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Losing hearts and minds
Rowan Callick
13 January 2020
Taiwanese voters add their voice to opponents of Xi Jinping’s ambitions
National affairs
Australia’s Brexit?
Sam Roggeveen
25 November 2019
Loss of confidence in political parties could translate into disengagement from our region
Succession time in Singapore?
Michael Barr
4 August 2019
Is a tired prime minister Lee Hsien Loong set to hand over the reins?
Books & arts
Australia’s forgotten internationalist
David Fettling
31 May 2019
| Labor’s Ben Chifley played a key role in breaking down Australia’s fortress mentality
Old strategy with a new twist
Dave McCrae and Dirk Tomsa
15 April 2019
Why is the likely loser of the Indonesian election already crying foul?
Indonesia’s polarisation paradox
Ross Tapsell
28 March 2019
Has social media created an artificial atmosphere around this year’s election?
India’s experiment in majority government is almost over
Tony O’Grady
27 March 2019
The South Asian giant will be back in more familiar territory after the May election
Where does North Korea go from here?
Justin Hastings
5 March 2019
The Hanoi summit might have failed to reach an agreement, but it highlighted the dilemmas facing the regime
China’s lost opportunity
Kerry Brown
11 February 2019
Trump, Brexit and right-wing populism created an opening for Xi Jinping and his colleagues, but their fears proved too deep
Essays & reportage
The universities at the end of the universe
Robbie Robertson
24 September 2018
The Ramsay Centre is still seeking a home for its Western civilisation course, but the concept itself doesn’t stand up to scrutiny
“When we vote, we expect change”
Erin Handley & Kong Meta
30 July 2018
An inevitable election result in Cambodia has attracted international condemnation and resignation tinged with defiance among supporters of the opposition
“I’ll tell you, they are all exactly the same”
Rosita Armytage
27 July 2018
Imran Khan the prime minister won’t necessarily look like Imran Khan the candidate
“Here we are, living it again, as though we didn’t learn our lesson”
Margaret Simons
4 July 2018
| Filipino senator Risa Hontiveros faces jail for protecting witnesses to a brutal state-sponsored killing. Has the country’s politics come full circle?
Is North Korea behaving differently this time?
Justin Hastings
19 June 2018
With an economy in transition, the regime is under greater pressure to reach a deal
What sort of country will Malaysia become?
Tim Colebatch
16 May 2018
Can the five parties of the governing coalition reconcile very different priorities?
Books & arts
Europe heads east, Asia heads west
Louise Merrington
16 May 2018
| A former Portugese politician provides a unique perspective on the landmass that stretches from France to China
Malaysia’s day on edge
Amrita Malhi
11 May 2018
Having won the most seats, the opposition parties endured twenty-four hours of suspense. Was the old government working on plan B?
One Malaysia, two Chinas
Amrita Malhi
29 April 2018
Asia’s giant is playing an outsized role in Malaysia’s election campaign
Domestic disharmony
Kerry Brown & Marya Shakil
23 April 2018
India’s Narendra Modi visits China this week as the two countries continue to grapple with internal challenges
Books & arts
Asia’s rise: the rules and the rulers
Graeme Dobell
15 February 2018
Review essay
| As the regional balance continues to shift, resolving the tension between history and geography is becoming more urgent for Australia
Wintry thaw on the Korean Peninsula
Jingdong Yuan
29 January 2018
Can the major powers capitalise on the shift in North–South relations?
Books & arts
ASEAN as a bloody miracle
Graeme Dobell
12 December 2017
| Somehow, this extraordinarily diverse group of countries has held together for half a century. Can it last?
Duterte opens up a new front
Norman Abjorensen
10 November 2017
Letter from Manila
| Even the highest reaches of the law might not be immune to Rodrigo Duterte’s assault on accountability
The calm before the storm?
Kerry Brown
28 October 2017
What did an orderly party congress reveal about China’s priorities for the next half-decade?
Nothing happened
Walter Hamilton
23 October 2017
Bad weather and new parties weren’t enough to loosen Shinzo Abe’s grip on Japanese politics. But a low turnout suggests widespread dissatisfaction
Japan’s unhopeful choice
Walter Hamilton
15 October 2017
Despite a high-profile new party, Japanese voters still don’t have a real alternative, writes a former ABC correspondent
Does Aung San Suu Kyi believe what she’s saying?
Thomas Kean
22 September 2017
With the National League for Democracy and the military looking ahead to the next election, pressure from the West is having limited impact in Myanmar
Essays & reportage
Red pen on academic freedom?
John Fitzgerald
21 September 2017
Australian universities need to guard against the possibility that collaborations with their Chinese peers could undermine free enquiry
Books & arts
British India: the case for the prosecution
Robin Jeffrey
1 September 2017
| Shashi Tharoor’s vigorous rejoinder to defenders of empire teaches other lessons as well
The man to watch in China’s transitional year
Kerry Brown
25 August 2017
In the run-up to the 19th Party Congress, all eyes are on Wang Qishan, the public face of China’s anti-corruption drive
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