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National affairs
Need growth? Scrap policies that favour rich people and monopolies
Adam Triggs
1 June 2020
Breaking self-perpetuating cycles of rising inequality will be key to Australia’s economic recovery
National affairs
The new power of Nev Power
Brett Evans
20 May 2020
Is the PM’s recovery supremo the right person for the job?
National affairs
Wrong medicine
Jennifer Doggett
18 May 2020
Greg Hunt looks set to sign another flawed agreement with the powerful Pharmacy Guild
Essays & reportage
When Kerry Packer met his match
Rodney Tiffen
14 May 2020
Malcolm Turnbull spilled the beans on Kerry Packer’s secret plans for Fairfax back in 1991. So why are his memoirs so coy about this key episode?
Books & arts
The Prince
Frank Bongiorno
26 April 2020
| Energy, ambition, bravado and intellect — so what went wrong for Malcolm Turnbull?
National affairs
Covid-19 and Virgin: another monopoly or another bailout?
Adam Triggs
20 April 2020
Many questions need to be answered before the government intervenes in the airline’s plight
Books & arts
Was the future better yesterday?
Peter Browne
16 February 2020
What explains the apparent success of populist politics?
How Australia’s love affair with coal looks from afar, and why it matters
Klaus Neumann
4 February 2020
Europeans have been watching Australia’s bushfires and climate change policies with growing dismay
Essays & reportage
You, me, data and the city
Sarah Barns
18 December 2019
Is the data-rich city taking on a life of its own? And can Hugh Stretton’s
Ideas for Australian Cities
help us navigate its hazards?
National affairs
Australia versus big tech
James Panichi
9 December 2019
Australian policymakers don’t share technology companies’ belief in a borderless world
Essays & reportage
More Star Trek than Terminator?
Joshua Gans and Andrew Leigh
25 November 2019
Can the hopes of tech optimists and the fears of tech pessimists be reconciled?
National affairs
Big tech in the dock
James Panichi
21 November 2019
The world is watching a David and Goliath battle in the Federal Court
Essays & reportage
Is Goodstart just the beginning?
Mike Steketee
22 October 2019
Can a successful social investment model be used in aged care and elsewhere?
National affairs
Too dumb and too China-dependent?
Adam Triggs
22 October 2019
Criticisms of Australia’s exports misunderstand how trade and markets work
Essays & reportage
The hipster trustbusters
Danielle Wood
15 October 2019
How young lawyers are leading the backlash against the biggest companies
National affairs
With friends like these
Norman Abjorensen
19 September 2019
Tetchy relations between business and the Liberal Party are far from new
Books & arts
Inappropriate lobbying? Australia doesn’t compare so well
Nicholas Stuart
4 September 2019
A new book shows how it’s being done better — but the first question is whether the will exists
National affairs
Last gasp for the Packer mystique?
Rodney Tiffen
27 August 2019
His father’s media empire is long gone, but James Packer is still treated with kid gloves by both sides of politics
Essays & reportage
Want to reduce the power of the finance sector? Start by looking at climate change
John Quiggin
19 August 2019
Despite their lingering power, banks and financiers needn’t be untouchable
From the archive
Fabber & Fabber
Jock Given
16 August 2019
The Russell Square twins, Fabberdum and Fabberdee, Fabber & Fabber — whatever the nickname, the story of the famed London publisher reveals a lot about how creative…
National affairs
What the ACCC thinks about journalism
Margaret Simons
30 July 2019
Much has been written about what the regulator thinks of the big digital platforms, but what do its recommendations mean for reporting and analysis?
Essays & reportage
A progressive agenda for tackling Australia’s productivity crisis
Andrew Leigh
28 July 2019
Cutting working conditions won’t get us out of the current malaise
National affairs
Nearly three decades of economic growth — and yet…
John Edwards
8 July 2019
The Reserve Bank is running out of ways of tackling Australia’s economic malaise
From the archive
Bad bosses
Brett Evans
4 July 2019
Why do we end up with so many inept leaders?
National affairs
The next global downturn could be a nasty one
Adam Triggs
26 April 2019
But governments can act in advance to minimise its size and duration
National affairs
The revenge of Billy Hughes
James Panichi
23 April 2019
A century after the one-time attorney-general’s legislation was shot down by the Privy Council, Australia’s new criminal cartel law is up and running
National affairs
Big-end blues
Carol Johnson
16 April 2019
Despite moderating its rhetoric, Labor once again faces concerted campaigning from business groups
National affairs
Fraying empire
Rodney Tiffen
9 April 2019
New York Times
has illuminated a key period in the evolution of Rupert Murdoch’s businesses, but its coverage of the mogul’s Australian activities is less helpful
National affairs
Ending the franchise to exploit your franchisees
Tim Colebatch
15 March 2019
Only the
and its siblings recognised the big story of the day
Recovered Lives
Forthright and hardworking, this corsetmaker founded a retail empire
Barbara Dawson
8 March 2019
Ann Hordern (c. 1791–1871), founder of Anthony Hordern & Sons
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