bongiorno
12 June 2021
Buying the Sydney Swans bolstered the swashbuckling 1980s image of medical entrepreneur Geoffrey Edelsten, who died this week
National affairs
Sixth time lucky?
Brett Evans
10 June 2021
Yet again, NSW Labor pins its hopes on a change of leader
National affairs
Immunity in the dock
James Panichi
10 June 2021
Australia’s criminal cartel law has hit its first speed hump
National affairs
Chain reaction
Adam Triggs
8 June 2021
Reducing Australia’s reliance on international supply chains is mostly unnecessary and could actually increase the risk of shortages
National affairs
Fighting the good fight
Rodney Tiffen
7 June 2021
So far, the prime minister’s religious views haven’t affected his popularity. But will that last?
National affairs
Not drowning, fighting
Jo Chandler
3 June 2021
Have reporters’ cliches got in the way of understanding how Pacific islanders are dealing with climate change?
National affairs
When bravado trumps reporting
Margaret Simons
1 June 2021
The pandemic has brought out the best and the worst in journalism
National affairs
The end of the population pyramid
John Quiggin
1 June 2021
Fears about a declining birthrate reflect a twentieth-century view of how the economy works
National affairs
Come in spinner
Judith Ireland
28 May 2021
Announcing five inquiries in response to Brittany Higgins’s allegations was the easy bit. Now the government is trying to manage their impact
National affairs
How Australia’s Covid-19 debt will look after itself
Adam Triggs
24 May 2021
Concerns that the government’s post-pandenic debt will need to be repaid by future generations don’t stack up
National affairs
By-election beat-up
Peter Brent
24 May 2021
Last held by Labor in 1910, Upper Hunter stays in the hands of the Nats after Saturday’s vote
National affairs
This year’s budget, last year’s spending
Tim Colebatch
21 May 2021
Despite a booming state economy, the Victorian government plans even more stimulus
National affairs
Good news week
Margaret Simons
21 May 2021
Has the government broken its habit of making political appointments to the ABC board?
National affairs
The budget’s thylacine-chasing days are over
John Quiggin
18 May 2021
The economy has entered an era that demands new thinking
National affairs
Right time, right speech
Peter Brent
14 May 2021
Why Anthony Albanese’s budget reply was fit for purpose
National affairs
Malcolm’s war of independents
Brett Evans
14 May 2021
The former prime minister is playing an intriguing role in a closely watched by-election
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