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Showing 1 - 14 of 14 results for:
National affairs
Feeling the heat
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
4 August 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| Record-breaking “heat index” scores highlight the growing impact of climate change, writes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
National affairs
Asking the right questions about extreme weather
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
24 November 2015
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| It’s not a simple case of cause and effect, writes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
National affairs
How hot was autumn?
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
3 June 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| Autumn could scarcely have been hotter, says
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
in this overview of a record-breaking season
National affairs
Malcolm Roberts versus a century and a half of science
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
31 August 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| If the new One Nation senator wants empirical evidence, he can take his pick from 150 years of research, says
National affairs
Underwater extremes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
27 April 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| With much of the Earth covered by oceans, a different kind of heatwave is attracting attention, writes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
National affairs
When El Niño met the Indian Ocean Dipole
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
20 October 2015
Diary of a climate scientist
| This year’s El Niño could be a whopper, writes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
, but we still don’t know exactly what…
National affairs
A monster of a month
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
22 March 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| El Niño is only part of the explanation for a record-breaking February, writes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
National affairs
CSIRO and climate: the devil in the detail
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
25 February 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| Cutting funding at this stage of climate change research comes with enormous risks, writes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
National affairs
Suddenly, the future doesn’t seem so far away
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
27 April 2017
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| What happens when a scientist is about to become a parent?
National affairs
The lowdown on South Australia’s high-impact storm
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
6 October 2016
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| Assessing the contribution of climate change to the South Australian storms isn’t straightforward
Wherever you are, heatwaves are getting relatively worse
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
25 August 2015
Diary of a climate scientist
| Even the “top of Europe” suffers in a heatwave, writes
Sarah Perkins
. And worldwide they’re becoming more frequent and more intense
National affairs
How should we feel about climate change?
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
23 September 2015
Diary of a climate scientist
| Where do emotions fit into the work of scientists who study climate, asks
Sarah Perkins
National affairs
If not now, when?
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
13 November 2019
Diary of a Climate Scientist
| Bushfires and climate change are undoubtedly linked, so it’s time to get serious
National affairs
Age of extremes
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
10 December 2018
There’s no doubt that Australia is experiencing a rising number of severe weather events