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From the archive
Shanghai, July 1921
Linda Jaivin
30 June 2021
When communist delegates met secretly in Shanghai in July 1921, their individual fates — as well as their party’s — were impossible to foresee
Beijing’s war on memory
Louisa Lim
9 June 2021
The speed and range of the crackdown in Hong Kong has been dizzying
Books & arts
Beijing blackout
Mark Baker
21 May 2021
The departure of Australia’s last correspondents from Beijing has made a volatile situation worse
Books & arts
At a hinge point in history
Jane Goodall
19 May 2021
Stan Grant distils his travels into an argument about the future
From the archive
Becoming Taiwanese
Klaus Neumann
18 May 2021
Memories and identities have proved surprisingly adaptable in a society forged by migration
Books & arts
Everything under heaven
Linda Jaivin
17 May 2021
How do you squeeze China’s history into 250 pages?
National affairs
China’s gift to transparency campaigners
James Panichi
7 May 2021
Foreign influence laws are highlighting the shortcomings of Australia’s rules for lobbyists
Essays & reportage
Is there life after Xi?
Richard McGregor and Jude Blanchette
30 April 2021
The Chinese president has rewritten the post-Mao rules, and the global implications could be profound
National affairs
Is China’s claim to Taiwan approaching its end game?
Hamish McDonald
30 April 2021
And what would that mean for Australia?
The Americans are coming
Nic Maclellan
15 April 2021
Fearful of growing Chinese influence, the Trump White House pledged increased engagement with the Pacific islands. Will Joe Biden follow suit?
National affairs
What to do about China?
Adam Triggs
5 April 2021
Australia is struggling to live with China, but can’t live without it. What can be done?
From the archive
Mao’s ghostly grip
Kerry Brown
24 February 2021
The Cultural Revolution still has a hold over China’s leaders
Books & arts
When great friends are no help
John Edwards
10 February 2021
| Australia’s decision to join the United States in competition with China has backfired damagingly
Books & arts
Restless minds
Hamish McDonald
2 February 2021
| Historian Tim Harper enters the hidden world of early-twentieth-century Asian revolutionaries
Books & arts
Reinventing China
Kerry Brown
20 November 2020
| In the desire to change China do we risk rewriting its history?
National affairs
Winging it to Japan
Hamish McDonald
18 November 2020
A new defence agreement with Japan raises as many questions as it answers
Books & arts
Good war, long war, whose war?
Antonia Finnane
9 November 2020
| China is reshaping how its citizens view the second world war
Sabres rattling in Beijing
Hamish McDonald
27 October 2020
With the Taiwan dilemma deepening, Australia might be forced to take a stand
National affairs
Cut trade with China? It’s not that easy
Adam Triggs
27 October 2020
Treat with care the claims that Australia can readily diversify its trade and investment
National affairs
Senator Abetz’s loyalty test
Yun Jiang
20 October 2020
Chinese Australians are being singled out by overwrought politicians
Essays & reportage
Australia–China relations and the Trump factor
John Fitzgerald
14 October 2020
Australia was pursuing an independent approach well before the US president upended the strategic order
National affairs
Left in the lurch by Xi Jinping?
John Quiggin
6 October 2020
Australia’s coal enthusiasts pinned their hopes on Chinese purchases that are looking increasingly unlikely
Another front in Beijing’s war against difference
Kerry Brown
29 September 2020
Amid an economic boom, protests in Inner Mongolia reflect wider tensions
National affairs
Mission accomplished?
Michael Bartos
25 August 2020
Behind the growing Covid-19 optimism is worrying political and geopolitical manoeuvring
Essays & reportage
Is time running out for the Chinese economy?
Saul Eslake
17 August 2020
The figures show that Xi Jinping presides over a system that’s more resilient than its critics acknowledge
Hong Kong’s ever-adaptable dissenters
Antony Dapiran
14 August 2020
The city’s protesters are using unconventional methods to navigate a legal minefield
Essays & reportage
His country, weak or strong
Hamish McDonald
3 August 2020
It’s the question confounding observers: is China lashing out from a sense of weakness or strength?
PNG’s peril is Beijing’s chance
Rowan Callick
16 July 2020
Are economic troubles edging Papua New Guinea closer to China?
Hong Kong’s second handover
Antony Dapiran
9 July 2020
China’s new security law makes life near impossible for the territory’s pan-democrats
National affairs
Raising the price of war
Adam Triggs
6 July 2020
The government should focus less on war preparation and more on war prevention
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