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National affairs
Raising the price of war
Adam Triggs
6 July 2020
The government should focus less on war preparation and more on war prevention
National affairs
Australia’s soft-power gap
Paul Barratt
2 July 2020
The launch of two new defence reports highlights the government’s preoccupation with military force and the American alliance
Books & arts
In plain sight
Hamish McDonald
24 June 2020
| Is Beijing really waging a successful war against the West?
Books & arts
War by other means
Tom Uren
28 April 2020
The Hacker and the State
vividly describes the growing importance of cyber operations in nation armouries
Books & arts
The heart of a reconnected world
Graeme Dobell
23 March 2020
| How the Asia-Pacific became the Indo-Pacific, with a brief stop-off in the Asian century
Doomsday postponed
Andy Butfoy
13 March 2020
Did a fifty-year-old treaty really increase the possibility of nuclear war?
The paradox of the People’s Liberation Army
Kerry Brown and Sophie Wushuang Yi
4 December 2019
Tightly controlled and generously funded, the PLA hasn’t seen battle overseas since 1979
National affairs
China’s postmodern experiment
Hamish McDonald
3 September 2019
Xi Jinping’s strategy has become clearer, and it needs a more sophisticated response from the West
National affairs
Australia’s US–China dilemma
Paul Barratt
20 August 2019
With careful thought and skilful diplomacy, Australia can navigate its way through the confrontation between Washington and Beijing
Books & arts
A strategist turns his guns on defence
Nicholas Stuart
9 July 2019
| Hugh White draws on his insider knowledge to pose all the right questions
Essays & reportage
How mateship made way for freedom, democracy and rule of law
John Fitzgerald
5 July 2019
Australia’s diplomatic language has evolved during a period of instability and risk, but is practice following?
National affairs
Shooting the messengers
Hamish McDonald
6 June 2019
This week’s AFP raids fit a pattern of crackdowns under the Coalition
Missile envy
Andy Butfoy
6 February 2019
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem set on undoing the historic achievement of their 1980s predecessors
Not the new cold war
Graeme Dobell
27 November 2018
“Hot peace” is a much better label for this period of competing powers within a single system
National affairs
How, and why, do we go to war?
Paul Barratt
17 August 2018
Special Forces should not be exempt from the rules of warfare, says a former head of the defence department. But there’s also a deeper question: how do we make the decision to…
Essays & reportage
China and Australia’s fifth icy age
Graeme Dobell
10 May 2018
Relations have been cool before, and will be cool again — though domestic issues are complicating the picture
National affairs
A Macron moment
Natalie J. Doyle
3 May 2018
Macronmania came to Australia this week, but back in France the president might be facing his “Thatcher moment”
National affairs
In Vanuatu, it’s he says, Xi says
Graeme Smith
13 April 2018
And the truth about China’s intentions probably lies somewhere between
Books & arts
Asia’s rise: the rules and the rulers
Graeme Dobell
15 February 2018
Review essay
| As the regional balance continues to shift, resolving the tension between history and geography is becoming more urgent for Australia
President Trump’s button
Andy Butfoy
5 February 2018
What does the latest
Nuclear Posture Review
tell us about America’s likely actions?
National affairs
Bright hopes, dark visions
Graeme Dobell
23 November 2017
The government’s foreign policy white paper attempts a delicate balancing act
A costly bluffing game
Hugh White
31 July 2017
Empty threats by the Trump administration are serving Beijing’s interests
Books & arts
The fearfully pragmatic heart of Australian diplomacy
Graeme Dobell
20 June 2017
| Australia’s diplomatic capabilities are about to be tested again
“Offensive, defensive, everything”
Andy Butfoy
9 March 2017
Character and content can be hard to disentangle in assessing Donald Trump’s international security policies
Handing the initiative to China
John Fitzgerald
19 January 2017
Donald Trump undermines the global rules-based order at America’s own peril, and Australia risks being caught in the backwash
Obama’s nuclear legacy
Andy Butfoy
28 November 2016
Has Donald Trump been handed a large, up-to-date arsenal?
Books & arts
Enemies old and new
Brian Toohey
2 November 2016
| The latest volume of the official ASIO history reveals tensions with successive governments, but still no firm evidence that Soviet agents operated within its ranks
National affairs
The price of secrecy
Brian Toohey
4 October 2016
A new account of Britain’s nuclear tests in Australia reveals a long history of damaging suppression
National affairs
Keeping the sea lanes open: a cost–benefit analysis
John Quiggin
17 March 2016
Defence and economics mix in ways that aren’t considered by military strategists, writes
John Quiggin
Books & arts
Jane Goodall
13 November 2015
| What kind of species are we? A night in front of the TV had some answers, writes
Jane Goodall
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